Last updated 31 May 2015

The Fourth Doctor

The Fourth Doctor

World Premiere: Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 8:00pm EDT [BBC America]
First Broadcast: Sun 20 Oct 2013 - 2:00pm BST [Watch] (United Kingdom)
Running Time: 30 minutes

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TARDIS Data Core

Take an in-depth look at the fourth incarnation of the truly timeless Time Lord, who quickly made the part his own, and with his eccentric style of dress and speech -- particularly his trademark long scarf -- immediately became a recognizable figure. Playing the role for seven consecutive seasons over a seven-year period, he's the longest-serving actor in the part so far. With exclusive interviews with lead writer & executive producer STEVEN MOFFAT, producer MARCUS WILSON, companion LOUISE JAMESON and TOM BAKER himself! "I didn't play Doctor Who, I was Doctor Who."
ContributorTom Baker
ContributorDavid Tennant
ContributorNeil Gaiman
ContributorSteven Moffat
ContributorMarcus Wilson
ContributorNicholas Briggs
ContributorLouise Jameson
ContributorJohn Leeson