
Last updated 28 March 2020

Played Byexpand all 5 people
Derek Suthern: as Krarg 1: Shada(uncredited)
3 credits in
1 entry
Reg Woods: as Krarg 2: Shada(uncredited)Info
3 credits in
1 entry
James Muir: as Krarg 5: Shada(uncredited)Info
3 credits in
1 entry
Lionel Sansby: as Krarg 4: Shada(uncredited)Info
3 credits in
1 entry
Stuart Crossman: as Other Krargs: Shada (Online)[Misc]
1 credit in
1 entry


Krargs were creatures made of crystallised coal. They were large, strong, semi-intelligent lumbering creatures with vivid red eyes. They were able to withstand high amounts of energy and could burn with a touch. When more Krargs were needed, they were created in large vats of heavy green gases that solidified coal over a skeleton. They had space carriers with smaller ships that could possibly become invisible. They were used by Skagra as his own personal army.

Biography from the TARDIS Data Core article, licensed under CC-BY-SA