
Last updated 28 March 2020

Salamander -
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TARDIS Data Core

Ramón Salamander was a supposed philanthropist who, in reality had a boundless fount of cruelty and powerlust. He bore a close physical resemblance to the Second Doctor.

Circa 2013, Salamander had taken advantage of an experiment by a team of scientists who had isolated themselves a deep shelter as an endurance exercise. He lied to them and claimed that a nuclear war had taken place on the surface. The scientists created "natural" disasters such as volcanos and earthquakes that would happen at will in order to work against their so-called enemies.

He betrayed Giles Kent, an almost equally power-hungry man.

In 2018, the Doctor's TARDIS landed on an Australian beach. Kent's men attempted to kill the Doctor against orders, mistaking him for his enemy. Kent's associate, the trusting Astrid Ferrier, rescued the Doctor and Jamie and Victoria barely in time, but Kent turned the rescue into a kidnapping, forcing the Doctor to impersonate Salamander or the true Salamander's men would recognise and kill him. The Doctor was suspicious of Kent from the start, but played along with Kent's passionate story about the evil of Salamander, hoping to get to the real truth and expose the corruptions he had witnessed. Kent inserted the Doctor's companion Jamie McCrimmon into an already planned operation of infiltrating Salamander's mansion in the Central European Zone.

Salamander set off an explosion to destroy his base in Australia, shot Kent fatally and escaped. Jamie, mistaking him for the Doctor, welcomed him into the TARDIS. A few minutes later, the Doctor appeared, but by this time the TARDIS had taken off. In the confusion, Salamander flew through its open doors into the Time Vortex, where he remained. The Doctor stated it would be very unpleasant for him floating around in time and space.

Biography from the TARDIS Data Core article, licensed under CC-BY-SA