David Darlington

Last updated 21 April 2017

Acting Creditsexpand all 5 roles
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Production Credits
Music: The Eye of the Scorpion[BF]; The Skymines of Karthos[BF]; The Ratings War[BF]; Excelis Dawns[BF]; The Plague Herds of Excelis[BF]; Excelis Rising[BF]; The Green-Eyed Monsters[BF]; Excelis Decays[BF]; The Dance of the Dead[BF]; The Maltese Penguin[BF]; No Place Like Home[BF]; Nekromanteia[BF]; The Mirror Effect[BF]; The Bellotron Incident[BF]; The Draconian Rage[BF]; Flip-Flop[BF]; The Poison Seas[BF]; Master[BF]; Death and the Daleks[BF]; The Creed of the Kromon[BF]; Weapon of Choice[BF]; Square One[BF]; The Inquiry[BF]; A Blind Eye[BF]; The Harvest[BF]; The Grel Escape[BF]; The Roof of the World[BF]; Medicinal Purposes[BF]; The Last[BF]; UNIT: The Coup[BF]; The Relics of Jegg-Sau[BF]; UNIT: Time Heals[BF]; Her Final Flight[BF]; UNIT: Snake Head[BF]; UNIT: The Longest Night[BF]; Lies[BF]; Three's a Crowd[BF]; Spirit[BF]; Pandora[BF]; The Heart's Desire[BF]; UNIT: The Wasting[BF]; Insurgency[BF]; Imperiatrix[BF]; LIVE 34[BF]; Other Lives[BF]; The Settling[BF]; Fractures[BF]; Warfare[BF]; Mindbomb[BF]; Appropriation[BF]; Panacea[BF]; The Reaping[BF]; The Worst Thing in the World[BF]; The Gathering[BF]; Memory Lane[BF]; The Oracle of Delphi[BF]; Cryptobiosis[BF]; Circular Time[BF]; The Tub Full of Cats[BF]; The Judas Gift[BF]; Freedom of Information[BF]; The End of the World[BF]; Mother Russia[BF]; The Final Amendment[BF]; Helicon Prime[BF]; Old Soldiers[BF]; The Wake[BF]; The Condemned[BF]; The Death Collectors / Spider's Shadow[BF]; Here There Be Monsters[BF]; The Great Space Elevator[BF]; The Doll of Death[BF]; Kingdom of Silver / Keepsake[BF]; The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel[BF]; The Diet of Worms[BF]; The Darkening Eye[BF]; Return to the Web Planet[BF]; The Transit of Venus[BF]; The Sound of Fear[BF]; The Prisoner's Dilemma[BF]; Land of Wonder[BF]; The Two Irises[BF]; The Panda Invasion[BF]; The Mahogany Murderers[BF]; The Claws of Santa[BF]; An Earthly Child[BF]; The Second Doctor Boxset[BF]; Gallifrey IV[BF]; Beyond the Ultimate Adventure[BF]; The Davros Mission[BF]; Iris Wildthyme Series 3[BF]; Many Happy Returns[BF]; Gallifrey V[BF]; Iris Wildthyme Series 4[BF]; Gallifrey VI[BF]
111 credits in
95 entries
Sound: The Eye of the Scorpion[BF]; The Ratings War[BF]; Excelis Dawns[BF]; The Plague Herds of Excelis[BF]; Excelis Rising[BF]; The Green-Eyed Monsters[BF]; Excelis Decays[BF]; The Dance of the Dead[BF]; The Maltese Penguin[BF]; No Place Like Home[BF]; Nekromanteia[BF]; Doctor Who and the Pirates[BF]; Flip-Flop[BF]; The Poison Seas[BF]; Master[BF]; Death and the Daleks[BF]; The Creed of the Kromon[BF]; Weapon of Choice[BF]; Square One[BF]; The Inquiry[BF]; A Blind Eye[BF]; The Harvest[BF]; The Grel Escape[BF]; Medicinal Purposes[BF]; The Last[BF]; The Relics of Jegg-Sau[BF]; UNIT: The Coup[BF]; UNIT: Time Heals[BF]; Her Final Flight[BF]; UNIT: Snake Head[BF]; UNIT: The Longest Night[BF]; Lies[BF]; Three's a Crowd[BF]; Spirit[BF]; UNIT: The Wasting[BF]; Pandora[BF]; The Heart's Desire[BF]; Insurgency[BF]; Imperiatrix[BF]; LIVE 34[BF]; Other Lives[BF]; Fractures[BF]; The Settling[BF]; Warfare[BF]; Mindbomb[BF]; Appropriation[BF]; Panacea[BF]; The Reaping[BF]; The Worst Thing in the World[BF]; The Gathering[BF]; Memory Lane[BF]; The Oracle of Delphi[BF]; Cryptobiosis[BF]; Circular Time[BF]; The Tub Full of Cats[BF]; Freedom of Information[BF]; Mother Russia[BF]; The Final Amendment[BF]; Helicon Prime[BF]; Old Soldiers[BF]; The Condemned[BF]; The Death Collectors / Spider's Shadow[BF]; Here There Be Monsters[BF]; The Great Space Elevator[BF]; Kingdom of Silver / Keepsake[BF]; The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel[BF]; The Doll of Death[BF]; The Diet of Worms[BF]; The Darkening Eye[BF]; Return to the Web Planet[BF]; The Transit of Venus[BF]; The Sound of Fear[BF]; The Prisoner's Dilemma[BF]; Resistance[BF]; Land of Wonder[BF]; The Two Irises[BF]; The Mahogany Murderers[BF]; The Panda Invasion[BF]; The Claws of Santa[BF]; An Earthly Child[BF]; The Second Doctor Boxset[BF]; Gallifrey IV[BF]; Beyond the Ultimate Adventure[BF]; The Davros Mission[BF]; Iris Wildthyme Series 3[BF]; Many Happy Returns[BF]; Gallifrey V[BF]; Iris Wildthyme Series 4[BF]; Gallifrey VI[BF]
105 credits in
89 entries

David Darlington

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