Alex Mallinson

Last updated 01 May 2016

Acting Creditsexpand all 22 roles
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Production Credits
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Cover Art: Blood of the Daleks Part 1[BF]; Blood of the Daleks Part 2[BF]; Nocturne[BF]; Renaissance of the Daleks[BF]; Horror of Glam Rock[BF]; ID / Urgent Calls[BF]; Immortal Beloved[BF]; Exotron / Urban Myths[BF]; Phobos[BF]; No More Lies[BF]; Human Resources Part 1[BF]; Frozen Time[BF]; Human Resources Part 2[BF]; Absolution[BF]; The Fearless Part 1[BF]; The Fearless Part 2[BF]; The Girl Who Never Was[BF]; The Fearless Part 3[BF]; Return of the Daleks[BF]; The Fearless Part 4[BF]; The Bride of Peladon[BF]; The Haunting of Thomas Brewster[BF]; Kingdom of Silver / Keepsake[BF]; Brotherhood of the Daleks[BF]; Masters of War[BF]; The Key 2 Time - Judgement of Isskar[BF]; The Key 2 Time - Destroyer of Delights[BF]; The Key 2 Time - Chaos Pool[BF]; The Magic Mousetrap[BF]; Enemy of the Daleks[BF]; The Angel of Scutari[BF]; The Company of Friends[BF]; The Nightmare Fair[BF]; Paper Cuts[BF]; Blue Forgotten Planet[BF]; Death in Blackpool[BF]; Return of the Krotons[BF]; Mission to Magnus[BF]; Cyberman 2[BF]; A Thousand Tiny Wings[BF]; Leviathan[BF]; Survival of the Fittest[BF]; The Hollows of Time[BF]; The Emperor of Eternity[BF]; Paradise 5[BF]; The Architects of History[BF]; Point of Entry[BF]; The Song of Megaptera[BF]; The Time Vampire[BF]; Solitaire[BF]; The Macros[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 01[BF]; Situation Vacant[BF]; Nevermore[BF]; The Book of Kells[BF]; Deimos[BF]; Graceless I[BF]; The Resurrection Of Mars[BF]; The First Doctor Boxset[BF]; The Children of Seth[BF]; An Earthly Child[BF]; The Second Doctor Boxset[BF]; Relative Dimensions[BF]; Prisoner of the Sun[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 02[BF]; Lucie Miller[BF]; Gallifrey IV[BF]; To The Death[BF]; Thin Ice[BF]; The Sentinels of the New Dawn[BF]; Crime of the Century[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 03[BF]; Animal[BF]; Earth Aid[BF]; Tales from the Vault[BF]; The Specials[BF]; The Rocket Men[BF]; Epoch[BF]; The Fourth Doctor Boxset[BF]; The Silver Turk[BF]; The Elite[BF]; The Witch from the Well[BF]; Hexagora[BF]; Graceless II[BF]; Army of Death[BF]; The Five Companions[BF]; Road Trip[BF]; The Selachian Gambit[BF]; Energy of the Daleks[BF]; The Wanderer[BF]; The Guardians of Prophecy[BF]; The Jigsaw War[BF]; The Rings of Ikiria[BF]; Power Play[BF]; The Time Museum[BF]; Counter-Measures: Series 1[BF]; The First Sontarans[BF]; The Masters of Luxor[BF]; The Rosemariners[BF]; The Burning Prince[BF]; UNIT: Dominion[BF]; The Acheron Pulse[BF]; Return of the Rocket Men[BF]; The Shadow Heart[BF]; Dark Eyes: 1[BF]; Voyage to the New World[BF]; 1001 Nights[BF]; The Auntie Matter[BF]; The Sands of Life[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 05[BF]; War Against the Laan[BF]; The Scorchies[BF]; The Justice of Jalxar[BF]; Phantoms of the Deep[BF]; The Dalek Contract[BF]; Counter-Measures: Series 2[BF]; Graceless III[BF]; The Final Phase[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 06[BF]; The Dark Planet[BF]; The Light at the End[BF]; The Queen of Time[BF]; Lords of the Red Planet[BF]; 1963: The Assassination Games[BF]; Night of the Stormcrow[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 04[BF]
180 credits in
126 entries

Alex Mallinson

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