Yvonne Antrobus

Last updated 09 January 2020

Yvonne Antrobus

Born: Friday 1st November 1940 (age: 84)


Yvonne Antrobus is a British novelist, abridger, radio dramatist, and actress.

She played Dyoni in the film Dr. Who and the Daleks, however was unavailable for post-synchronisation after the shooting. So, while she is seen on-screen as Dyoni, her voice is provided by another, unnamed actress.

She has made over 100 abridgments and dramatisations for BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4 and for independent audio publishers, including Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre, The British Journalist by Andrew Marr and Days From A Different World by John Simpson. She was awarded the Abridgers’ Silver Award by the Audio Book Association in 2003 for Churchill by Roy Jenkins. In 2009 BBC Radio 4 broadcast her series Diary of an On-Call Girl, based on the blogs and book by 'WPC Ellie Bloggs', the anonymous blogger who is also a serving British police officer.

Among Antrobus' television appearances are Dixon of Dock Green (1963), Redcap (1965), Emergency - Ward 10 (1967), The Benny Hill Show (1967), The First Churchills (1969), Z-Cars (1970), Steptoe and Son (1972), The Protectors (1973), Wessex Tales (1973), Within These Walls (1974), The Old Curiosity Shop (1975), Thomas & Sarah (1979), The Bill (1989), The Chief (1990), and On Dangerous Ground (1996).

Antrobus' other work includes appearances in London's West End (she was the winner of a London Theatre Critics’ Award for Best Supporting Actress) and in the films The Pleasure Girls (1965), Mr Quilp (1975)