
Army of Ghosts - Episode Clips
Doomsday - Episode Clips


Here come the Ghosts!:
The Cybermen have invaded Earth, but the Doctor and Torchwood confront a greater threat. In the command centre, the three employees under manipulation initiate an unscheduled ghost shift and forcibly open the breach. The extended shift causes millions of ghosts to appear across the globe before they materialise into their true form, the Cybermen. At the same time the Cybermen arrive the Void ship suddenly activates and begins to open. The Cybermen take control of Torchwood and order the complete surrender of humanity for conversion. The Doctor, puzzled at how the Cybermen could have created an advanced piece of technology like the Void ship, asks the Cyber Leader how they were able to build it. The Cyber Leader responds that the Cybermen are similarly oblivious to the origins of the sphere and that they merely followed its course through the breach. In the sphere chamber, Mickey explains to Rose that after a battle in the parallel universe the Cybermen mysteriously disappeared. He happened upon their means of escape and returned to his native universe with the intention of stopping them. Mickey believes that the Cybermen are in control of the sphere and produces a gun to destroy whatever is in it. Rose is horrified when the sphere opens and reveals its occupants to be the Daleks.

The Void Ship:
While the TARDIS is impounded with Rose inside. Torchwood's current director Ms. Hartman shows the Doctor the source of the ghost energy, an invisible breach in the universe through which a mysterious spherical object has arrived. The Doctor inspects the sphere, declaring it to be a "Void ship" and also impossible. It is designed to exist in the space between universes and dimensions, a nothingness called the Void. While the TARDIS is impounded with Rose inside. Torchwood's current director Ms. Hartman shows the Doctor the source of the ghost energy, an invisible breach in the universe through which a mysterious spherical object has arrived. The Doctor inspects the sphere, declaring it to be a "Void ship" and also impossible. It is designed to exist in the space between universes and dimensions, a nothingness called the Void.

Credit: BBC Worldwide 

Rose and The Doctor are seperated forever
The Doctor and Rose open the breach and hold onto magnetic clamps as the Cybermen and Daleks are pulled in. The Cult of Skaro use an emergency temporal shift to escape. Rose's lever slips, and in resetting it she loses her grip and plunges toward the Void. At the last second, Pete reappears and grabs her, and together they transport back to the parallel universe. The breach closes, leaving a devastated Rose trapped in the parallel universe.