Stephen Yardley

Last updated 09 January 2020

Stephen Yardley
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Stephen Yardley

Born: Tuesday 24th March 1942 (age: 83)


Stephen Yardley is an English actor, known for his work on British television between 1965 and 2004.

He has twice had roles in Doctor Who - Sevrin in Genesis of the Daleks (1975) and Arak in Vengeance on Varos (1985) 

Best known for his role as Ken Masters in the British TV drama Howards' Way (1985�90), Yardley most recently appeared in the British TV comedy Hex (2004).

He made early appearances on TV in the 1960s, in series like Danger Man, and had an extended run during 1967�68 in Z-Cars, but his best known work was in the 1970s and 80s. These included performances as semi-reformed cat burglar William "Spider" Scott in The XYY Man (1976�77), Max Brocard in Secret Army (1978) and Police Inspector Cadogan in Virtual Murder (1992), and also took a part in the science fiction seriesBlake's 7 (1981) and the BBC TV adaptation of The Day of the Triffids (1981). Later he appeared as Vince Farmer in five's soap operaFamily Affairs (1999�2003).