
Episode Clips

This Easter


Tenth Doctor Titles (HD)
David Tennant's HD title sequence which ran from 2009-10: The Planet of the Dead to The End of Time: Part Two

High Wire Heist
A rare gold chalice once belonging to King Athelstan is under heavy security in a London museum. But the guards hadn't reckoned on the high wire skills of a certain Lady Christina de Souza who fully intends to keep the chalice for herself.

London Bus Transports To Desert
Making her escape on a bus, Lady Christina finds herself sitting next to the Doctor, but he has other things on his mind. And when his device starts going off, you just know trouble isn't far behind.

The Lady is a Thief
The Doctor requires a part of a crashed spaceship in order to repair the bus and escape back through the wormhole. Christina sees this as an opportunity to showcase her high wire heist skills, but is she fully aware of the danger she's put herself in?

Action on the alien Tritovores ship
Lady Christina makes her way down the shaft in the Tritovores ship as she tries to get hold of the crystal power source to make the ship fly again. When The Doctor finds the Cup of Athelstan in Lady Christina's bag he calls her a thief, but Christina prefers to call it liberating!

The Doctor Calls in Favour from UNIT
Taken from the Easter special Planet of the Dead (2009). Sucked through the wormhole and ending up who knows where, the Doctor makes a call back to UNIT on earth. But will Malcolm the scientist be able to help?

Trapped in the Desert
Taken from the Easter special Planet of the Dead (2009). The Doctor tries to explain to the confused passengers how they managed to get from London to the desert, but the bus driver is very impatient to get back.

The Routemaster Returns to Earth
Having fixed the bus, the Doctor pilots it away from the oncoming swarm of flying stingrays and back to London. But can Malcolm close the portal before the rest of the swarm makes it through?

Credit: BBC Worldwide