Last updated 15 December 2018

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor

The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor

Story Number: 209
No of Episodes: 1

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Narrator: Gareth Pierce
Director: James Brailsford

Starring: David Tennant, Neil Gaiman, John Barrowman, Steven Moffat, Caroline Skinner, Peter Purves, William Russell

BBC America (USA):
First Broadcast: Sunday 27th January 2013
Running Time: 30 minutes

Watch (United Kingdom):
First Broadcast: Saturday 12th October 2013
Running Time: 30 minutes

The First Doctor introduced viewers to an incredible show that is still popular 50 years later. Take a look at the TARDIS, meet his companions and finally confront his most famous foes, the Daleks.