Sea Devil

Last updated 28 March 2020

Sea Devil has appeared in:
11 episodes of Doctor Who
2 episodes of Doctor Who (Miscellaneous)

1972The Sea Devils: Episode OnePat Gorman
The Sea Devils: Episode Two
The Sea Devils: Episode Four (uncredited)Geoffrey Witherick
The Sea Devils: Episode Four (uncredited)Bryan Nolan
The Sea Devils: Episode Four (uncredited)Steve Ismay
The Sea Devils: Episode FourPat Gorman
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (uncredited)Bryan Nolan
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (uncredited)Steve Ismay
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (uncredited)Geoffrey Witherick
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (uncredited)Frank Seton
The Sea Devils: Episode FivePat Gorman
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (uncredited)Bryan Nolan
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (uncredited)Steve Ismay
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (uncredited)Geoffrey Witherick
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (uncredited)Frank Seton
The Sea Devils: Episode SixPat Gorman
1973Frontier In Space: Episode Six (uncredited)
1984Warriors of the Deep: Part One (uncredited)Chris Wolff
Warriors of the Deep: Part One (uncredited)Steve Kelly
Warriors of the Deep: Part One (uncredited)Dave Ould
Warriors of the Deep: Part One (uncredited)Mike Brayburn
Warriors of the Deep: Part One (uncredited)Jules Walters
Warriors of the Deep: Part Two (uncredited)Dave Ould
Warriors of the Deep: Part Two (uncredited)Chris Wolff
Warriors of the Deep: Part Two (uncredited)Mike Brayburn
Warriors of the Deep: Part Two (uncredited)Steve Kelly
Warriors of the Deep: Part Two (uncredited)Jules Walters
Warriors of the Deep: Part Three (uncredited)Dave Ould
Warriors of the Deep: Part Three (uncredited)Chris Wolff
Warriors of the Deep: Part Three (uncredited)Mike Brayburn
Warriors of the Deep: Part Three (uncredited)Steve Kelly
Warriors of the Deep: Part Three (uncredited)Jules Walters
Warriors of the Deep: Part Four (uncredited)
Warriors of the Deep: Part Four (uncredited)Dave Ould
Warriors of the Deep: Part Four (uncredited)Chris Wolff
Warriors of the Deep: Part Four (uncredited)Mike Brayburn
Warriors of the Deep: Part Four (uncredited)Steve Kelly
1993Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part OneMike Fillis
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part Two
2022Legend Of The Sea DevilsAndrew Cross
Legend Of The Sea DevilsSimon Carew
Legend Of The Sea DevilsRichard Price
Legend Of The Sea DevilsMickey Lewis
Legend Of The Sea DevilsJon Davey
Legend Of The Sea DevilsChester Durrant