Last updated 23 April 2017

Coming to America

Series Episode Number: 90

World Premiere: Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 7:00pm BST [BBC Three] (United Kingdom)
First Broadcast: Sat 11 Aug 2012 - 11:44pm MDT [Idaho Public Television]
Running Time: 45 minutes

BBC Programme Page

This episode goes behind the scenes of The Impossible Astronaut

In Utah, the episode director tries to find the perfect movie-style backdrop to one of the most ambitious scenes to date, Matt Smith dons his stetson and gives a run-down of the USA filming and the crew talk about the thrills of filming in the Utah desert. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston.

Production Team
GraphicsBBC Wales
Title Music Slam & Saw Productions
Camera OperatorDewi Davies
Camera OperatorAled Jenkins
Camera OperatorJon Rees
Camera OperatorAndy Smith
Camera OperatorSteve Webb
SoundSteve Hoy
SoundBrian Murrell
SoundWil Planitzer
SoundJon Thomas
Edit AssistantGeorge Sabapathy
RunnerLlywelen Davies
RunnerRyan Simpson
ResearcherMatthew Andrews
ResearcherLeanne René
ResearcherRobert Wootton
Assistant ProducerJames Brailsford
Assistant ProducerDonovan Keogh
Assistant ProducerHannah Williams
Production Team AssistantRuby Kedge
Production AccountantKevin Rickwood
Production Co-ordinatorMegan Pinches
Production ManagerKaty Cartwright
Production ExecutiveStan Matthews
ColouristMatt Mullins
Dubbing MixerMark Ferda
Offline EditorLizzie Minnion
Executive ProducerMark Cossey
Executive Producer for Doctor WhoSteven Moffat
Executive Producer for Doctor WhoPiers Wenger
Executive Producer for Doctor WhoBeth Willis
Senior ProducerZoë Rushton
Series ProducerGillane Seaborne