Last updated 31 May 2015

Norfolk's Doctor Who Stories

World Premiere: Sun 24 Nov 2013 - 12:00pm GMT [BBC Local Radio: BBC Norfolk] (United Kingdom)
Running Time: 60 minutes

Marking 50 years of Doctor Who, Paul Hayes explores a variety of Norfolk people's links to the programme or their reasons for loving the show.

Featuring interviews with Brian Hodgson, creator of the TARDIS sounds and the Dalek voices back in 1963; Davros actor Terry Molloy; Doctor Who Mastermind winner Karen Davies; designer Spencer Chapman; Cyberman actor Graham Cole; former child actress Barbara Harper; university lecturer Keith Johnston, and a variety of Norfolk-based fans of the series with stories to tell about just why they love the show, and what Doctor Who means to them.

PresenterPaul Hayes
SelfKeith Johnston
SelfSpencer Chapman
SelfGraham Cole
SelfKaren Davies
SelfBrian Hodgson
SelfBarbara Harper
SelfTerry Molloy