Location Assistant

Last updated 28 March 2020

Location Assistant has been credited in:
51 episodes of Doctor Who
7 episodes of Class

1972The Sea Devils: Episode One (uncredited)Jennie Betts
The Sea Devils: Episode Two (uncredited)
The Sea Devils: Episode Three (uncredited)
The Sea Devils: Episode Four (uncredited)
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (uncredited)
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (uncredited)
2011The Impossible AstronautGeraint Williams
Day of the Moon
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Doctor's Wife
The Rebel Flesh
The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Let's Kill Hitler
Night Terrors
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor, The Widow and the WardrobeBeccy Jones
2012The Power Of ThreeIestyn Hampson-Jones
The Snowmen
2013The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Akhaten
Cold War
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor
2016Class: For Tonight We Might DieHefin Rees
Class: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Class: Nightvisiting
Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely HeartJac Jones
Class: Brave-ish Heart
Class: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
Class: The Lost
2020Fugitive of the JudoonKyle Yates
Can You Hear Me?
The Haunting Of Villa Diodati
Ascension of the Cybermen
The Timeless Children
2021Revolution of the Daleks
2022Legend Of The Sea DevilsTom Chalkley
The Power of the Doctor
2023The Star BeastShuaib Said
The Star BeastVictoria Louise Jolliffe
Wild Blue YonderShuaib Said
Wild Blue YonderVictoria Louise Jolliffe
The GiggleShuaib Said
The GiggleVictoria Louise Jolliffe
The Church On Ruby RoadRobyn Selby
The Church On Ruby RoadNathan Rose
2024Space Babies
Space BabiesRobyn Selby
The Devil's Chord
The Devil's ChordJosef Coombes
BoomRobyn Selby
BoomJosef Coombes
73 YardsNathan Rose
73 YardsRobyn Selby
Dot and BubbleNathan Rose
Dot and BubbleRobyn Selby
RogueJosef Coombes
The Legend of Ruby SundayRobyn Selby
The Legend of Ruby SundayJosef Coombes
Empire of DeathRobyn Selby
Empire of DeathJosef Coombes
Joy to the WorldVictoria Louise Jolliffe
Joy to the WorldJosef Coombes