Last updated 27 January 2025

Doctor Who: Trial of the Valeyard

Trial of the Valeyard

Story Number: 13 (BF)
No of Episodes: 1

Writer: Alan Barnes, Mike Maddox
Director: Barnaby Edwards

Starring: Colin Baker, Michael Jayston, Lynda Bellingham

Big Finish Release (United Kingdom):
First Broadcast: December 2014
Running Time: 1 hour

There is some evil in all of us – even the Doctor. Transported aboard the Time Lords' orbiting courtroom, the Doctor once again encounters the Valeyard, an amalgamation of the darker sides of his nature. This time, however, the Doctor isn't in the dock. This time, the Valeyard is the defendant, accused of a crime so terrible that the presiding Inquisitor is forbidden to reveal it even to the court, nor even to his counsel for the defence… the Doctor.

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