All Cast
Cast List: R
- Maureen Race (cast as Student at Prison in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Mo Race (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lady in Pub in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Rachael (cast as Albino Servant in The Stolen Earth)
- Daniel Radbourne (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. American Student in Last of the Time Lords)
- Joseph Radcliffe (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Young David Walker in Big Finish: Dark Eyes: 2: The Traitor)
- Johannes Radebe (cast as Himself in The Devil's Chord)
- Robert Radford (cast as (extra) in World War Three)
- Jeremy Radick (cast as Gareth in The TV Movie)
- Natasha Radiski (cast as Lena Korolev in Big Finish: Singularity)
- Christian Rae (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Labourer in Army of Ghosts)
- Danny Rae (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Guard (Colony) in The Macra Terror: Episode 4)
- Dorota Rae (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Flight Lieutenant Lavel in Battlefield: Part Two)
- Leslie Rae (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Lewis Rae (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Corporal Reid in Big Finish: Arrangements for War)
- Peter Rae (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Timothy Wilkins in Big Finish: Colditz)
- Dertinder Ragazzoli (cast as Refugee in Utopia)
- Alun Raglan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mo in Cold Blood)
- Shankari Raguvaran (cast as Neighbour in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Roy Rahaman (cast as Merchandani Grandpa in Turn Left)
- Ruchi Rai (cast as Receptionist in Joy to the World)
- Sukii Raii (cast as Soldier (New/Clean) in The Doctor's Daughter)
- Joseph Raikes (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Child in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Jack Rails (cast as Millennium Alien in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Joseph Railton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Brian Hodgson in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Chris Rainbow (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Jessica Raine (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Emma Grayling in Hide)
- Henry Rainer (cast as Waxworks Visitor / Auton Replica in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Lewis Rainer (cast as Percy Bysshe Shelly in The Haunting Of Villa Diodati)
- George Rainsford (cast as Prince Kylo in Big Finish: The Burning Prince)
- Miranda Raison (cast in 29 episodes, e.g. Tallulah in Daleks in Manhattan)
- George Raistrick (cast as Guard at Work Centre in Day of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Hussina Raja (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Magistra Alker in Big Finish: The Story So Far Volume Two: Every Dark Thought)
- Amol Rajan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Himself in 73 Yards)
- Jai Rajani (cast as Shuresh in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Mad Woman in the Attic: Episode Two)
- Mustaqeem Rajwani (cast as Journalists in The End of Time: Part One)
- Elouise Rakic-Platt (cast as Ella McAvoy in Forest of the Dead)
- Madeleine Rakic-Platt (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Lilly Frobisher in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One)
- Kit Rakusen (cast as Henry Arbinger in The Devil's Chord)
- Michael Ralph (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Ram (cast as Merchandani Kid in Turn Left)
- Sakuntala Ramanee (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Shreela in Survival: Part One)
- Ruldolph Ramil (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ship's Crew in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One)
- Rudolf Ramillo (cast as Escapee in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Simon Ramirez (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Citizen in Full Circle: Part One)
- Monica Ramone (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Colonist in Frontios: Part One)
- Zara Ramtohul-Akbur (cast as Child in The Bells of Saint John)
- Alex Ranahan (cast as 16 Year Old in Closing Time)
- Jeremy Ranchev (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Robot in The Robots of Death: Part One)
- Ashley Randall (cast as Submariner in Cold War)
- Richard Randall (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Male Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Tony Randall (cast as Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Walter Randall (cast in 17 episodes, e.g. Tonila in The Aztecs: The Warriors of Death)
- Rupert Randle (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Issy Van Randwyck (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Koreelya in Big Finish: The Ultimate Evil)
- Chris Rankin (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Jack/Andy in Big Finish: Wildthyme Reloaded: Comeback of the Scorchies)
- Peter Rann (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Gond in The Krotons: Episode One)
- David Ransley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jocondan Guard in The Twin Dilemma: Part Three)
- Mavis Ransom (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Child in An Unearthly Child: Pilot)
- Dave Rapley (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Val Rapley (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Ophir Raray (cast as The Doctor in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Selva Rasalingam (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Psychiatrist in Torchwood: Fragments)
- Rex Rashley (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Michael Rathborne (cast as Taxi Driver in The War Machines: Episode 2)
- Pippa Rathborne (cast as Production Secretary in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Douglas Rather (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Bandit (Chloris) in The Creature from the Pit: Part Four)
- Toby Ratray (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cybermen in Dark Water)
- Toby Rattery (cast as Cyberman in Nightmare in Silver)
- Iain Rattray (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Habris in State of Decay: Part One)
- Philip Rattray (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier (WWII) in The Empty Child)
- Toby Rattray (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Submariner in Cold War)
- Odile Rault (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Sanee Raval (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Xander in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 2: Love Rat)
- John Raven (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Savage in The Gunfighters: The O.K. Corral)
- Mathew Rawcliff (cast as Blue Staff in The End Of The World)
- Peter Rawdanowicz (cast as Bus Driver in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Raad Rawi (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Prince Hassan Al-Nadyr in Big Finish: Who Killed Toby Kinsella?)
- Jeff Rawle (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Plantagenet in Frontios: Part One)
- Torn Rawles (cast as Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Fred Rawlings (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Policeman in An Unearthly Child: Pilot)
- Adrian Rawlins (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Dr Ryder in Planet of the Ood)
- Penelope Rawlins (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Toshka in Big Finish: Most Wanted: Fast Times)
- Sophie Raworth (cast as Herself in The Power Of Three)
- Kate Rawson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Inge / Imp 2 in Big Finish: Ravenous 2: Seizure)
- Jonah Ray (cast as Self in Factual: The Women of Doctor Who)
- Peter Ray (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Philip Ray (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Eldred in The Seeds of Death: Episode One)
- Winnifred Ray (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Diva Rayani (cast as Indian Child in Last of the Time Lords)
- Pablo Raybould (cast as Body Guard in Daleks in Manhattan)
- Sarah Raybould (cast as Party Guest in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Helen Raye (cast as Tourist in Louve in City of Death: Part One)
- Charles Rayford (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Scientist (Kalid) in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Six)
- John Rayment (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Al Raymond (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Citizen in The Reign Of Terror: The Tyrant of France)
- Bob Raymond (cast as Atlantean Priest in The Underwater Menace: Episode 1)
- Matthew Raymond (cast as Boyfriend in Torchwood: Combat)
- Mike Raynell (cast as Scientist (Kalid) in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Six)
- Adam Rayner (cast as The Hon. Roger Curbishley in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Anthony Rayner (cast as Mine Worker in The Macra Terror: Episode 3)
- Eric Rayner (cast as General (Thal) in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Four)
- Jacqueline Rayner (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Woman in Big Finish: The Holy Terror)
- Quentin Rayner (cast as Quentin in Other Productions: The Airzone Solution)
- Tim Raynham (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Varl in The Two Doctors: Part One)
- Anthony Raynor (cast as Dancer (Colony) in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Bill Raynor (cast as Militiaman in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Helen Raynor (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Totally Doctor Who (#2.4))
- William Raynor (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Aztec in The Aztecs: The Temple of Evil)
- Michaela Rea (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Anthony Read (cast as Self in Factual: Me, You and Doctor Who: a Culture Show Special)
- Douglas Read (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part One)
- Kevin Read (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Male Cleric in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Maddy Read (cast as Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Martyn Read (cast as Security Guard in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Mery Read (cast as Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Regina Reagan (cast as Alice in Big Finish: Renaissance of the Daleks)
- Jonathan Reason (cast as Chf. Insp. Prior in Big Finish: Birthright)
- Jeannie Rebane (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Chris Reck (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Discoteque Customer in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Redacted (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Association Man in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Alison Reddihough (cast as Mercenary in Stageshows: The Ultimate Adventure)
- Ian Reddington (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Chief Clown in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Fred Redford (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Foster in The Keeper of Traken: Part One)
- Dave Redgrave (cast as Guard (Chloris) in The Creature from the Pit: Part Three)
- Jemma Redgrave (cast in 59 episodes, e.g. Kate Lethbridge-Stewart in The Power Of Three)
- Kyle Redmond-Jones (cast as James Foster in Big Finish: Binary)
- James Redmond (cast as Jan Rydd in Big Finish: Love and War)
- Julian Redmond (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Paramilitry in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Siobhan Redmond (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. The Rani in Big Finish: Planet of the Rani)
- Denis Redwood (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Atlantean Priest in The Underwater Menace: Episode 2)
- Jeremy Reece (cast as Male Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Alan Reed (cast as Policeman in World War Three)
- Bunny Reed (cast as Ardith in Big Finish: Kingdom of Silver)
- Clark Reed (cast as UNIT/Bunker Crew in The Invasion: Episode Seven)
- Michael Reed (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Freedom Fighter in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Richard Reed (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Constable in Big Finish: The Hunting Ground)
- Thomas Rees-Kaye (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Mobile News Droid/Clerk/Guardbot/Nik in Big Finish: New Frontiers: A Handful of Dust)
- Tom Rees-Kaye (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Policebot/Prisoner in Big Finish: Iris Wildthyme Series 3: The Iris Wildthyme Appreciation Society)
- Darren Rees (cast as Xmas Eve Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Gaenor Rees (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Hubert Rees (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Chief Engineer in Fury From the Deep: Episode 1)
- Huw Rees (cast as Tim Latimer in The Family of Blood)
- Jake Rees (cast as Blue Staff in The End Of The World)
- John Rees (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Hardy in Frontier In Space: Episode One)
- Laura Rees (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Tyrus in Big Finish: The Paradox Planet)
- Lizenna Rees (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Waitress in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Llewellyn Rees (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. The President in The Deadly Assassin: Part One)
- Mali Ann Rees (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Varnomium Computer in Big Finish: Killing Time: The Sincerest Form of Flattery)
- Marc Rees (cast as Male Droid in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Nina Rees (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Pricilla Rees (cast as Party Guest in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Shelley Rees (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Old Lady in Torchwood: The Devil and Miss Carew)
- Sian Rees (cast as Female Nurse in Smith and Jones)
- Emma Reeves (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Passer in The Wedding of River Song)
- Jill Reeves (cast as Self in Factual: Eyes Wide Open)
- Richard Reeves (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kaled Leader in Genesis of the Daleks: Part One)
- Roy Reeves (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vargas in Mission to the Unknown)
- Saskia Reeves (cast as Carmen Rega in Big Finish: Emissary of the Daleks)
- Sian Reeves (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mrs Higgins in Big Finish: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 01: Doctor Who and the Iron Legion)
- Fred Reford (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Earth Visitor Loman in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Alix Wilton Regan (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Jill in Big Finish: Wave of Destruction)
- Jessica Regan (cast as Patricia / Daisy in Big Finish: The Hollow King)
- John Regan (cast as Teselecta Officer in The Wedding of River Song)
- Linda Regan (cast as Jo Grant in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Three)
- Dertinder Regazzoli (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Jami Reid-Quarrell (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Colony Sarf in The Witch's Familiar)
- Adrian Reid (cast as Jazz Quartet Member in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Alan Reid (cast as European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Alex Reid (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribesman in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Anne Reid (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Florence Finnegan in Smith and Jones)
- Beryl Reid (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Briggs in Earthshock: Part Two)
- Debbie Reid (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Maid in Tooth and Claw)
- Gordon Reid (cast as Phillips in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part One)
- Jerome Reid (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in Planet of the Dead)
- Joe Reid (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Journalists in The End of Time: Part One)
- Michael Reid (cast as Dancer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Mike Reid (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Guard in The Massacre: Bell of Doom)
- Milton Reid (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Richard Reid (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Kinda in Kinda: Part Three)
- Sadie Reid (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Refugee in Utopia)
- Sheila Reid (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Etta in Vengeance on Varos: Part One)
- Tim Reid (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Gawper in The Crimson Horror)
- Neil Reidman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lieutenant Atillo in Utopia)
- Caron Reidy (cast as Driver in Dark Water)
- Mandine Reina (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Servant (Mindwarp) in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Charlotte Reiner (cast as Floor Zero Crew in The Parting of the Ways)
- Amanda Renate (cast as Normal Teacher in School Reunion)
- Terry Rendal (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Elder in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Rebecca Rendell (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Terry Rendle (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Logopolitan in Logopolis: Part Two)
- Malcolm Renni (cast as Anzor in Big Finish: Mission to Magnus)
- Mary Rennie (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Metabelis 3 Inhabitant in Planet of the Spiders: Part Three)
- Victor Renolds (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Jordan Renzo (cast in 18 episodes, e.g. Matteusz in Class: For Tonight We Might Die)
- Phil Reston (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Jonathan Reuben (cast as Man in Forest of the Dead)
- Amber Revah (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Varna in Big Finish: New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Volume One: Random Ghosts)
- Nick Revell (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Snatch in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Slipback: The Final Episode)
- Jesus Reyes Ortiz (cast as Rico Trieste in Space Babies)
- Christopher Reynalds (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Child in The Mind Robber: Episode 2)
- David Reynalds (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Child in The Mind Robber: Episode 2)
- Michael Reynel (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part Three)
- Mike Reynel (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Argolin in The Leisure Hive: Part Two)
- Andrew Reynolds (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cult of Vulcan in The Fires of Pompeii)
- Clare Reynolds (cast as Staff in The Runaway Bride)
- Cynthia Reynolds (cast as Wedding Guest in The Runaway Bride)
- Dafydd Reynolds (cast as Passer By in Boom Town)
- Harriet Reynolds (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tannoy Voice in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Linda Reynolds (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pilot's Secretary in The Macra Terror: Episode 2)
- Mark Reynolds (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Narrator in Big Finish: Decline of the Ancient Mariner)
- Mary Reynolds (cast as The Queen in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Paul Reynolds (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Joey Carlisle in Big Finish: Forty-Five: Casualties of War)
- Peter Reynolds (cast as Man on Bicycle in Aaru Movies: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.)
- Stephen Reynolds (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Public in Human Nature)
- Tommy Reynolds (cast as Chumbley in Galaxy 4: The Exploding Planet)
- Victor Reynolds (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Invasion of Time: Part One)
- Dominic Reyntiens (cast as Paramedic in Frontios: Part One)
- Philip Rham (cast as Zimmerman in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Julian Rhind Tutt (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Guard in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Paradise Of Death: Episode Four)
- Julian Rhind-Tutt (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Berkhoff in Big Finish: Tales From New Earth: Escape From New New York)
- Gwion Ap Rhisiart (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Dalek Operator in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Luke Rhodri (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Rowan in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 2: Love Rat)
- Steffan Rhodri (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Commander Korshal in Big Finish: Dreamtime)
- Jevon Rhys-Thomas (cast as Passer in Deep Breath)
- Elen Rhys (cast as Nancy in Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness)
- Felicity Rhys (cast as Bethan in Torchwood: Day One)
- Huw Rhys (cast as Redpath in The Unquiet Dead)
- Ieuan Rhys (cast as Crabtree in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Jefon Rhys (cast as Roadsweeper in The Power Of Three)
- Mali Ann Rhys (cast as Zoe in Big Finish: Dead Man's Switch)
- Paul Rhys (cast as Max Paul in Big Finish: The Scapegoat)
- Penni Rhys (cast as Female Nurse in Smith and Jones)
- Phillip Rhys (cast as Ramone in The Husbands of River Song)
- George Ribitt (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Prison Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- David Ricardo-Pearce (cast as Pete/Priest in Big Finish: Suburban Hell)
- Gabriella Ricci (cast as Self in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot)
- Shan Ricco (cast as Tourist in Louve in City of Death: Part One)
- Anita Rice (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Refugee in Utopia)
- Scott Rice (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Toni Rice (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Faye Rich (cast as Woman in The Next Doctor)
- Ronald Rich (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Gunnar the Giant in The Time Meddler: The Meddling Monk)
- Stephen Rich (cast as Chauffeur in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Paul Richard Biggin (cast as Soldier Number 2 in Turn Left)
- Justin Richard (cast as Answerphone Message in Big Finish: Whispers of Terror)
- Sally Richard (cast as Soldier in Into the Dalek)
- RichardUnwin (cast as Aliens in Big Finish: The Kingdom of the Blind)
- Wendy Richard (cast as Pauline Fowler in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Alan Richards (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Native (Mysterious Planet) in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Alex Richards (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Anthony Richards (cast as (extra) in The Unquiet Dead)
- Aubrey Richards (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Professor Parry in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 1)
- Bill Richards (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Alien Guard in The War Games: Episode Three)
- Bryan Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Catrin Richards (cast as Poem Girl in The Beast Below)
- Chris Richards (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Male Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Craig Richards (cast as Soldier in Aliens of London)
- Darroll Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Atlantean Priest in The Underwater Menace: Episode 1)
- Daryl Richards (cast as Passer By in The Massacre: War of God)
- Elan Richards (cast as Library Person in Forest of the Dead)
- Erin Richards (cast as Freda in Torchwood: Asylum)
- Helena Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lakertyan in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Kimmi Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Annalise in Smith and Jones)
- Lee Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Romana in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Liam Richards (cast as Vivienne Westwood Assistant in Time Heist)
- Margarite Richards (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Martin Richards (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Passer By in The Sound of Drums)
- Martyn Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sontaran in The Invasion of Time: Part Four)
- Mike Inch Richards (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Ri Richards (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Shopper in Big Finish: God Among Us - Part 1: Future Pain)
- Sam Richards (cast as Student in Last of the Time Lords)
- Sarah Richards (cast as Library Person in Forest of the Dead)
- Sioned Richards (cast as Passer By in Boom Town)
- Victor Richards (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tower Security in The Day of The Doctor)
- Miles Richardso (cast as Charles Darwin in Big Finish: Bloodtide)
- Betty Richardson (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Gordon Richardson (cast as Squire in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 2)
- Ian Richardson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sycorax in The Christmas Invasion)
- James Richardson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardolier in Timelash: Part One)
- Jane Richardson (cast as Passer in Dark Water)
- John Richardson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Zombie in The Unquiet Dead)
- Miles Richardson (cast in 47 episodes, e.g. Black Rod in Games: The Gunpowder Plot)
- Sharon Richardson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- David Richers (cast as Megro Guard in The Sun Makers: Part Three)
- Alan Riches (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Trooper (Resurrection) in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Edwin Richfield (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Captain Hart in The Sea Devils: Episode One)
- Colin Richmond (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Man in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Ron Ricke (cast as Chauffeur in Day of the Daleks: Episode Four)
- Chloe Rickenbach (cast as Chloe in Big Finish: The Middle)
- David Rickens (cast as Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Four)
- Ian Ricketts (cast as Guthrie in Big Finish: Dust Breeding)
- Tim Ricketts (cast as Self in Factual: Look Who's Talking)
- Richard Rickford (cast as Lorry Driver in The Time Monster: Episode Three)
- Derek Riddell (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Sir Robert MacLeish in Tooth and Claw)
- Susie Riddell (cast as Esther Brak in Big Finish: The Lure of the Nomad)
- Elizabeth Rider (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. ATMOS Voice in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Veronica Ridge (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sister in The Brain of Morbius: Part One)
- Anne Ridler (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Dr. Gemma Corwyn in The Wheel In Space: Episode 1)
- Maddie Ried (cast as Wedding Guest in The Runaway Bride)
- Carlos Riera (cast as Gustavo in Big Finish: The Rapture)
- Craig Rigby (cast as Bell Boy in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Graham Rigby (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Larry Madison in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: Day of Reckoning)
- Jonathan Rigby (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Edmund Carteret in Big Finish: Phantasmagoria)
- Penny Rigden (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Lakertyan in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Adrian Rigelsford (cast as (unlisted roles) in Factual: 30 Years In The TARDIS)
- Carl Rigg (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Varlik in The Power of Kroll: Part One)
- Dame Diana Rigg (cast as Mrs Gillyflower in The Crimson Horror)
- Ben Righton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Oliver Morgenstern in Smith and Jones)
- Julia Righton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. La^Heyne in Big Finish: The Tartarus Gate)
- Geoff Righty (cast as Axon Man in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Alexandria Riley (cast in 26 episodes, e.g. Ng in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 2: Love Rat)
- Mathew Riley (cast as Audience in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Roslyn Riley (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Talulah Riley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Miss Evangelista in Silence in the Library)
- Tom Riley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Robin in Robot Of Sherwood)
- William Patrick Riley (cast as Hat Check Boy in Torchwood: The Middle Men)
- Ben Rimell (cast as Teenager with Skateboard in Dark Water)
- Juliet Rimell (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Contemporary Passer in The Power Of Three)
- Sule Rimi (cast as Soldier in Aliens of London)
- Stevan Rimkus (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Captain Bates in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Shane Rimmer (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Seth Harper in The Gunfighters: A Holiday for the Doctor)
- Ron Ringer (cast as Driver in The Invasion: Episode One)
- John Ringham (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Tlotoxl in The Aztecs: The Warriors of Death)
- David Rintoul (cast in 18 episodes, e.g. Lord Henry Balfour in Big Finish: New Counter-Measures: Series One: Nothing to See Here)
- Angela Rippon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Newsreader in Big Finish: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 01: Doctor Who and the Iron Legion)
- Matt Rippy (cast as The Captain in Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness)
- Laura Riseborough (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Sharma in Big Finish: Dark Eyes: 3: The Reviled)
- Vineeta Rishi (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Julia Swales in Smith and Jones)
- Charlotte Ritchie (cast as Lin in Resolution)
- Derek Ritchie (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot)
- Libby Ritchie (cast as Nurse in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Steve Ritchie (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Worker (Mysterious PLanet) in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Blake Ritso (cast as Rudolph in Big Finish: Death and the Queen)
- Blake Ritson (cast in 23 episodes, e.g. Hurmzid in Big Finish: Gods and Monsters)
- Guillaume Rivaud (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Georgian Middle Class Gent in Thin Ice)
- Bunnie Rivera (cast as Rosita in Torchwood: The New World)
- Curtis Rivers (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Stunts in Torchwood: Day One)
- Steve Rivers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part One)
- Darren Rix (cast as Lab Worker in The Power Of Three)
- Nathan Rixon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Tina Roach (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Body in Pallet in The Ark In Space: Part One)
- Christopher Robbie (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Karkus in The Mind Robber: Episode 4)
- Jenny Robbins (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Woman in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Michael Robbins (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Richard Mace in The Visitation: Part One)
- Peter Robert Scott (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Brunner in Timelash: Part One)
- Ashley Roberts (cast as Steward in Voyage of the Damned)
- Ben Roberts (cast as Trooper (Resurrection) in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Christine Roberts (cast as Sarla in Big Finish: Destroy the Infinite)
- Eliza Roberts (cast as Miranda in The TV Movie)
- Enfys Roberts (cast as Shopper in Last of the Time Lords)
- Eric Roberts (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. The Master in The TV Movie)
- Ferdy Roberts (cast as Voice of the Prisoner in Class: Detained)
- Gareth Roberts (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Stage Fright)
- Henry Roberts (cast as Marshall (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Ivor Roberts (cast as Mogran in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Three)
- Iwan Roberts (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Doctor Who Extra: Into The Dalek)
- Jamie Roberts (cast as Kel's Mate in Fear Her)
- Jay Roberts (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Passenger in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Jenny Roberts (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Argolin in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Joseph Roberts (cast as Civillian UNIT Soldier in Death in Heaven)
- Mike Roberts (cast as Refugee in Utopia)
- Neil Roberts (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Captain Cornelius in Big Finish: The Defectors)
- Nia Roberts (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ambrose in The Hungry Earth)
- Owen Roberts (cast as Blue Staff in The End Of The World)
- Peter Roberts (cast as Passenger in Nightmare of Eden: Part Two)
- Quill Roberts (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guard in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One)
- Renne Roberts (cast as Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Sarah Roberts (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Steve Roberts (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. German soldier in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Veronica Roberts (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Relly/Krelos Mayor in Big Finish: The Fate of Krelos)
- areth Roberts (cast as News Anchorman in Big Finish: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)
- Rebecca Robertson-Edward (cast as (extra) in World War Three)
- Alex Robertson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Boy in Human Nature)
- Andrew Robertson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mr. Fibuli in The Pirate Planet: Part One)
- Annette Robertson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Anne in The Massacre: War of God)
- Finlay Robertson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Larry Nightingale in Blink)
- Robert Robertson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Collinson in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 1)
- Steven Robertson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pritchard in Under the Lake)
- Tom Robertson (cast as Soldier in Torchwood: Greeks Bearing Gifts)
- Joanna Robins (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Passenger (Gatwick) in The Faceless Ones: Episode 2)
- Anne Robinson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Anne Droid in Bad Wolf)
- Harriet Robinson (cast as Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Harvey Robinson (cast as Floor Zero Crew in The Parting of the Ways)
- Hazel Robinson (cast as Hostage in Journey's End)
- Jackie Robinson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Alphan Woman in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Jess Robinson (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Nisrin in Big Finish: The Key 2 Time - Destroyer of Delights)
- Joanne Robinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Karen Robinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Wedding Guest (Church) in Father's Day)
- Kate Robinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Lucy Robinson (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Frau Clovis in New Earth)
- Pippa Robinson (cast as Passer By in The Snowmen)
- Rex Robinson (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Dr. Tyler in The Three Doctors: Episode One)
- Roland Robinson (cast as Militiaman in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Tessa Robinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passer in Smith and Jones)
- Toby Robinson (cast as Time Lord in Big Finish: Pandora)
- Tom Robinson (cast as Resident in Army of Ghosts)
- Vinette Robinson (cast as Rosa Parks in Rosa)
- Vinette Robinson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Abi Lerner in 42)
- Samuel Robson-Brown (cast as Boy In Barn Double in Listen)
- Daniel Roche (cast as Self in Factual: Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor)
- Honor Roche (cast as Dancer in Rogue)
- Michelle Roche (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Commuters/Bystanders in Partners in Crime)
- Neil Roche (cast as Self in Factual: Take Two)
- Norman Rochester (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sontaran in The Invasion of Time: Part Four)
- Fionnula Rochford (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Ballroom Guest in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Rocio (cast as Waitress in Death in Heaven)
- James Rockey (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- Owain Rodderick (cast as Zombie in The Unquiet Dead)
- Benjamin Roddy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Operations in Big Finish: The Nowhere Place)
- Judith Roddy (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Commander Lorne in Big Finish: The Wreck Of The World)
- Judy Rodger (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Passenger in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Struan Rodger (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Face of Boe (Voice) in New Earth)
- Clive Rodgers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sniper in The War Games: Episode Two)
- Darren Rodgers (cast as Teenager in The End of Time: Part One)
- Hugh Rodgers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in Day of the Daleks: Episode Two)
- Wilson Rodgers (cast as Groundsman in Rise of the Cybermen)
- David Rodigan (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Broken Tooth in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Tania Rodrigues (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Anarkali/Melissa/Isra Tech #2 in Big Finish: Scavenger)
- Manolo Rodriguez (cast as Diver in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Christian Rodska (cast as Laan Carder in Big Finish: Faith Stealer)
- Max Rodziewicz Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in Planet of the Dead)
- Ben Roe (cast as Child in The Wedding of River Song)
- Douglas Roe (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Guard in The Seeds of Death: Episode Four)
- Gavin Roebuck (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Resistance Fighter in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Lizzie Rogan (cast as Nurse in Torchwood: To the Last Man)
- Clive Roger (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Axon Glob in The Claws of Axos: Episode Three)
- Judy Roger (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Nurse (Armageddon Factor) in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Adam Rogers (cast as Self in Factual: The Women of Doctor Who)
- Anthony Rogers (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Sensorite in The Sensorites: Strangers in Space)
- Clive Rogers (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Space Corp Guard in The Space Pirates: Episode One)
- Craig Rogers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- David Glynn Rogers (cast as Giuliano's Servant in The Masque of Mandragora: Part One)
- Emma Rogers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Ilona Rogers (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Carol in The Sensorites: Strangers in Space)
- Justin Rogers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Contemporary Passer in The Power Of Three)
- Laura Rogers (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Isabella in A Christmas Carol)
- Malcolm Rogers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Count Dracula in The Chase: Journey into Terror)
- Neil Rogers (cast as The Doctor in The Name of the Doctor)
- Nick Rogers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Photographer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Nicola Rogers (cast as Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Seon Rogers (cast as Pete Tyler in Father's Day)
- Tania Rogers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Zilda in The Robots of Death: Part One)
- Wilson Rogers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in Voyage of the Damned)
- David Rogue (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Alphan Servant in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Matthew Rohman (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Journalist in Partners in Crime)
- Tony Rohr (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Man in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Jack Rolands (cast as Crowd (Ancient Troy) in The Myth Makers: Small Prophet, Quick Return)
- Verdun Rolands (cast as Normal Teacher in School Reunion)
- David Rolfe (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Peladon Guard in The Monster of Peladon: Part One)
- John Rolfe (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Captain in The War Machines: Episode 3)
- Louise Rolfe (cast as Edith in Big Finish: The Chimes of Midnight)
- Jon Rollason (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Harold Chorley in The Web of Fear: Episode 1)
- Doug Rollins (cast as David in Torchwood: Sleeper)
- Laura Rollins (cast as Umbriel in Big Finish: The Living Darkness)
- Terry Rolph (cast as Maypole Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Five)
- Chiara Romanello (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Gina Romanello (cast as Child in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- George Romanov (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Steve Rome (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Jessye Romeo (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sibyl Vane in Big Finish: The War Master: Escape from Reality: The Wrath of Medusa)
- Patrick Romer (cast as Dr Andrew Szabó in Big Finish: Thicker Than Water)
- Iris Rongier (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- David Ronowski (cast as Tavern Customer in The Massacre: War of God)
- Amy Rooke (cast as Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Jessica Rooney (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- Jemima Rooper (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Izzy in Big Finish: The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story)
- Amanda Root (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Madeleine Fairweather in Big Finish: The Girl Who Never Was)
- Rebecca Root (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Sable in Big Finish: Zaltys)
- Lizzie Roper (cast in 23 episodes, e.g. Shari in Big Finish: We Are The Daleks)
- Adam Ros (cast as Schoolboy in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Andrew Rose (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Charlie Rose (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Clifford Rose (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Rorvik in Warriors' Gate: Part One)
- Evan Rose (cast as Advisor in The Mutants: Episode Six)
- Ginny Rose (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crewmember (Resurrection) in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- John Rose (cast as Horse Handler in The Shakespeare Code)
- Keith Rose (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Pensioner in The Power Of Three)
- Lanie Rose (cast as Stylist in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Laurence Rose (cast as Waxworks Visitor / Auton Replica in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Mark Rose (cast as Ingmar Knopf in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Stan Rose (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- David Rosen (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls)
- John Frank Rosenblum (cast as Vanir in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Roy Roser (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part One)
- Golda Rosheuvel (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Angela Connolly in Torchwood: Dead Man Walking)
- Adam Ross (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Retainer (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Alec Ross (cast as Bob Hall in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 1)
- Charlie Ross (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Lest in Big Finish: Memory Lane)
- David J Ross (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Knight (King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Evan Ross (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Cabinet Minister in The Green Death: Episode Three)
- Hugh Ross (cast in 44 episodes, e.g. Kyle Inskip in Big Finish: Masters of Earth)
- Joanna Ross (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Control Room Assistant in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 5)
- John Ross (cast as Docker in The Next Doctor)
- Lee Ross (cast as The Boatswain in The Curse of the Black Spot)
- Liza Ross (cast as Jarra To in Big Finish: The Axis of Insanity)
- Malcolm Ross (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Knight (Ranulf) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Miles Ross (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Retainer (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Ricco Ross (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ringmaster in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Robert Ross (cast as Party Guest in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Adrian Miles Rosser (cast as UNIT Personnel in Suit in Death in Heaven)
- Matthew Rosser (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Thomas Rosser (cast as Hostage in The Stolen Earth)
- Jeanette Rossini (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Thal in The Daleks: The Escape)
- Dougal Rossiter (cast as Thal in Genesis of the Daleks: Part One)
- Philip Rostant (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mentor in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Alan Rothwell (cast as Janto in Big Finish: The Twilight Kingdom)
- Laila Rouass (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Colonel Karim in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor: Episode Two)
- George Roubicek (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Captain Hopper in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 1)
- Amira Roucliffe (cast as Clara in The Rings of Akhaten)
- James Rourke (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Holiday Maker in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Matthew Rouse (cast as Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Michael Rouse (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Young Beowulf in Big Finish: Black and White)
- Simon Rouse (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Hindle in Kinda: Part One)
- Glen Row (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Minister in The Sound of Drums)
- Dominic Rowan (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Corwyn in Big Finish: The Burning Prince)
- George Rowane (cast as Usher in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Jo Rowbottom (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mollie Dawson in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 2)
- Hannah Rowcliffe (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Sion Rowcliffe (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Alan Rowe (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Dr. Evans in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Clive Rowe (cast as Morvin Van Hoff in Voyage of the Damned)
- Jackie Rowe (cast as Cast in Factual: Comedy Sketches: The Corridor Sketch)
- John Rowe (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sir Hartley Harecourt in Big Finish: Jago & Litefoot Series 10: The Case of the Missing Gasogene)
- Nicholas Rowe (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Rivesh Mantilax in Dreamland)
- Rosie Rowett (cast as Stunts in Empire of Death)
- Craig Rowland (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Jack Rowland (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Llama in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode Two)
- Oliver Rowland (cast as Boy on bus in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Rex Rowland (cast as A/B Girton in The Sea Devils: Episode Five)
- Anthony Rowlands (cast as Crewman in The Invisible Enemy: Part One)
- Cheryl Rowlands (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- David Rowlands (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Bisham in The Sun Makers: Part Two)
- Jack Rowlands (cast as Interviewer in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Lauren Rowlands (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Rhys Rowlands (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Ros Rowsell (cast as Chamberlain Man in The Shakespeare Code)
- Steve Roxton (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Caves of Androzani: Part Two)
- Deep Roy (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Mr. Sin in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Gus Roy (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Technician (Pirate Planet) in The Pirate Planet: Part One)
- Patricia Roy (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Peter Roy (cast in 32 episodes, e.g. Airport Sergeant in The Faceless Ones: Episode 5)
- Pip Royall (cast as Male Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Frank Rozelaar-Green (cast as Sonny in Father's Day)
- Maurice Roëves (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Stotz in The Caves of Androzani: Part One)
- Christian Rubeck (cast as Erik in It Takes You Away)
- David Rubin (cast as Raymond Parks in Rosa)
- Keith Ruby (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Anah Ruddin (cast as The Queen in Big Finish: The Marian Conspiracy)
- Pamela Ruddock (cast as Computer Voice in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Timothy Rudge (cast as Advisor in The Christmas Invasion)
- Alan Rudolph (cast as Clown (Driver) in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Anna Rudolph (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Chandra Ruegg (cast as Clare Pope in Partners in Crime)
- Pat Ruins (cast as Oskin in Big Finish: Requiem for the Rocket Men)
- Ellie Ruiz Rodriguez (cast as Child in Car in The Runaway Bride)
- Jack Ruiz Rodriguez (cast as Child in Car in The Runaway Bride)
- Jo Ruiz (cast as Diseased Paitent in New Earth)
- Joanna Ruiz (cast as Wedding Guest in The Runaway Bride)
- Edward Rum Fitt (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Alphan Servant in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Joelle Rumbelow (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Josh Rupensinge (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Child in Listen)
- Josh Rupensinghe (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Child in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Alan Ruscoe (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Auton in Rose)
- Lenny Rush (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Morris Gibbons in The Legend of Ruby Sunday)
- Len Rushall (cast as Paris Citizen in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Claire Rushbrook (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Ida Scott in The Impossible Planet)
- Christopher Rushton (cast as Waxworks Visitor / Auton Replica in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Ian Ruskin (cast as Jedak in Stageshows: Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys To Doomsday)
- Sheila Ruskin (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Kassia in The Keeper of Traken: Part One)
- Gary Russel (cast as Guard in Big Finish: The Holy Terror)
- Kate Russell-Smith (cast as Cook / Nurse in Big Finish: The Hollow King)
- Barbara Russell (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Freezer Centre Customer in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Brian Keith Russell (cast as Landlord in Torchwood: Escape to L.A.)
- Dennis Russell (cast as Armed Police in Planet of the Dead)
- Edward Russell (cast as Self in Factual: What Goes on Tour...)
- Gary Russell (cast in 23 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Bringing Back the Doctor)
- Jenna Russell (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Floor Manager in Bad Wolf)
- Katie Russell (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Len Russell (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Revolutionary Soldier in The Reign Of Terror: A Change of Identity)
- Lindy Russell (cast as Factory Worker in Spearhead From Space: Episode 1)
- Lucy Russell (cast as Trellak in Big Finish: The Seeds of War)
- Mac Russell (cast as Circus Performer in Terror of the Autons: Episode Two)
- Natalia Russell (cast as Picnic Lady in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Pete Russell (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Peter Russell (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Eldred in The Time Meddler: The Watcher)
- Robert Russell (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Guard in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Five)
- Vicky Russell (cast as Girl in The God Complex)
- William Russell (cast in 120 episodes, e.g. Ian Chesterton in An Unearthly Child: Pilot)
- Terry Russelton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Three)
- George Russo (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Phillip in Flesh and Stone)
- Luke Rutherford (cast as Burglar 1 in Torchwood: Sleeper)
- Peter Rutherford (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Roth in The Sontaran Experiment: Part One)
- Emily Rutter (cast as Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Nick Rutter (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Gond in The Krotons: Episode Four)
- David Ryall (cast as Sir Nikolas Valentine in Big Finish: Phantasmagoria)
- Alli Ryan (cast as Stunts in The Power of the Doctor)
- Andrew Ryan (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Albert in Big Finish: The Mutant Phase)
- Christopher Ryan (cast in 20 episodes, e.g. Commander Stark in The Pandorica Opens)
- Colin Ryan (cast as Harry in Knock Knock)
- Daniel Ryan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Biff Cane in Midnight)
- Hilary Ryan (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Rodan in The Invasion of Time: Part Three)
- Kathy Ryan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Maypole Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Four)
- Kellie Ryan (cast as Celia Fortunaté in Big Finish: Red)
- Kevin Ryan (cast as Cyberman in Factual: 30 Years In The TARDIS)
- Lee Ryan (cast as RAF Man (Remberance of the Daleks) in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Louis Ryan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Boy in Human Nature)
- Marty Ryan (cast as Older Guard in Torchwood: The Middle Men)
- Matt Ryan (cast as Dale in Torchwood: Meat)
- Michelle Ryan (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Lady Christina de Souza in Planet of the Dead)
- Naomi Ryan (cast as Cassandra in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Nathan Ryan (cast as Victim in Torchwood: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)
- Paddy Ryan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Paul Ryan (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Retainer (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Philip Ryan (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Man in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Four)
- Sam Ryan (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Sean Ryan (cast as Crew Cut Youth in The Chase: Flight Through Eternity)
- Tony Ryan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Three)
- Nicky Ryde (cast as Lab Technician in Shada: Part Two)
- Ann Rye (cast as Lilian Dillane in Big Finish: Nocturne)
- Patrick Ryecart (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Crozier in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Five)
- Gia Ré (cast as Bella in Orphan 55)