Bernice Summerfield

Last updated 28 March 2020

Played By
Lisa Bowerman: Oh No It Isn't![BF]; Beyond the Sun[BF]; Walking to Babylon[BF]; Birthright[BF]; Buried Treasures[BF]; Just War[BF]; Dragons' Wrath[BF]; The Shadow of the Scourge[BF]; The Secret of Cassandra[BF]; The Stone's Lament[BF]; The Extinction Event[BF]; The Skymines of Karthos[BF]; The Greatest Shop in the Galaxy[BF]; The Plague Herds of Excelis[BF]; The Green-Eyed Monsters[BF]; The Dance of the Dead[BF]; The Dark Flame[BF]; The Mirror Effect[BF]; The Bellotron Incident[BF]; The Draconian Rage[BF]; The Poison Seas[BF]; Death and the Daleks[BF]; The Grel Escape[BF]; The Bone of Contention[BF]; The Relics of Jegg-Sau[BF]; The Masquerade of Death[BF]; The Heart's Desire[BF]; The Kingdom of the Blind[BF]; The Lost Museum[BF]; The Goddess Quandary[BF]; The Tartarus Gate[BF]; Timeless Passages[BF]; The Worst Thing in the World[BF]; Summer of Love[BF]; The Oracle of Delphi[BF]; The Empire State[BF]; The Tub Full of Cats[BF]; The Judas Gift[BF]; Freedom of Information[BF]; Beyond the Sea[BF]; The Adolescence of Time[BF]; The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel[BF]; The Diet of Worms[BF]; Glory Days[BF]; Resurrecting the Past[BF]; Escaping the Future[BF]; Year Zero[BF]; Dead Man's Switch[BF]; Epoch[BF]; Road Trip[BF]; Legion[BF]; Love and War[BF]; Many Happy Returns[BF]; New Frontiers[BF]; Missing Persons[BF]; New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Volume One[BF]; The Highest Science[BF]; Theatre of War[BF]; All-Consuming Fire[BF]; Original Sin[BF]; The Story So Far Volume One[BF]; The Story So Far Volume Two[BF]; The Eighth of March[BF]; The Legacy of Time[BF]; Buried Memories[BF]; Lost in Translation[BF]; Gallifrey IV[BF]
101 credits in
67 entries
3 credits in
1 entry

Bernice Summerfield

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