John Ainsworth

Last updated 17 January 2016

Acting Creditsexpand all 12 roles
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4 credits in
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Production Credits
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Director: The Plague Herds of Excelis[BF]; Nekromanteia[BF]; UNIT: Snake Head[BF]; A Storm of Angels[BF]; The Masquerade of Death[BF]; Unregenerate![BF]; Buried Secrets[BF]; Snow Blind[BF]; Fatal Consequences[BF]; Dreamland[BF]; The Tartarus Gate[BF]; Timeless Passages[BF]; No Man's Land[BF]; Circular Time[BF]; Nocturne[BF]; Renaissance of the Daleks[BF]; ID / Urgent Calls[BF]; Valhalla[BF]; The Wishing Beast /The Vanity Box[BF]; Return of the Daleks[BF]; The Seven Keys to Doomsday[BF]; Glory Days[BF]; Absence[BF]; Venus Mantrap[BF]; The Nightmare Fair[BF]; Secret Origins[BF]; Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code[BF]; The Hollows of Time[BF]; Survival of the Fittest[BF]; The Architects of History[BF]; Point of Entry[BF]; The Song of Megaptera[BF]; The Macros[BF]; Resurrecting the Past[BF]; Escaping the Future[BF]; Year Zero[BF]; Dead Man's Switch[BF]; Peri and the Piscon Paradox[BF]; Many Happy Returns[BF]; The Time Machine[BF]; The Lure of the Nomad[BF]; Iron Bright[BF]; The Hunting Ground[BF]; Memories of a Tyrant[BF]; Emissary of the Daleks[BF]; Blood on Santa's Claw and other stories[BF]; Cry of the Vultriss[BF]; Scorched Earth; Plight of the Pimpernel[BF]; Colony of Fear[BF]; Babblesphere[BF]; Shockwave[BF]; Hunters of Earth[BF]; Smoke and Mirrors[BF]; Enemy Aliens[BF]; Shadow of Death[BF]; Jago & Litefoot Series 01[BF]; Night of the Whisper[BF]; Vengeance of the Stones[BF]; Trouble in Paradise[BF]
69 credits in
60 entries
1 credit in
1 entry
14 credits in
11 entries
16 credits in
13 entries

John Ainsworth

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