The Brigade Leader
Played By | ||
Nicholas Courtney: Inferno(uncredited) | 4 credits in 1 entry |
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The Brigade Leader
Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart was a high ranking member of the Republican Security Forces in a parallel universe. He was in charge of security at the Eastchester Scientific Labour Camp.
Unlike his counterpart, the Brigade Leader had a missing or damaged left eye, covered by an eyepatch, and was clean-shaven. He captured and interrogated the Third Doctor, who had just arrived from his own universe. At first he had trouble believing the Doctor's story of having come from another dimension.
It eventually became clear that the Doctor had been telling the truth and the penetration of his Earth's crust would devastate the planet beyond recovery. He threatened to shoot the Doctor unless the Time Lord rescued him, Section Leader Shaw and Petra Williams, but instead the Section Leader shot him dead with her own revolver to save the other Earth.
Biography from the TARDIS Data Core article, licensed under CC-BY-SA
Notes for The Brigade Leader | ||
Falling into a parallel universe Lava eruption Death by fire extinguisher Credit: BBC Worldwide