Fiona Walker

Last updated 09 January 2020

Fiona Walker
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Fiona Walker

Born: Wednesday 24th May 1944 (age: 80)


Fiona Walker is an English actress, known for numerous theatre and television roles between the 1960s and 1990s.

She appeared in two Doctor Who serials, 24 years apart - The Keys of Marinus in 1964 and Silver Nemesis in 1988. 

Her best remembered TV part is poaaibly the role of Agrippina in the BBC adaptation of I, Claudius (1976), directed by Herbert Wise. She was an acidic Mrs Elton in BBC2's 1972 adaptation of Jane Austen's Emmaand played the ill-fated Stella Mawson in Anglia's first P. D. James' adaptation, Death of an Expert Witness(1983), also directed by Wise. Other television appearances have included All Creatures Great and Small (1978), Bleak House (1985), Agatha Christie'sPoirot (1993).

Walker married Herbert Wise in 1988. Her children, Charlie Walker-Wise and Susannah Wise, are also actors.

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