Anthony Debaeck

Last updated 09 January 2020

Anthony Debaeck (1967-2013)
(this image appears for illustrative purposes only and no attempt is made to supersede any copyright attributed to it)

Anthony De Baeck

Born: Saturday 24th June 1967
Died: Friday 30th August 2013 (age: 46)

QTalent - Agent

Anthony Debaeck was a Belgian actor who played the French newsreader for Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures stories. 

Also worked on Dragon Age IICarmen in 3DZalikaThe Wolfman1066Clash of the SantasCarmenWire in the BloodThe QueenSeptiиme ciel BelgiqueLove SoupFemmes de loiLйopoldLes vacances de l'amourElisa top modиleAu port de la lunePremiers baisersLe collиge des coeurs brisйsJohnnyL'йtй de la rйvolution

Additional Details

An obituary appeared via the Belgium InMemoriam website. He was also remembered by singer Elizavita on her blog, who reported he had died from cancer.

Credit: Sabrina Bhagwan Purswani