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2D Artist
Role Entries
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Last updated 28 March 2020
2D Artist has been credited in:
35 episodes of Doctor Who
3 episodes of Torchwood
1 episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures
The Christmas Invasion
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Christmas Invasion
Kim Phelan
The Christmas Invasion
David Bowman
The Christmas Invasion
Simon C Holden
The Christmas Invasion
Russell Horth
The Christmas Invasion
Bronwyn Edwards
The Christmas Invasion
Sara Bennett
The Christmas Invasion
Joseph Courtis
New Earth
Sara Bennett
New Earth
Melissa Butler-Adams
New Earth
Russell Horth
New Earth
Bronwyn Edwards
New Earth
David Bowman
New Earth
Simon C Holden
New Earth
Joseph Courtis
New Earth
Kim Phelan
Tooth and Claw
Michael Harrison
Tooth and Claw
Joseph Courtis
Tooth and Claw
Russell Horth
Tooth and Claw
Melissa Butler-Adams
Tooth and Claw
Sara Bennett
Tooth and Claw
Simon C Holden
Tooth and Claw
Bronwyn Edwards
Tooth and Claw
David Bowman
Tooth and Claw
Kim Phelan
School Reunion
Joseph Courtis
School Reunion
Sara Bennett
School Reunion
Michael Harrison
School Reunion
Melissa Butler-Adams
School Reunion
Russell Horth
School Reunion
Bronwyn Edwards
School Reunion
David Bowman
School Reunion
Simon C Holden
The Girl in the Fireplace
Joseph Courtis
The Girl in the Fireplace
Simon C Holden
The Girl in the Fireplace
Russell Horth
The Idiot's Lantern
Michael Harrison
The Idiot's Lantern
Sandra Roach
The Idiot's Lantern
Joseph Courtis
The Idiot's Lantern
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Idiot's Lantern
Bronwyn Edwards
The Idiot's Lantern
Sara Bennett
The Idiot's Lantern
Russell Horth
The Idiot's Lantern
Simon C Holden
The Impossible Planet
Bronwyn Edwards
The Impossible Planet
Sara Bennett
The Impossible Planet
Russell Horth
The Impossible Planet
Joseph Courtis
The Impossible Planet
Sandra Roach
The Impossible Planet
Michael Harrison
The Impossible Planet
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Impossible Planet
Simon C Holden
The Satan Pit
The Satan Pit
Bronwyn Edwards
The Satan Pit
Russell Horth
The Satan Pit
Sara Bennett
The Satan Pit
Joseph Courtis
The Satan Pit
Sandra Roach
The Satan Pit
Michael Harrison
The Satan Pit
Melissa Butler-Adams
Love & Monsters
Sandra Roach
Love & Monsters
Russell Horth
Fear Her
David Bowman
Fear Her
Michael Harrison
Fear Her
Melissa Butler-Adams
Fear Her
Simon C Holden
Fear Her
Joseph Curtis
Fear Her
Russell Horth
Fear Her
Sara Bennett
Fear Her
Bronwyn Edwards
Torchwood: Everything Changes
Simon Holden
Torchwood: Everything Changes
Joe Courtis
Torchwood: Day One
Bronwyn Edwards
Torchwood: Day One
Sara Bennett
Torchwood: Ghost Machine
Simon Holden
Torchwood: Ghost Machine
Joe Courtis
Torchwood: Ghost Machine
Astrid Busser-Casas
The Runaway Bride
Adam Rowland
The Runaway Bride
Sara Bennett
The Runaway Bride
Joseph Courtis
The Runaway Bride
Bryan Bartlett
The Runaway Bride
Simon C Holden
The Runaway Bride
Russell Horth
The Runaway Bride
Astrid Busser-Casas
The Runaway Bride
Greg Spencer
The Runaway Bride
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
Tim Barter
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
Loraine Cooper
Smith and Jones
Melissa Butler-Adams
Smith and Jones
Sara Bennett
Smith and Jones
Joseph Courtis
Smith and Jones
Russell Horth
Smith and Jones
Tim Barter
Smith and Jones
Bryan Bartlett
Smith and Jones
Simon C Holden
The Shakespeare Code
Sara Bennett
The Shakespeare Code
Joseph Courtis
The Shakespeare Code
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Shakespeare Code
Adam Rowland
The Shakespeare Code
Russell Horth
The Shakespeare Code
Bryan Bartlett
Sara Bennett
Adam Rowland
Tim Barter
Daleks in Manhattan
Adam Rowland
Daleks in Manhattan
Joseph Courtis
Daleks in Manhattan
Sara Bennett
Daleks in Manhattan
Greg Spencer
Daleks in Manhattan
Tim Barter
Daleks in Manhattan
Bryan Bartlett
Daleks in Manhattan
Russell Horth
Evolution of the Daleks
Arianna Lago
Evolution of the Daleks
Russell Horth
Evolution of the Daleks
Melissa Butler-Adams
Evolution of the Daleks
Simon C Holden
Evolution of the Daleks
Bryan Bartlett
Evolution of the Daleks
Greg Spencer
The Lazarus Experiment
The Lazarus Experiment
Sara Bennett
The Lazarus Experiment
Adam Rowland
The Lazarus Experiment
Melissa Butler-Adams
The Lazarus Experiment
Tim Barter
The Lazarus Experiment
Bryan Bartlett
Joseph Courtis
Sara Bennett
Tim Barter
Russell Horth
Adam Rowland
Bryan Bartlett
Greg Spencer
Tim Barter
Joseph Courtis
Bryan Bartlett
Russell Horth
Sara Bennett
Adam Rowland
The Sound of Drums
Tim Barter
The Sound of Drums
Arianna Lago
The Sound of Drums
Adam Rowland
The Sound of Drums
Bryan Bartlett
The Sound of Drums
Russell Horth
The Sound of Drums
Sara Bennett
Last of the Time Lords
Simon C Holden
Last of the Time Lords
Sara Bennett
Last of the Time Lords
Greg Spencer
Last of the Time Lords
Joseph Courtis
Last of the Time Lords
Melissa Butler-Adams
Voyage of the Damned
Russell Horth
Voyage of the Damned
Simon C Holden
Voyage of the Damned
Greg Spencer
Voyage of the Damned
Bryan Bartlett
Voyage of the Damned
Sara Bennett
Voyage of the Damned
Isobel Barber
Voyage of the Damned
Arianna Lago
Partners in Crime
Bryan Bartlett
Partners in Crime
James Moxon
Partners in Crime
Simon C Holden
Partners in Crime
Loraine Cooper
Partners in Crime
Tim Barter
Partners in Crime
Sara Bennett
Partners in Crime
Murray Barber
Partners in Crime
Greg Spencer
The Fires of Pompeii
Adrian Cirulli
The Fires of Pompeii
Russell Horth
The Fires of Pompeii
Murray Barber
The Fires of Pompeii
Bryan Bartlett
Planet of the Ood
Sara Bennett
Planet of the Ood
Murray Barber
Planet of the Ood
Simon C Holden
Planet of the Ood
Loraine Cooper
The Sontaran Stratagem
Sara Bennett
The Sontaran Stratagem
Simon C Holden
The Sontaran Stratagem
Julie Nixon
The Poison Sky
The Poison Sky
Russell Horth
The Poison Sky
Arianna Lago
The Poison Sky
Murray Barber
The Poison Sky
Sara Bennett
The Doctor's Daughter
Adrian Cirulli
The Doctor's Daughter
Arianna Lago
The Doctor's Daughter
Russell Horth
The Doctor's Daughter
Loraine Cooper
The Doctor's Daughter
Sara Bennett
The Doctor's Daughter
Murray Barber
The Doctor's Daughter
Bryan Bartlett
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Julie Nixon
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Sara Bennett
The Unicorn and the Wasp
James Moxon
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Russell Horth
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Murray Barber
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Arianna Lago
Silence in the Library
Silence in the Library
James Moxton
Silence in the Library
Bryan Bartlett
Silence in the Library
Greg Spencer
Silence in the Library
Russell Horth
Silence in the Library
Adrian Cirulli
Silence in the Library
Lyndall Spagnoletti
Silence in the Library
Julie Nixon
Silence in the Library
Murray Barber
Forest of the Dead
Greg Spencer
Forest of the Dead
Arianna Lago
Forest of the Dead
James Moxton
Forest of the Dead
Simon C Holden
Forest of the Dead
Murray Barber
Forest of the Dead
Lyndall Spagnoletti
Forest of the Dead
Adrian Cirulli
Forest of the Dead
Bryan Bartlett
Forest of the Dead
Julie Nixon
Russell Horth
Adrian Cirulli
James Etherington
Sara Bennett
Bryan Bartlett
Lyndall Spagnoletti
Turn Left
Sara Bennett
Turn Left
Julie Dixon
Turn Left
Murray Barber
Turn Left
Arianna Lago
Turn Left
Greg Spencer
The Stolen Earth
Arianna Lago
The Stolen Earth
Sara Bennett
The Stolen Earth
Greg Spencer
The Stolen Earth
Bryan Bartlett
Journey's End
Adrian Cirulli
Journey's End
Russell Horth
Journey's End
Sara Bennett
Home Region:
Doctor Who
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous)
The Sarah Jane Adventures
K-9 and Company
Aaru Movies
Big Finish
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