Vision Mixer

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 44 people
Clive Doig: An Unearthly Child(uncredited); The Daleks(uncredited); The Edge of Destruction(uncredited); Marco Polo(uncredited); The Keys of Marinus(uncredited); The Aztecs(uncredited); The Sensorites(uncredited); The Reign Of Terror(uncredited); Planet of Giants(uncredited); The Dalek Invasion of Earth(uncredited); The Rescue(uncredited); The Romans(uncredited); The Web Planet(uncredited); The Space Museum(uncredited); The Chase(uncredited)
63 credits in
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John Lopes: The Dalek Invasion of Earth(uncredited); The Crusade(uncredited); The Chase(uncredited); The Time Meddler(uncredited)
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Clive Halls: The Ark(uncredited); The Gunfighters(uncredited)
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50 credits in
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David Langford: The Invasion(uncredited); The Krotons(uncredited); The War Games(uncredited)
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John Gorman: Inferno(uncredited); The Dæmons(uncredited); The Sea Devils(uncredited); The Green Death(uncredited)
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Sue Thorne: The Seeds of Doom(uncredited); The Ribos Operation(uncredited); The Pirate Planet(uncredited); Time and the Rani; Shada(uncredited)Info
20 credits in
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Paul Jackson: as OB Vision Mixer: The Seeds of Doom(uncredited)
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(unlisted people): Never Mind the Buzzcocks(as Stuart Owen)[Related]; Mastermind(as Karen Hall-Carter)[Related] | as Vision Mixer (Video Screen): Doctor Who: A Celebration(as Llinos Metcalf)[Music]
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Alison Bartrop: Doctor Who: A Celebration[Music] | as Vision Mixer (Concert Production Team): Music and Monsters[Factual]
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Llinos Metcalf: as Screens Vision Mixer: Doctor Who Prom (2008)[Music]
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Vision Mixer

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