Emma Bailey

Last updated 27 July 2014

Emma Bailey
(this image appears for illustrative purposes only and no attempt is made to supersede any copyright attributed to it)

Emma Bailey


Emma Bailey was principally a make-up designer for The Sarah Jane Adventures.

 She also provided the relatively minor make-up work needed for Sarah Jane's Alien Files. She was called into duty as the the make-up designer for Doctor Who on the double banked episodes of Blink and Turn Left. 

She was also used as a make-up artist on Torchwood during series 2.

Also worked on The Curse of King Tut's TombBreakfast on PlutoAlexanderSex Lives of the Potato MenCold MountainMurder in MindSyrupThe Mystery of Edwin Drood

Biography from the TARDIS wiki article, licensed under CC-BY-SA