Last updated 04 January 2022

Doctor Who: The Masquerade of Death

The Masquerade of Death

Story Number: 23 (BF)
No of Episodes: 1

Writer: Stewart Sheargold
Director: John Ainsworth

Starring: Lisa Bowerman

Big Finish Release (United Kingdom):
First Broadcast: Thursday 31st March 2005
Running Time: 1 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to another in our exciting series of adventures with the witty, irreverent and courageous heroine, Professor Bernice Summerfield. In tonight's story our daring adventuress and her sidekick, Adrian, find themselves imprisoned in a crumbling palace in the Prison Season of Spring, replete with an imperious queen and prissy but rather sweet AI gaoler. How did they arrive? And why doesn't anyone know who the famous Bernice Summerfield is? Before too long there is murder ­ as there always is ­ and Benny is accused. Who might possibly be setting her up for a fall? Could it be The Player ­ a mysterious figure of rhyme and chaos? And why is everybody so obsessed with his plays? Benny may find that her only way out of this prison is to play along with the fiction. But is there someone behind the scenes manipulating her strings? Could she end up a mere ‘costume' in someone's disturbing game of dress-ups? After all her adventures, could this be the final episode?

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