Listing USA entries including Saturday 3rd September 2016

EpisodeChannelBroadcast  Viewers Share Pos
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Sun 29 Sep 2013 8:00pm  EDT    Premiere
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Sun 29 Sep 2013 11:00pm  EDT    
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Mon 18 Nov 2013 8:00pm  EST    
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Mon 18 Nov 2013 11:00pm  EST    
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Thu 21 Nov 2013 8:00am  EST    
The Ninth Doctorshow broadcasts for BBC America (USA)Mon 18 Aug 2014 12:00pm  EDT