Donovan Keogh

Last updated 29 April 2015

Production Credits
(unlisted roles): as Doctor Who Confidential Production Team: Music and Monsters[Factual]
1 credit in
1 entry
Producer: as Assistant Producer: Is There Life on Mars?[Factual]; Lords and Masters[Factual]; Allons-y![Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual] | as Edit Producer: Jack's Back[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]; Friends and Foe[Factual]
20 credits in
20 entries

Donovan Keogh

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