
Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 36 people
Tex Childs: Spearhead From Space(uncredited); Day of the Daleks(uncredited); The Three Doctors(uncredited); Planet of the Daleks(uncredited)
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4 entries
Bill Paget: The Claws of Axos(uncredited); The Sea Devils(uncredited); The Time Monster(uncredited)
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3 entries
Stan Swetman: The Dæmons(uncredited); Planet of the Daleks(uncredited); The Talons of Weng-Chiang(uncredited); The Visitation(uncredited); Shada(uncredited)
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Roy Caney: The Invasion of Time(uncredited); Time-Flight(uncredited)
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Ian McNally: as Grips: Destiny of the Daleks(uncredited)
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Geoff Tookey: Logopolis(uncredited)
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John Phillips: Logopolis(uncredited); Planet of Fire(uncredited)
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Jon Head: The Airzone Solution[Other]
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Jim Wilkinson: Rose(uncredited)
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Warwick Drucker: Rose(uncredited)
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John Robinson: Rose; The End Of The World; The Unquiet Dead; Aliens of London / World War Three; Dalek; The Long Game; Father's Day; The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances; Boom Town; Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways; The Christmas Invasion; New Earth; Tooth and Claw; School Reunion; The Girl in the Fireplace; Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel; The Idiot's Lantern; The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit; Fear Her; Army of Ghosts / Doomsday; The Runaway Bride; Smith and Jones; The Shakespeare Code; Gridlock; Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks; The Lazarus Experiment; 42; Human Nature / The Family of Blood; Utopia; The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords; Voyage of the Damned; Partners in Crime; The Fires of Pompeii; Planet of the Ood; The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Doctor's Daughter; The Unicorn and the Wasp; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; Midnight; The Stolen Earth / Journey's End; The Next Doctor; Planet of the Dead; The Waters of Mars; The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; The Doctor's Wife; Night Terrors; Deep Breath; Into the Dalek; Robot Of Sherwood; Listen; Time Heist; The Caretaker; Kill The Moon; Mummy On The Orient Express; In The Forest Of The Night; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Last Christmas; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; Under the Lake / Before The Flood; The Girl Who Died; The Woman Who Lived; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Sleep No More; Face The Raven; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Smile; Thin Ice; Oxygen; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; The Lie Of The Land; Empress Of Mars; The Eaters of Light; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time; The Woman Who Fell To Earth; The Ghost Monument; Rosa; Arachnids In The UK; The Tsuranga Conundrum; Demons Of The Punjab; Kerblam!; The Witchfinders; It Takes You Away; The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos; Resolution
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 Grips are lighting and rigging technicians. 

Grips have two main functions. The first is to work closely with the camera department to provide camera support, especially if the camera is mounted to a dolly, crane, or in an unusual position, such as the top of a ladder. 

The second main function of grips is to work closely with the electrical department to create lighting set-ups necessary for a shot under the direction of the Director of Photography.