Film Camera Assistant

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 34 people
6 credits in
1 entry
John Walker: The Krotons(uncredited); The War Games(uncredited)
12 credits in
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13 credits in
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Hugh Miles: Inferno(uncredited)
7 credits in
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4 credits in
1 entry
10 credits in
2 entries
5 credits in
1 entry
Ian Dabbs: The Dæmons(uncredited); Full Circle(uncredited)
8 credits in
2 entries
Pat Turley: The Dæmons(uncredited)
5 credits in
1 entry
Jim Black: The Dæmons(uncredited)
5 credits in
1 entry
5 credits in
1 entry
Tony Bragg: The Dæmons(uncredited); The Creature from the Pit(uncredited); Planet of Fire(uncredited)
11 credits in
3 entries
3 credits in
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3 credits in
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9 credits in
2 entries
6 credits in
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5 credits in
1 entry
Brian Hall: The Three Doctors(uncredited) | as Assistant Film Cameraman: The Talons of Weng-Chiang(uncredited); The Pirate Planet(uncredited)
12 credits in
3 entries
6 credits in
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6 credits in
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6 credits in
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4 credits in
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3 credits in
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John Daly: Logopolis(uncredited)
3 credits in
1 entry
Paul Roy: Castrovalva(uncredited)
4 credits in
1 entry
2 credits in
1 entry
3 credits in
1 entry
2 credits in
1 entry

Film Camera Assistant

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