Last updated 04 January 2022

Doctor Who: Regeneration Impossible

Regeneration Impossible

Story Number: 29 (BF)
No of Episodes: 1

Written By: Alfie Shaw
Director: Nicholas Briggs

Starring: Jacob Dudman

Big Finish Release (United Kingdom):
First Broadcast: Sunday 31st May 2020
Running Time: 44 minutes

The Doctor is in his TARDIS atop a cloud above Victorian London. He’s retired, no longer interfering in the affairs of others. There’s nothing that could make him help anyone else. Except, perhaps, the lure of another Time Lord... 

The Doctor is locked in a mortuary in Victorian London, dying. He can’t escape and doesn’t know how to keep himself alive. Just when he thinks it can’t get any worse, he finds himself locked in with the one person he hates most in the entire universe.
