
Last updated 28 March 2020

Played Byexpand all 5 people
Frazer Hines: The Highlanders[DW]; The Underwater Menace[DW]; The Moonbase[DW]; The Macra Terror[DW]; The Faceless Ones[DW]; The Evil of the Daleks[DW]; The Tomb of the Cybermen[DW]; The Abominable Snowmen[DW]; The Ice Warriors[DW]; The Enemy of the World[DW]; The Web of Fear[DW]; Fury From the Deep[DW]; The Wheel In Space[DW]; The Dominators[DW]; The Mind Robber[DW]; The Invasion[DW]; The Krotons[DW]; The Seeds of Death[DW]; The Space Pirates[DW]; The War Games[DW]; The Two Doctors[DW]; Helicon Prime[BF]; The Glorious Revolution[BF]; The Emperor of Eternity[BF]; City of Spires[BF]; The Wreck of the Titan[BF]; Night's Black Agents[BF]; Legend of the Cybermen[BF]; The Second Doctor Boxset[BF]; The Forbidden Time[BF]; The Selachian Gambit[BF]; The Jigsaw War[BF]; The Rosemariners[BF]; House of Cards[BF]; The Apocalypse Mirror[BF]; The Light at the End[BF]; The Queen of Time[BF]; Lords of the Red Planet[BF]; The Dying Light[BF]; Last of the Cybermen[BF]; The Forsaken[BF]; The Black Hole[BF]; The Isos Network[BF]; The Second Doctor Volume 01[BF]; The Night Witches[BF]; The Outliers[BF]; The Morton Legacy[BF]; The Wreck Of The World[BF]; Daughter of the Gods[BF]; Shadow of Death[BF] | as Jamie: The Five Doctors[DW]Info
149 credits in
51 entries
Richard Halifax: as Double for Jamie: The Enemy of the World(uncredited)[DW]
2 credits in
1 entry
2 credits in
1 entry
Ken Gibson: as Double for Jamie: The Wheel In Space(uncredited)[DW]
1 credit in
1 entry
Richard Hallifax: as Double for Jamie: The Mind Robber(uncredited)[DW]
1 credit in
1 entry

Jamie McCrimmon

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