James Daniels

Last updated 02 May 2015

Production Credits
Camera Operator: Meet Martha Jones(as James Daniel)[Factual]; Are We There Yet?[Factual]; Monsters Inc[Factual]; Alter Ego[Factual]; Bad Blood[Factual]; 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello[Factual]; The Saxon Mystery[Factual]; The Valiant Quest[Factual]; Kylie Special[Factual]; A Noble Return[Factual]; The Italian Job[Factual]; Sontar-Ha![Factual]; Sins of the Fathers[Factual]; Nemesis[Factual]; Shadow Play[Factual]; River Runs Deep[Factual]; Look Who's Talking[Factual]; Here Come the Girls[Factual]; Friends and Foe[Factual]; The End of an Era[Factual]; Christmas 2008 Special[Factual]; Lords and Masters[Factual]; Allons-y![Factual]
23 credits in
23 entries

James Daniels

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