Joseph Lidster

Last updated 09 January 2020

Joseph Lidster
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Joseph Lidster

Born: Wednesday 13th July 1977 (age: 47)


Joseph Lidster is an English television writer best known for his work on the Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

His debut work was the audio play The Rapture for Big Finish Productions in 2002. Numerous further audio plays and prose short stories followed for Big Finish, for their Doctor Who line, spin-offs and other series (Sapphire & Steel andThe Tomorrow People).

In 2005, he started working for the BBC, writing tie-in material for Doctor Who. He made his television writing debut in 2008 on the second series of Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood and subsequently wrote three two-part stories for The Sarah Jane Adventures. 

He is currently writing for the new children's series Aliens vs Wizards.

From 2010, Lidster wrote the content for several tie-in websites relating to the fictional world of the television series, Sherlock.

From 2011 onwards, he was appointed co-producer, alongside James Goss, of Big Finish Productions dramatic reading range of Dark Shadows audio dramas.