Film Operations Manager
Last updated 28 March 2020
Undertaken By | expand all 4 people | |
Hugh Wilson: The Tomb of the Cybermen(uncredited); The Dominators(uncredited); The Invasion(uncredited); The Seeds of Death(uncredited); The Three Doctors(uncredited) | 27 credits in 5 entries | |
George Inger: Invasion of the Dinosaurs(uncredited) | 6 credits in 1 entry | |
Ian Brindle: The Android Invasion(uncredited); The Masque of Mandragora(uncredited); The Hand Of Fear(uncredited); The Robots of Death(uncredited); The Invasion of Time(uncredited); The Pirate Planet(uncredited); City of Death(uncredited); The Creature from the Pit(uncredited) | 29 credits in 8 entries | |
Graham Richmond: Full Circle(uncredited); The Visitation(uncredited); The Awakening(uncredited); The Caves of Androzani(uncredited); Attack of the Cybermen(uncredited) | 14 credits in 5 entries |
Film Operations Manager
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