All Cast
Cast List: G
- Leon Gabbison (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in Revolution of the Daleks)
- Christopher Gable (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sharaz Jek in The Caves of Androzani: Part One)
- Daniel Gabrie (cast as Rappel/Phantom Voices in Big Finish: The Genocide Machine)
- Alison Gabriel (cast as Cast in Factual: Comedy Sketches: The Corridor Sketch)
- Nancy Gabrielle (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Prisoner in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Theresa Gadd (cast as Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Lionel Gadsden (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Aztec in The Aztecs: The Temple of Evil)
- Sean Gaffney (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Ann Gaibrial (cast as Airport Personnel in The Faceless Ones: Episode 5)
- Neil Gaiman (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The First Doctor)
- Peter Gain (cast as UNIT Army Truck Drivers in Planet of the Dead)
- Dan Gaisford (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Jack Galagher (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Alexsandr Karadjic in Big Finish: The Fearmonger)
- Jaleelah Galbraith (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Refugee in Utopia)
- Mariah Gale (cast as Eliza in Knock Knock)
- Sarah Gale (cast as Rosa Caiman/Samba Girl/Tannoy Voice/Ticket Inspector in Big Finish: Loups-Garoux)
- Aruhan Galieva (cast as Tahira in Can You Hear Me?)
- George Gallaccio (cast as Face in The Brain of Morbius: Part Four)
- Stirling Gallacher (cast as Isobel in Big Finish: The Dispossessed)
- Anne Gallagher (cast as UNIT Soldier in The Power Of Three)
- Sean Gallagher (cast as Chip in New Earth)
- Teresa Gallagher (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Snowfire in Big Finish: Circular Time: Spring)
- Tony Gallagher (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Policeman in The Sound of Drums)
- Yvonne Gallagher (cast as Romana in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Craig Gallivan (cast as Jonathan in Torchwood: From Out of the Rain)
- Jack Galloway (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Joseph Willow in The Awakening: Part One)
- Colin Galton (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Wino in Father's Day)
- Rollo Gamble (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Winstanley in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Michael Gambon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kazran Sardick in A Christmas Carol)
- Dino Gamecho (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Student in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Jai Gamer (cast as Army Soldier in Turn Left)
- William Gaminara (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Lord Alfred de Souza in Big Finish: Lady Christina: It Takes a Thief)
- Lee Gammon (cast as Self in Factual: From Script to Screen)
- Ravin J Ganatra (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Mahajan in Torchwood: Golden Age)
- Tom Gandl (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Visitation: Part Two)
- Peter Gandy (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- David Ganly (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Quarren Maguire in Big Finish: The Time War: The Starship of Theseus)
- Sheryl Gannaway (cast as Holly Barrett in Big Finish: An Earthly Child)
- Paul Ganney (cast in 24 episodes, e.g. Crowd ADR in Last of the Time Lords)
- Chris Gannon (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Casey in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Paul Ganny (cast as ADR in New Earth)
- Ken Garady (cast as Thal in Aaru Movies: Dr Who and the Daleks)
- Richard Garaghty (cast as Robot 2 in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- James Garbutt (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Ronson in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Two)
- Adam Garcia (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Alex in The Christmas Invasion)
- Francesca Garcia (cast as Female Passenger in Mummy On The Orient Express)
- Francisca Garcia (cast as European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Henry Garcia (cast as Man At Arms in The Crusade: The Knight of Jaffa)
- Joanna Garcia (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sea Base Personnel in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Graeme Garden (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Prof Ivor Fassbinder in Big Finish: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)
- Alex Gardener (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Paramedic in Partners in Crime)
- Edward Gardener (cast as Rocket in Stageshows: The Curse Of The Daleks)
- Paula Gardener (cast as Double Bass in Voyage of the Damned)
- Sally Gardener (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Vincent Gardener (cast as Wholewealer in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Jamie Gardiner (cast as Submariner in Cold War)
- Rick Gardiner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Sally Gardiner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Townswoman in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- Alex Gardner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Paramedics in Smith and Jones)
- Anthony Gardner (cast as Alvis in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Bradley Gardner (cast as Sergeant Pete Wilson in Big Finish: Dominion)
- Elizabeth Gardner (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Red Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Jimmy Gardner (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Chenchu in Marco Polo: Five Hundred Eyes)
- Julie Gardner (cast in 18 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: A New Dimension)
- Laura Gardner (cast as Female expert in Torchwood: The New World)
- Lynn Gardner (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Announcer in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Matthew Gardner (cast as Waterboy in The Long Game)
- Oliver Gardner (cast as Audience in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Salo Gardner (cast as Lazar in Terminus: Part Two)
- Sarah Gardner (cast as Visitor (Argolis) in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Tony Gardner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stapleton Petherbridge in Big Finish: The Wrong Doctors)
- Jock Gardyne (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Andrew Garfield (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Frank in Daleks in Manhattan)
- David Garfield (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. von Weich in The War Games: Episode Three)
- Jared Garfield (cast as Ben in Twice Upon A Time)
- Ella Garlan (cast as Anna Volokova in Big Finish: Zone 10)
- Bunty Garland (cast as Woman in market in The Romans: All Roads Lead to Rome)
- Ella Garland (cast as Nexo in Big Finish: Missing Persons: The Revenant's Carnival)
- Michael Garland (cast as Clement in Big Finish: The Council of Nicaea)
- Stephen Garlick (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Ibbotson in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Anne Lyken Garner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Anthony Garner (cast as Garm in Stageshows: Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys To Doomsday)
- Craig Garner (cast as Emojibot in Smile)
- Elli Garnett (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Caroline in Rose)
- James Garnon (cast as Sebastian/Gorlan in Big Finish: The Two Masters)
- Fred Garratt (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part One)
- Louise Garrett Evans (cast as Girl in The God Complex)
- Ricky Garrett (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Bannerman in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Ros Garrett (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Mandie Garrigan (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Screaming Woman in The Crimson Horror)
- Mary Garripoli (cast as Woman Tourist in Torchwood: Dead of Night)
- Kay Garrod (cast as Hostage in Journey's End)
- Ann Garry Lee (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Passenger in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Ken Garside (cast as Lee Harvey Oswald in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- David Garth (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Solicitor Grey in The Highlanders: Episode 1)
- Helen Garton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Marcus Garvey (cast as Frank Spiggot in Big Finish: The Romance of Crime)
- Peter Garvie-Adams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guard (Varos) in Vengeance on Varos: Part One)
- John Garvin (cast as Carney in Fury From the Deep: Episode 1)
- Brittnee Garza (cast as Worker in Torchwood: The Middle Men)
- Teresa Garza (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Spanish Newsreader in Torchwood: Escape to L.A.)
- Lucy Gaskell (cast as Kathy Nightingale in Blink)
- Harold Gasnier (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Stephen Gately (cast as Tommy Tomorrow in Big Finish: Horror of Glam Rock)
- Peter Gates Fleming (cast in 24 episodes, e.g. Guardolier in Timelash: Part One)
- Mark Gatiss (cast in 56 episodes, e.g. Professor Lazarus in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Frank Gatliff (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Ortron in The Monster of Peladon: Part One)
- Ncuti Gatwa (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Chloe Gatward (cast as Dancer in Rogue)
- Christos Gauci (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passer in Deep Breath)
- Genevieve Gaunt (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Corporal Linda Maxwell in Big Finish: The Helliax Rift)
- Tilly Gaunt (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Olivia Sayle/Jancey in Big Finish: The Fourth Wall)
- William Gaunt (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Orcini in Revelation of the Daleks: Part One)
- Richard Gauntlett (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Urak in Time and the Rani: Part One)
- Ela Gaworzewska (cast as Christopher in Big Finish: Love and War)
- Maggie Baiton Gawpers (cast as Gawper in The Crimson Horror)
- Diane Gay (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls)
- Maria Gay (cast as Prison Guard in The End of Time: Part One)
- Julia Gaye (cast as Argolin in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Lorna Gayle (cast as Helen in Torchwood: Adrift)
- Avril Gaynor (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Band (colony) in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Akin Gazi (cast as Carter in The Doctor's Daughter)
- Bayo Gbadamosi (cast as Vincey in Empress Of Mars)
- Rowland Geall (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Soldier in Terror of the Zygons: Part One)
- Brian Gear (cast as Nunton Guard in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Daniel Gear (cast as Child in The Wedding of River Song)
- Katie Gear (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Child in Closing Time)
- Rhys Gear (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Joseph Marchwood in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Eternity Trap: Episode One)
- Nicholas Gecks (cast as Albert Dumfries in The Sound of Drums)
- Donald Gee (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Eckersley in The Monster of Peladon: Part One)
- Maisie Gee (cast as Young Nun in The Time of the Doctor)
- Charlotte Gees (cast as Lab Assistants in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Ian Gelder (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Mr. Dekker in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One)
- Becci Gemmell (cast as Julie in Big Finish: Trail of the White Worm)
- Hannah Genesius (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Ana Janze in Big Finish: The Genesis Chamber)
- Daniel Geoff (cast as The Doctor in The Runaway Bride)
- Victoria George-Veale (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Waitress in Mummy On The Orient Express)
- Ellis George (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Courtney Woods in The Caretaker)
- Frank George (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Monoid in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Garry Lloyd George (cast as Male Cleric in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Garry George (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Gary George (cast as Bank Customer in Time Heist)
- Ian William George (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in The Name of the Doctor)
- James George (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Slater in Big Finish: The Condemned)
- Sean George (cast as Pie Seller in The Shakespeare Code)
- Victoria George (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Patient in The Empty Child)
- Wilson M George (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Movellan in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Connie Georges (cast as Person in Pub in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Trevor Georges (cast as Vicar in The Runaway Bride)
- Tom Georgeson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Kavell in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Three)
- Bernadette Gepheart (cast as Robin Archer in Other Productions: The Airzone Solution)
- Kwesi Gepi Attee (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Guest in New Earth)
- Martyn Geraint (cast as Vinny in Delta and the Bannermen: Part Two)
- Alan Gerrard (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Bovem in The Dominators: Episode 2)
- Anne Gethin (cast as Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- David Gethin (cast as Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- Davood Ghadami (cast as Jim in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Farzin Gharvy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. ISA Worker in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Raj Ghatak (cast in 25 episodes, e.g. Pilot in Big Finish: Sync)
- Eliot Gibbins (cast as Puppeteer in Joy to the World)
- Jennifer Gibbon (cast as Woman with Dogs in Flatline)
- Johnny Gibbon (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Michael in Big Finish: Breaking Bubbles)
- Lorna Gibbons (cast as River Song in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- Tom Gibbons (cast as Young Man in The Time of the Doctor)
- Tony Gibbons (cast as Sales Rep #2 in Planet of the Ood)
- lain Gibbons (cast as Brain Guest [Bar] in The Power Of Three)
- Adrian Gibbs (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Rysik in Full Circle: Part One)
- Bea Gibbs (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- George Gibbs (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Joe Gibbs (cast as Teenager in The End of Time: Part One)
- Joyce Gibbs (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. The Spinster in Big Finish: The Masquerade of Death)
- Julie Gibbs (cast as Bernie's Mum in Torchwood: Ghost Machine)
- Orlando Gibbs (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Harvey in Big Finish: The Eighth of March: Emancipation)
- Roberta Gibbs (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Romana in The Stones of Blood: Part Two)
- Richard Gibso (cast as Mitchell in Big Finish: Flip-Flop)
- Felicity Gibson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Kando in The Dominators: Episode 1)
- Ken Gibson (cast as Jamie in The Wheel In Space: Episode 1)
- Louis Gibson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Three)
- Millie Gibson (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Ruby Sunday in The Devil's Chord)
- Richard Gibson (cast as Colonel McKenna in Big Finish: Warlock's Cross)
- Stephen Giffard (cast as Cart Driver - Monk in Tooth and Claw)
- Alec Gifford (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Association Man in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part Three)
- Gabrelle Gifford (cast as Sister in The Night of the Doctor)
- Wendy Gifford (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Miss Garrett in The Ice Warriors: One)
- Charles Gilbert (cast as Passer By in The Massacre: War of God)
- Derrick Gilbert (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Armand Vallance in The Wheel In Space: Episode 2)
- Henry Gilbert (cast as Torbis in The Curse of Peladon: Episode One)
- Kenneth Gilbert (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Richard Dunbar in The Seeds of Doom: Part One)
- Marcus Gilbert (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ancelyn in Battlefield: Part One)
- Matthew Gilbert (cast as Ambassadors in The End Of The World)
- Oliver Gilbert (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Dalek Voice in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Selina Gilbert (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Happiness Patrol in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Verdi Gilbert (cast as Theatre Audience in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four)
- George Giles (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guard Captain in The Curse of Peladon: Episode Three)
- Steven Giles (cast as Window Salesman in Last of the Time Lords)
- Don Gilet (cast as Lance Bennett in The Runaway Bride)
- Pearl Gilham (cast as Visitor (Argolis) in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Allan Gill (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Andy Gill (cast as Chamberlain Man in The Shakespeare Code)
- Caroline Gill (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Foreman Cleaves in The Rebel Flesh)
- John Gill (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Oak in Fury From the Deep: Episode 2)
- Mandip Gill (cast in 31 episodes, e.g. Yasmin Khan in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Robert Gill (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Lycurgus in Big Finish: The Eighth of March: Emancipation)
- Sheila Gill (cast as Matron in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Karen Gillan (cast in 79 episodes, e.g. Amy Pond in The Eleventh Hour)
- Julian Gillard (cast as Lab Worker in The Power Of Three)
- Nick Gillard (cast as Turlough in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Adam Gillen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Toby Silverman in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Eternity Trap: Episode One)
- Gilbert Gillen (cast as Cybermen in The Five Doctors)
- Gabriella Gillespie (cast as Voice of Doll in Night Terrors)
- Shirley Gillespie (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Debra Gillett (cast as Rita Connolly in The Idiot's Lantern)
- John Gillett (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Gravis in Frontios: Part Two)
- Andy Gillies (cast as CSO Matthew in The Caretaker)
- James Stirling Gillies (cast as Film Crew in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Richard Gilliland (cast as Congrassman Morganthall in Torchwood: Dead of Night)
- Brian Gilman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Daffodil Man in Terror of the Autons: Episode Three)
- Craig Gilman (cast as (extra) in Battlefield: Part Four)
- Paul Gilman (cast as Control Room Assistant in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 5)
- Brian Gilmar (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. IMC Guard in Colony In Space: Episode Six)
- Peter Gilmore (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Brazen in Frontios: Part One)
- Paul Ginns (cast as Stunts in Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter Five)
- Patrick Ginter (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Soldier in Terror of the Zygons: Part One)
- Simon Gipps-Kent (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Seth in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- Jordan Gitahi (cast as Passers-By in Flatline)
- Jeremy Gittins (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Lazlo in Warriors' Gate: Part One)
- Renato Gjini (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Maya Glace-Green (cast as Young Mels in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Ursula Gladville (cast as Paris Citizen in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Gabrielle Glaister (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Mrs Maggie Bishop in Big Finish: The Forsaken)
- Troy Glasgow (cast as Angelo in The Time of Angels)
- Danny Glass (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Redcoat in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Richard Glaves (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Howard in Big Finish: The Final Amendment)
- Peter Glaze (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. 3rd Sensorite in The Sensorites: Hidden Danger)
- Karen Gledhill (cast in 40 episodes, e.g. Allison in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Colette Gleeson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Caris in Meglos: Part One)
- John Gleeson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Thal Soldier in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Six)
- Michael Gleeson (cast as Chancellery Guard in The Day of The Doctor)
- David Glen (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Tourist in Louve in City of Death: Part One)
- Finlay Glen (cast as Mawvik in Big Finish: Memory Lane)
- Georgie Glen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mrs King in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith: Episode One)
- Iain Glen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Octavian in The Time of Angels)
- Robert Glenister (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Salateen in The Caves of Androzani: Part One)
- Anthony Glennon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Courtmaster Cruel in Big Finish: The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story)
- Kevin Glenny (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Thal in The Daleks: The Escape)
- Leslie Glenroy (cast as (extra) in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- John Glentoran (cast as Coven Member in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Alain Glet (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sontaran in Asylum of the Daleks: Pond Life)
- Sean Glider (cast as Sycorax Leader in The Christmas Invasion)
- Brian Glover (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Griffiths in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Jamie Glover (cast in 19 episodes, e.g. William Russell in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Jon Glover (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Shansheeth in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor: Episode Two)
- Julian Glover (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Richard the Lionheart in The Crusade: The Lion)
- Pamela Glover (cast as Female Brain Drained Customer in Time Heist)
- Val Glover (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Citizen in Full Circle: Part Two)
- Frank Glowski (cast as (extra) in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part Four)
- Gruffudd Glyn (cast as Pikeman Lloyd Llewelyn in The Woman Who Lived)
- Gerard Glynn (cast as Male Passenger in Mummy On The Orient Express)
- Jonny Glynn (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. man in the rain in Big Finish: God Among Us - Part 2: Flight 405)
- Denis Goacher (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Control Voice in The Macra Terror: Episode 2)
- Joycea Goborn (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sea Base Personnel in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Leon Gocoul (cast as Neighbour in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Andy Godbold (cast as The Doctor in The Bells of Saint John)
- Andy Goddard (cast as Self in Factual: Christmas 2008 Special)
- Beth Goddard (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Sister Helena in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon: Part One)
- Ewan Goddard (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Talpa in Big Finish: Maker Of Demons)
- Jane Goddard (cast in 26 episodes, e.g. Nicola Savage in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Real Time: Episode Six)
- Liza Goddard (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Kari in Terminus: Part One)
- Mark Goddard (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Martin Goddard (cast as Crowd in Smith and Jones)
- Matthew Goddard (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Paul Goddard (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Trisha Goddard (cast as Self in Army of Ghosts)
- Nick Godding (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Godfrey (cast as Self in Factual: The Science of Doctor Who)
- Bryan Godfrey (cast as Villager in The Awakening: Part Two)
- Michael Godfrey (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Captain Pike in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Patrick Godfrey (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Tor in The Savages: Episode 1)
- Roy Godfrey (cast as Tramp in The War Machines: Episode 2)
- Christopher Goding (cast as The Doctor in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Krystian Godlewski (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Maxim Ivanov in Big Finish: Zone 10)
- Kerry Godliman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Karen in Big Finish: The Eight Truths)
- Jill Godston (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lady in Waiting (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Rusty Goffe (cast as Little John in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Nicholas Goh (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Li H'Sen Chang / Mr Sin in Big Finish: Diary of River Song: Series 6: An Unearthly Woman)
- Gary Gold (cast as Anethan Corpse in The Horns of Nimon: Part Four)
- Jeanie Gold (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- Louise Gold (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. President Grosseteste in Big Finish: Tales From New Earth: Escape From New New York)
- Murray Gold (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Guitar in Voyage of the Damned)
- Harold Goldblatt (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Professor Dale in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Lucy Goldie (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sath / Mother in Big Finish: Missy - Series One: A Spoonful of Mayhem)
- Michael Goldie (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Craddock in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Nicky Goldie (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Empress in Big Finish: Winter for the Adept)
- Nicky Golding (cast as Nurse Rosa Kitzel in Big Finish: Just War)
- Sorrell Golding (cast as Peasant in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Tom Golding (cast as Lad in Last of the Time Lords)
- Eric Goldini (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Holiday Maker in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Alison Goldsmith (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. ADR in The Long Game)
- Michael Goldsmith (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Roman Groom in The Waters of Mars)
- Sandra Goldsmith (cast as Spectator (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Brett Goldstein (cast as Astos in The Tsuranga Conundrum)
- Gill Goldston (cast as Lazar in Terminus: Part One)
- Jill Goldston (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Masquer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Mark Goldthorp (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Androvax in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets: Episode One)
- Poppie Grace Goldup (cast as Clara in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Helen Goldwyn (cast in 32 episodes, e.g. Nikki Hunter/Pelagia Stamatis/Corporal Croft in Big Finish: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor)
- Lynn Golliday (cast as Passer By in Shada: Part Two)
- Gill Golsston (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Three)
- Jai Gomer (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in The Sound of Drums)
- Luke Gomes (cast as Stunts in Boom)
- Carmen Gomez (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Anita in The Two Doctors: Part One)
- John Gomez (cast as Daleks in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Michelle Gomez (cast in 31 episodes, e.g. The Master in Deep Breath)
- Christopher Good (cast as Morgan in The Beast Below)
- Clarice Good (cast as Theatre Audience in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four)
- Laurie Good (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Tigellan in Meglos: Part One)
- Maurice Good (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Phineas Clanton in The Gunfighters: A Holiday for the Doctor)
- Ronald Goodall (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Three)
- Daniel Goode (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Mark / Roy in Big Finish: Missy - Series One: A Spoonful of Mayhem)
- Howard Goode (cast as Courtier in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Laurie Goode (cast in 21 episodes, e.g. Mutt in The Mutants: Episode Three)
- Susan Goode (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Cheetah in Survival: Part One)
- Pethrow Gooden (cast as Shop Assistant in Torchwood: Something Borrowed)
- David Gooderson (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Davros in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Two)
- Kerry Gooderson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Little Girl in Big Finish: The Torchwood Archive)
- Nic Goodey (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Gantok in The Wedding of River Song)
- Kenneth Goodfellow (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Cathy Goodhead (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Beggar in The Next Doctor)
- Remi Gooding (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Rupert Pink in Listen)
- Tim Goodings (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Earthshock: Part Three)
- Lara Goodison (cast as Caroline Lake in The Next Doctor)
- Alan Goodliffe (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Tom Goodman-Hill (cast as Reverend Golightly in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Gracy Goodman (cast as Mrs Woods in The Caretaker)
- Joey Goodman (cast as Teenage Boy in Death in Heaven)
- Keith Goodman (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in The Moonbase: Episode 3)
- Misha Goodman (cast as Voice of Frederic in The Next Doctor)
- Robert Goodman (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Hyperion Crew in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Twelve)
- Robert Goodman (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Reg in Listen)
- Walter Goodman (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Emma Goodwin (cast as Spectator in The Wedding of River Song)
- Jeff Goodwin (cast as Time Lord in The Sound of Drums)
- Trudie Goodwin (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Faith in Big Finish: Susan's War: Sphere of Influence)
- Ernie Goodyear (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Acolyte in The Face of Evil: Part Three)
- Jennie Goossens (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Judge Engin in Big Finish: Graceless IV: The Bomb)
- Jan Goram (cast as Body in Pallet in The Ark In Space: Part One)
- Patricia Gordino (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Axon Woman in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Michael Gordon-Browne (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Mute (ArmagaddonFactor) in The Armageddon Factor: Part Six)
- Alexander Gordon (cast as Taine in Big Finish: Gallifrey V: Evolution)
- Arne Gordon (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Hrostar in The Web Planet: The Zarbi)
- Colin Gordon (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Commandant in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Emma Gordon (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- George Gordon (cast as Gundan in Warriors' Gate: Part Two)
- Hannah Gordon (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Kirsty in The Highlanders: Episode 1)
- Margot Gordon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Bi-Al Member in The Invisible Enemy: Part Two)
- Martin Gordon (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Prison Officer in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Michael Gordon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Xeron in The Space Museum: The Search)
- Natasha Gordon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vivian in Class: For Tonight We Might Die)
- Yvonne Gordon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Cleric in The Time of the Doctor)
- Marius Goring (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Theodore Maxtible in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 2)
- Demetri Goritsas (cast as Jack's Father in Torchwood: Adam)
- Burn Gorman (cast in 36 episodes, e.g. Owen Harper in Torchwood: Everything Changes)
- Pat Gorman (cast in 112 episodes, e.g. Silurian Scientist in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 5)
- Paul Gorman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part One)
- Neill Gorton (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Ultimate Guide)
- Bill Gosling (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Technician 3 in The Tenth Planet: Episode 2)
- Sharon Gosling (cast as Athenian Women in Big Finish: The Oracle of Delphi)
- Samuel Gosrani (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Eris in Big Finish: Time War 2: Havoc)
- James Goss (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The New World of Dr Who)
- Kevin Goss (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Trooper (Resurrection) in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Waynne Goss (cast as Floor Zero Crew in The Parting of the Ways)
- Howard Gossington (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. No 12 in Big Finish: House of Blue Fire)
- Gordon Gostelow (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Milo Clancey in The Space Pirates: Episode Two)
- Steve Gostelow (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: 30 Years In The TARDIS)
- Marilyn Gothard (cast as Mrs Briggs in The Chase: Flight Through Eternity)
- Mark Gottshalk (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Crone in The Next Doctor)
- Brian Gough (cast as Circus Performer in Terror of the Autons: Episode Two)
- Daffyd Gough (cast as Kitchen Staff in Voyage of the Damned)
- Dan Gough (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Kelly Gough (cast as Kharrus in Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart)
- Michael Gough (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Toymaker in The Celestial Toymaker: The Celestial Toyroom)
- Ronald Gough (cast in 25 episodes, e.g. Technician in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Ben Gould (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Hanna Gould (cast as Mission Control Staff in The Christmas Invasion)
- Michael Gould (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Frederick Lindemann in Big Finish: The Churchill Years (Volume One): The Oncoming Storm)
- Paul Zeph Gould (cast as Mechanic in The Christmas Invasion)
- Philip Gould (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passer By in The Crimson Horror)
- Dean Goulden (cast as Self in Factual: Doctor Who Extra: Robot Of Sherwood)
- Richard Goulding (cast as John Quarrington in Big Finish: The End of the Beginning)
- Mathew Gourlay (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Boy in Human Nature)
- Victoria Gourlay (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Martin Gower (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tyheer in Timelash: Part One)
- Melanie Gowie (cast as (extra) in The Unquiet Dead)
- Angela Gowing (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Panicking/Irate Person in Aliens of London)
- Emma Grace (cast as Estate Resident in The Christmas Invasion)
- Martin Grace (cast as Thal in Aaru Movies: Dr Who and the Daleks)
- Nickolas Grace (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Albert Einstein in Death is the Only Answer)
- Nikolas Grace (cast as Straxus in Big Finish: Sisters of the Flame)
- Carrie Gracie (cast as Newsreader in Torchwood: End of Days)
- Mike Grady (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mr Hardwick in Big Finish: Jago & Litefoot Series 04: Jago in Love)
- Anita Graham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Bollitt in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Ann Graham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Three)
- David J Graham (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Coven in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- David Graham (cast in 43 episodes, e.g. Dalek Voice in The Daleks: The Survivors)
- Hazel Graham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Child Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Julie Graham (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Ruby White in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith: Episode One)
- Matthew Graham (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Fright Stuff)
- Roger Graham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Resistance Man in The War Games: Episode Five)
- Sam Graham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guthrie in Big Finish: City of Spires)
- Thaddea Graham (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Bel in Village of the Angels: Flux: Chapter Four)
- Tony Graham (cast as Think Tank Scientist in Shada: Part One)
- Valerie Graham (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- David J Grahame (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Passer By in The Massacre: War of God)
- Leonard Grahame (cast as Darcy Tranton in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Luke Grahame (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Teselecta Officer in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Gawn Grainger (cast as George Stephenson in The Mark of the Rani: Part Two)
- Tom Grainger (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- Rose Granger (cast as (extra) in World War Three)
- David Grant Wright (cast as Male anchor in Torchwood: The New World)
- Beverley Grant (cast as Slave Worker in Day of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Brian Grant (cast as Self in Factual: The Dark Side)
- Claudia Grant (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Carole Ann Ford in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- David Grant (cast as Stunts in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Hugh Grant (cast as The Twelfth Doctor in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death: Part Four)
- Martin Grant (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Masquer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Richard E. Grant (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Doctor Simeon in The Snowmen)
- Robert Grant (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kroton in The Krotons: Episode Two)
- Sarah Grant (cast as Passer-By in Father's Day)
- Sheila Grant (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Jane Leeson in Colony In Space: Episode One)
- Steph Grant (cast as Dummy in Rose)
- Steve Grant (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Soldiers (UNIT) in The Bells of Saint John)
- Thomas Grant (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Peter Summerfield in Big Finish: The Crystal of Cantus)
- Leslie Grantham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Kiston in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- William Grantham (cast as Self in Factual: The New World of Dr Who)
- Alan Granville (cast as Waxworks Visitor / Auton Replica in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Edward Granville (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Xeron in The Space Museum: The Search)
- Ursula Granville (cast as Woman in market in The Romans: The Slave Traders)
- Matthew Gravelle (cast as Voice of Kerblam in Kerblam!)
- Matthew Gravelle (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Security Guard in Torchwood: Asylum)
- Rupert Graves (cast as Riddell in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Billy Gray (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Bandit (Chloris) in The Creature from the Pit: Part Four)
- Dolores Gray (cast as Mrs Remington in Silver Nemesis: Part Three)
- Elspet Gray (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Chancellor Thalia in Arc of Infinity: Part One)
- Eva Gray (cast as Donna's Friend in Turn Left)
- June Gray (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Technician (inferno Project) in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Katherine Gray (cast as Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Neil Gray (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Crowd ADR in Last of the Time Lords)
- Oliver Gray (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. MC in Stageshows: The Ultimate Adventure)
- John Grayson (cast as Library Person in Forest of the Dead)
- Tina Greatex (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mistress in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part One)
- Richard Greatorex (cast as Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Lennox Greaves (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Brian Hughes in Big Finish: The Shadow of the Scourge)
- Bertie Green (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Technician (inferno Project) in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Bombadier A Green (cast as Soldier (mind of Evil) in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Daphne Green (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Slave/Prisoner in mine in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Waking Ally)
- David Green (cast as BBC Security in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Fraser Leigh Green (cast as Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Jimmy Green (cast as Grooms Man in Deep Breath)
- John Paul Green (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in Rise of the Cybermen)
- John Green (cast as Otwoe in Big Finish: Memories of a Tyrant)
- Jonny Green (cast in 35 episodes, e.g. Station Computer in Big Finish: The Lives of Captain Jack: The Year After I Died)
- Josh Green (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Millennium Alien in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Kirsty-Ann Green (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Secretary in Boom Town)
- Matt Green (cast as BBC Reporter in The Star Beast)
- Maxine Green (cast as African Maid in The Shakespeare Code)
- Michael Green (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Refugee in Utopia)
- Seymour Green (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Hargreaves in The Seeds of Doom: Part One)
- Will Green (cast as Young Priest in Torchwood: Immortal Sins)
- Simon Greenall (cast as Mr Skinner in Love & Monsters)
- David Greenaway (cast as Swimmer in Full Circle: Part One)
- Sam Greenaway (cast as Normal Person in The Christmas Invasion)
- Christopher Greene (cast as Tom Flanagan in Torchwood: Ghost Machine)
- James Greene (cast as The Abbott in The Bells of Saint John)
- Peter Greene (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in The Moonbase: Episode 3)
- Sarah Greene (cast as Varne in Attack of the Cybermen: Part Two)
- Paul Greenhalgh (cast as 2nd Guardian in The Ark: The Plague)
- Stephen Greenhorn (cast as Self in Factual: Sins of the Fathers)
- Michelle Greenidge (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Carla Sunday in The Church On Ruby Road)
- John Greening (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Orderly in Frontios: Part One)
- Andrew Greenough (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Jeremiah Castle in Big Finish: Jago & Litefoot Series 08: Encore of the Scorchies)
- Gary Greenslade (cast as Male Hoover in Daleks in Manhattan)
- Mark Greenstreet (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ikona in Time and the Rani: Part One)
- Alice Greenwood (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Aztec in The Aztecs: The Temple of Evil)
- Andrew Greenwood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part Two)
- Feth Greenwood (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Ood in The Impossible Planet)
- Ian Greenwood (cast as Juggler in Daleks in Manhattan)
- John Greenwood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. D'Artagnan in The Mind Robber: Episode 5)
- Karl Greenwood (cast in 14 episodes, e.g. Ood in Stageshows: Doctor Who Live)
- Lisa Greenwood (cast in 17 episodes, e.g. Flip Jackson in Big Finish: The Behemoth)
- Pamela Greer (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lizan in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Nightmare Begins)
- Beatrice Greetz (cast as Criminal in The Daleks' Master Plan: Devil's Planet)
- Jason Gregg (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest in Rise of the Cybermen)
- John Gregg (cast as Lycett in The Ark In Space: Part Three)
- George Gregney (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sedan Carrier in The Time Monster: Episode Five)
- Simon Gregor (cast as Steward in The Vampires of Venice)
- Dennis Gregory (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Guard in Planet of the Ood)
- Gary Gregory (cast as Black Maria Drivers in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- James Gregory (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Townsman in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- Julie Gregory (cast as Audience in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Leon Gregory (cast as Danny Edwards in Fear Her)
- Mark Gregory (cast as Chamberlain Man in The Shakespeare Code)
- Matthew Gregory (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Navigator in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Nigel Gregory (cast as Sergeant Wilson in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Richard Gregory (cast as Puppeteer in Time-Flight: Part Two)
- Ron Gregory (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Ronald Gregory (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Peter Greham (cast as Examination Technician in Dalek)
- Stephen Greif (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ken Temple in Big Finish: Counter-Measures: Series 1: Threshold)
- Stephen Greif (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Gurney in The Infinite Quest)
- Niall Greig Fulton (cast as Gideon Vandaleur in The Wedding of River Song)
- Joe Greig (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. 2nd Sensorite in The Sensorites: The Unwilling Warriors)
- Tamsin Greig (cast as Nurse in The Long Game)
- Brian Grellis (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Sheprah in Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Two)
- David Greneau (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd (Ancient Troy) in The Myth Makers: Small Prophet, Quick Return)
- Cynthia Grenville (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Maren in The Brain of Morbius: Part One)
- Stephen Gressleux (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Man at Arms (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Shiv Grewal (cast as Mr Raju in Big Finish: A Storm of Angels)
- Amanda Grey (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lakertyan in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- David Grey (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Rinchen in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode One)
- Jessica Grey (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kid in The Empty Child)
- Neil Grey (cast as ADR in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Clinton Greyn (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Ivo in State of Decay: Part One)
- Dorothy-Rose Gribble (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Woman Slave in The Romans: Conspiracy)
- Yuri Gridneff (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Shrieve in The Ribos Operation: Part One)
- Anna Grieve (cast as Ruby Sunday in The Devil's Chord)
- Malcolm Grieve (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in The Day of The Doctor)
- Richard Grieve (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. James Clarke in Big Finish: The Gathering)
- Aiysha Griffin (cast as Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- David Griffin (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Lt. Commander Mitchell in The Sea Devils: Episode Three)
- Gail Griffin (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Kinda in Kinda: Part Three)
- Helen Griffin (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mrs Moore in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Jamie Griffin (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Presidential Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- Mark Griffin (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Phil in The Impossible Astronaut)
- Marshall Griffin (cast as (extra) in The Day of The Doctor)
- Steve Griffin (cast as Thug in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Tamzin Griffin (cast as Trade Negotiator Vresha in Big Finish: Dreamtime)
- John Griffith-Evans (cast as Big Issue Seller in The End Of The World)
- Ayaisha Griffith (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Passer in Listen)
- Geraldine Griffith (cast as Rigsy’s Aunt in Flatline)
- John Griffith (cast as Crowd in Doomsday)
- Michael Griffith (cast as Ambrose in Big Finish: All-Consuming Fire)
- Owen Griffith (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Boy in Human Nature)
- Robin Griffith (cast as Barry Williams in Torchwood: Something Borrowed)
- Andrea Griffiths (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Female Cleric in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Ben Griffiths (cast as Self in Factual: Lords and Masters)
- Beth Griffiths (cast as Panciking/Irate Person in Aliens of London)
- Brett Griffiths (cast as Teselecta Officer in The Wedding of River Song)
- Bryn Griffiths (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Carlie Griffiths (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Dan Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in Resolution)
- Danica Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Child in The Caretaker)
- Derek Griffiths (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Jason Taylor in Big Finish: Brave New Town)
- Dorian Griffiths (cast as Panciking/Irate Person in Aliens of London)
- Elin Griffiths (cast as Clean Patient in New Earth)
- Hayley Griffiths (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Ian Griffiths (cast as Gentleman in Hide)
- Indigo Griffiths (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Brooke Robinson in Big Finish: The Dimension Cannon 2: Other Worlds: Saltwater)
- Jack Griffiths (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Jaye Griffiths (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Jac in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Joanna Griffiths (cast as Amy Carysfort in Torchwood: Dead Man Walking)
- John Griffiths (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Spike Room Journo in The Long Game)
- Katie Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Civillian UNIT Soldier in Death in Heaven)
- Lee Griffiths (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Young Vicar in Father's Day)
- Lucy Griffiths (cast as Mabel in Big Finish: The Auntie Matter)
- Mark Griffiths (cast as Sycorax in The Christmas Invasion)
- Michael Griffiths (cast as The Hunter / Kristjan in Big Finish: The Hunting Ground)
- Molly Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Angelina in The Caretaker)
- Nellie Griffiths (cast as Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Two)
- Nelly Griffiths (cast as Prisoner in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Nicola Griffiths (cast as Female Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Nicole Griffiths (cast as Teenager with BMX in Dark Water)
- Owen Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Peter Griffiths (cast as Captain Zerdin in Big Finish: Sympathy for the Devil)
- Roger Griffiths (cast as Commander Kess in Planet of the Ood)
- Ron Griffiths (cast as Wedding Guest (Church) in Father's Day)
- Sara Griffiths (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ray in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Steven Griffiths (cast as Townsman in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- Trevor Griffiths (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Mitch Griggs (cast as Child Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Danielle Grimas (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Peasant in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Jack Grisham (cast as Audience in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Paul Grist (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Filer in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Guy Groen (cast as Second Receptionist in Arc of Infinity: Part Four)
- Jonathan Groff (cast as Rogue in Rogue)
- James Grogan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Ernest Gromov (cast as BBC Employee in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Catherine Grose (cast as Princess Ælfwynn in Big Finish: The Lady of Mercia)
- Danny Groseclose (cast as Driver in The TV Movie)
- Alison Grounsell (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in Rise of the Cybermen)
- James Grout (cast as Ian in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Whatever Happened To... Susan Foreman?)
- Daryl Grove (cast as Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Five)
- Bron Grover (cast as Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- Ray Grover (cast as Crewman in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 1)
- Donald Groves (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Skonnan Elder in The Horns of Nimon: Part Two)
- Kate Groves (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Programmer/Staff in Bad Wolf)
- Ricky Groves (cast as Markus Creevy in Big Finish: Thin Ice)
- Ricky Groves (cast as Markus Creevy in Big Finish: Crime of the Century)
- Dorothy Grumbar (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Townswoman in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- Murphy Grumbar (cast in 38 episodes, e.g. Dalek Operator in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Gary Grundy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Rob Grundy (cast as Queen Guard in The Shakespeare Code)
- Paul Gruner (cast as Brauer in Big Finish: The Juggernauts)
- Paul Grunert (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Elbon in Big Finish: Fractures)
- Christopher Guard (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Bellboy in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Dominic Guard (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Olvir in Terminus: Part One)
- Kathryn Guck (cast as Yvonne Hartley in Big Finish: Spare Parts)
- John Guerrasio (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. ADR in Daleks in Manhattan)
- Simon Guerrier (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Fan in Big Finish: Wildthyme at Large)
- Tom Guerrier (cast as Alien in Big Finish: The Lost Museum)
- Brian Guest (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Alexander Peterssen in Torchwood: The New World)
- Bruce Guest (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pangol Army in The Leisure Hive: Part Four)
- John Guest (cast as Militiaman in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Keith Guest (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Visitation: Part Four)
- Michael Guest (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mongol Bandit in Marco Polo: Rider From Shang-Tu)
- John Guilor (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dr. Who in Planet of Giants: The Urge To Live (Reconstruction))
- Peter Guiney (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in The Day of The Doctor)
- Peter Guinness (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mister Dread in Dreamland)
- Robin Guiver (cast as Bill Tallow in Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
- Shobna Gulati (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Najia Khan in Arachnids In The UK)
- Natalie Gumede (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Ashley Carter in Last Christmas)
- Andrew Gunn (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: All about the Girl)
- Elaine Gunn (cast as Normal Person in The Christmas Invasion)
- Lulu Gunnery (cast as Passer By in The Snowmen)
- Sian Gunney (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Guest in New Earth)
- Jessica Gunning (cast as Stacey Campbell in Partners in Crime)
- Sneh Gupta (cast as Osborn in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Ross Gurney-Randall (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Reg in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Bob Gurney (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lorry Driver in Turn Left)
- Oskar Gustafson (cast as Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Caroline Guthrie (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Anna Campbell in Big Finish: The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 2: Dining with Death)
- Claire Gutteridge (cast as Bank of Karabraxos employee in Time Heist)
- Jocelyn Guy (cast as Hostage in Journey's End)
- Megan Gwen Davies (cast as Child in The Stolen Earth)
- Nicholas Gwyn Evans (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sycorax in The Christmas Invasion)
- Nia Gwyn Jones (cast as Wedding Guest (Church) in Father's Day)
- Lucy Gwynn (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Townswoman in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- David Gyasi (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Harvey in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Joanna van Gyseghem (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Wing in Big Finish: Graceless II: The Flood)