Jemma Redgrave

Last updated 09 January 2023

Jemma Redgrave

Jemma Redgrave has worked on
Doctor Who 13 episodes
Big Finish 40 episodes
Factual 1 episodes

Acting Credits
2012The Power Of ThreeJemma Redgrave playing Kate Stewart (aka Kate Lethbridge-Stewart)Kate Stewart (aka Kate Lethbridge-Stewart)
2013The Day of The DoctorJemma Redgrave playing Kate Stewart (aka Kate Lethbridge-Stewart), as seen in The Day of The Doctor
Factual: Behind The Lens: The Day of The DoctorSelf
2014Death in HeavenJemma Redgrave playing Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, as seen in Death in HeavenKate Lethbridge-Stewart
Factual: Doctor Who Extra: Death In HeavenSelf
2015Big Finish: MistfallDecider Lana Merrion
The Magician's ApprenticeInfoJemma Redgrave playing Kate (aka Kate Lethbridge-Stewart), as seen in The Magician's ApprenticeKate (aka Kate Lethbridge-Stewart)
The Zygon InvasionInfoJemma Redgrave playing Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, as seen in The Zygon InvasionKate Lethbridge-Stewart
The Zygon InversionJemma Redgrave playing Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, as seen in The Zygon Inversion
Big Finish: UNIT: Extinction: VanguardKate Stewart
2016Big Finish: UNIT: Shutdown: Power Cell
Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: House of Silents
2017Big Finish: UNIT: Assembled: Call to Arms
Big Finish: UNIT: Encounters: The Dalek Transaction
2018Big Finish: UNIT: Cyber-Reality: Game Theory
Big Finish: UNIT: Revisitations: Hosts of the Wirrn 1
2019Big Finish: The Eighth of March: Emancipation
Big Finish: UNIT: Incursions: This Sleep of Death
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Lies in Ruins
2021Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter Five
The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter Six
2022The Power of the DoctorJemma Redgrave playing Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, as seen in The Power of the DoctorKate Lethbridge-Stewart
2023The GiggleKate Stewart
202473 Yards
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Collision Course
Big Finish: UNIT: Shutdown: Ice Station Alpha
Big Finish: UNIT: Assembled: United
Big Finish: UNIT: Cyber-Reality: Master of Worlds
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
Big Finish: The Eighth of March: Narcissus
Big Finish: UNIT: Incursions: Tempest
Big Finish: UNIT: Extinction: Earthfall
Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: Square One
Big Finish: UNIT: Encounters: Invocation
Big Finish: UNIT: Revisitations: Hosts of the Wirrn 2
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Avenues of Possibility
Big Finish: UNIT: Shutdown: The Battle of the Tower
Big Finish: UNIT: Assembled: Retrieval
Big Finish: UNIT: Cyber-Reality: Code Silver
Big Finish: The Eighth of March: Inside Every Warrior
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Split Infinitive
Big Finish: UNIT: Incursions: The Power of River Song Part 2
Big Finish: UNIT: Extinction: Armageddon
Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: In Memory Alone
Big Finish: UNIT: Encounters: False Negative
Big Finish: UNIT: Revisitations: Open the Box
Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Relative Time
Big Finish: UNIT: Shutdown: Death in Geneva
Big Finish: UNIT: Assembled: Tidal Wave
Big Finish: UNIT: Cyber-Reality: Telepresence
Big Finish: The Eighth of March: The Big Blue Book
Big Finish: UNIT: Incursions: The Power of River Song Part 1
Big Finish: UNIT: Extinction: Bridgehead
Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: Silent Majority
Big Finish: UNIT: Encounters: The Sontaran Project
Big Finish: UNIT: Revisitations: Breach of Trust