The Doctor

Last updated 28 March 2020

Played Byexpand all 15 people
David Tennant: The Christmas Invasion; Attack of the Graske[Misc]; New Earth; Tooth and Claw; School Reunion; The Girl in the Fireplace; Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel; The Idiot's Lantern; The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit; Love & Monsters; Fear Her; Army of Ghosts / Doomsday; The Runaway Bride; Smith and Jones; The Shakespeare Code; Gridlock; Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks; The Lazarus Experiment; 42; Human Nature / The Family of Blood; Blink; Utopia; The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords; The Infinite Quest; Voyage of the Damned; Partners in Crime; The Fires of Pompeii; Planet of the Ood; The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Doctor's Daughter; The Unicorn and the Wasp; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; Midnight; Turn Left; The Stolen Earth / Journey's End; Doctor Who Prom (2008)[Music]; The Next Doctor; Planet of the Dead; The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; The Waters of Mars; Dreamland; The End of Time; The Name of the Doctor(uncredited) (from archive recording)Info; The Day of The Doctor; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar(uncredited) (from archive recording)Info; The Girl Who Died(uncredited) (from archive recording)Info; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion(uncredited) (from archive recording)Info; Technophobia[BF]; Time Reaver[BF]; Death and the Queen[BF]; Infamy Of The Zaross[BF]; The Sword Of The Chevalier[BF]; Cold Vengeance[BF]; No Place[BF]; One Mile Down[BF]; The Creeping Death[BF]; Echoes of Extinction[BF]; The War Master: Self-Defence; The Power of the Doctor; Out of Time 1; Music of the Spheres; Time Crash (Children in Need); Children in Need Special | as Doctor Who: Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
78 credits in
64 entries
Peter Miles: as Stunt Double for The Doctor: The Girl in the Fireplace
1 credit in
1 entry
Martyn Darby: as Riding Double for the Doctor: The Idiot's Lantern(uncredited)
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Ray De-Haan: as Stunt Double for The Doctor: The Idiot's Lantern
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Pat Deacy: as Riding Double for The Doctor: The Idiot's Lantern(uncredited)
1 credit in
1 entry
Gordon Seed: as Stunt Double for Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars(uncredited) | as Stunt Double for The Doctor: Voyage of the Damned(uncredited); Partners in Crime(uncredited); The End of Time(uncredited) | as Stunt Double for the Doctor: The Idiot's Lantern
5 credits in
5 entries
Daniel Geoff: as Stunt Double for The Doctor: The Runaway Bride(uncredited)
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David Bednall: as Hand double for The Doctor: The Lazarus Experiment(uncredited)
1 credit in
1 entry
Colum Sanson Regan: as Double for The Doctor: Voyage of the Damned(uncredited); The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky(uncredited); Turn Left(uncredited); The Stolen Earth / Journey's End(uncredited)
4 credits in
4 entries
Mark Archer: as Stunt Double for The Doctor: Voyage of the Damned(uncredited)
1 credit in
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Oliver Cullen: as Double for The Doctor: The Stolen Earth / Journey's End(uncredited)
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Christopher Goding: as Hand double for The Doctor: The End of Time(as Chris Goding)(uncredited)
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Ian Van Temperley: as Riding Double for The Tenth Doctor: The Day of The Doctor
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1 entry
Harry Franklin-Williams: as Double for The Tenth Doctor: The Day of The Doctor(uncredited)
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1 entry

The Doctor -
(this image appears for illustrative purposes only and no attempt is made to supersede any copyright attributed to it)

The Doctor

BBC Profile
Doctor Who profile

Unlike his immediate predecessor, who was plagued by melancholy due to his actions during the Last Great Time War, the Tenth Doctor possessed an outgoing, lively and genial demeanour that hid his "survivor's guilt". For most of his incarnation, he was able to successfully project a convivial and even frivolous front. However, when he had to engage in conflict, the Tenth Doctor's energies would shift toward heroism to reveal a fiercely protective man who resolutely guarded what he held dear, and who could be viciously unforgiving to the forces that dared menace them.

Intentionally or not, this incarnation showed a definite ability to flirt successfully with humans, such as Madame de Pompadour and his eventual wife Elizabeth I. His personal magnetism was so pronounced that some women, like Clare Pope and Christina de Souza, proactively came on to him. Jack Harkness readily admitted his attraction as well.

Late in his life — and especially when he was travelling without companions — the weight of being the last Time Lord became much more pronounced. If prodded too much, he would erupt in an almost righteous sense of fury. Indeed, as compared to the Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth Doctor was described by the Moment as "the man who regrets". The fact that he was instantly able to recall the number of Gallifreyan children that he believed an earlier life had killed during the war indicated just how keenly he actually felt those horrendous memories.

He travelled mainly with three companions: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones and Donna Noble. Each relationship was shaped, to one degree or another, by romance. He seemed to genuinely love Rose as the person who helped heal some of the scars of the Time War; he was completely oblivious to Martha's obvious affections toward him, and he insisted upon a platonic relationship with Donna. After he was compelled to wipe Donna's memory completely, he entered a period in which he shunned long-term companions altogether — making an exception only for Majenta Pryce, who essentially forced her way into the TARDIS.

He met his end after he absorbed a huge quantity of nuclear radiation whilst saving the life of Donna Noble's grandfather, Wilfred Mott. The foreknowledge of his own demise and his strong attachment to the memories and romance he had that were special to this version of himself made it a particularly difficult task for the Doctor to let go of this incarnation.

Biography from the TARDIS Data Core article, licensed under CC-BY-SA



Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Astrid, Sarah Jane Smith, Jackson Lake, Rosita Farisi, Lady Christina de Souza, Adelaide Brooke, Wilfred Mott

Notes for The Doctor

LinkCredit: BBC Worldwide