Original Creator

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 21 people
47 credits in
24 entries
Robert Holmes: as Autons originall created by: Rose | as Sontarans created by: The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Last Sontaran[SJA]; A Good Man Goes to War; The Name of the Doctor; The Time of the Doctor; Deep Breath | as Wirran created by: The Stones of Blood(uncredited)
10 credits in
8 entries
Bob Baker: as K9 created by: The Stones of Blood(uncredited); The Stolen Earth / Journey's End | as K9 originally created by: School Reunion; The Lost Boy[SJA]
7 credits in
4 entries
Dave Martin: as K9 created by: The Stones of Blood(uncredited); The Stolen Earth / Journey's End | as K9 originally created by: School Reunion; The Lost Boy[SJA]
7 credits in
4 entries
Johnny Byrne: as Nyssa created by: Logopolis(uncredited); Castrovalva(uncredited); Four To Doomsday(uncredited); Kinda(uncredited); The Visitation(uncredited); Black Orchid(uncredited); Time-Flight(uncredited); Snakedance(uncredited); Mawdryn Undead(uncredited); Terminus(uncredited)
36 credits in
10 entries
Mervyn Haisman: as Brigadier created by: Mawdryn Undead(uncredited)
4 credits in
1 entry
Henry Lincoln: as Brigadier created by: Mawdryn Undead(uncredited)
4 credits in
1 entry
18 credits in
14 entries
18 credits in
14 entries
17 credits in
11 entries
William Grantham: as Abzorbaloff created by: Love & Monsters
1 credit in
1 entry
Ian Stuart Black: as Macra created by: Gridlock
1 credit in
1 entry
Fintan Coyle: as Devised By: The Weakest Link[Related]
1 credit in
1 entry
Cathy Dunning: as Devised By: The Weakest Link[Related]
1 credit in
1 entry
4 credits in
4 entries
Brian Hayles: as Creator of the Ice Warriors: Cold War | as Ice Warriors created by: Empress Of Mars
2 credits in
2 entries
1 credit in
1 entry
1 credit in
1 entry
1 credit in
1 entry
2 credits in
2 entries
1 credit in
1 entry

Original Creator

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