Steven Moffat

Last updated 15 April 2023

Acting Creditsexpand all 6 roles
Self: Special Effects[Factual]; Weird Science[Factual]; Fear Factor[Factual]; From Script to Screen[Factual]; The Writer's Tale[Factual]; Do You Remember the First Time?[Factual]; Shadow Play[Factual]; River Runs Deep[Factual]; The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Front Row[Related]; Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]; The Science of Doctor Who[Factual]; The Women of Doctor Who[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Fifth Doctor[Factual]; Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Sixth Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Eighth Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Ninth Doctor[Factual]; Doctor Who Explained[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Tenth Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; The One Show[Related]; Who is The Doctor?[Factual]; Behind The Lens: The Day of The Doctor[Factual]; The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot[Misc]; The Story of Trock[Factual]; Doctor Who: A Farewell to Matt Smith[Factual]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion[Factual]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord[Factual]; Innerspace[Factual]; Doctor Who: Earth Conquest[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Into The Dalek[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Listen[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Kill The Moon[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Mummy On The Orient Express[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Flatline[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: In The Forest Of The Night[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Death In Heaven[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas[Factual]; Jo Whiley[Related] | as Contributor: The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Second Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Third Doctor[Factual]; The Doctors Revisited: The Fourth Doctor[Factual]
71 credits in
70 entries
Production Credits
Writer: Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death[Misc]; The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances; The Girl in the Fireplace; Blink; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; A Good Man Goes to War; Let's Kill Hitler; The Wedding of River Song; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; Asylum of the Daleks; The Angels Take Manhattan; The Snowmen; The Bells of Saint John; The Name of the Doctor; The Night of The Doctor; The Day of The Doctor; The Time of the Doctor; Deep Breath; Into the Dalek; Listen; Time Heist; The Caretaker; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Last Christmas; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; The Girl Who Died; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; Friend from The Future[Misc]; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time; Boom; Joy to the World; Night and the Doctor[Misc]; Time Crash (Children in Need); Space / Time (Comic Relief) | as Writer of additional filmed content: Doctor Who Prom (2013)[Music]
71 credits in
49 entries
Executive Producer: The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; The Curse of the Black Spot; The Doctor's Wife; The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People; A Good Man Goes to War; Let's Kill Hitler; Night Terrors; The Girl Who Waited; The God Complex; Closing Time; The Wedding of River Song; Death Is the Only Answer; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; Good as Gold; Asylum of the Daleks; Dinosaurs on a Spaceship; A Town Called Mercy; The Power Of Three; The Angels Take Manhattan; The Snowmen; The Bells of Saint John; The Rings of Akhaten; Cold War; Hide; Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS; The Crimson Horror; Nightmare in Silver; The Name of the Doctor; An Adventure In Space And Time[Misc]; William Hartnell: The Original[Factual]; The Day of The Doctor; Behind The Lens: The Day of The Doctor[Factual]; The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot[Misc]; The Time of the Doctor; Deep Breath; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion[Factual]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath[Factual]; Into the Dalek; Doctor Who Extra: Into The Dalek[Factual]; Robot Of Sherwood; Doctor Who Extra: Robot Of Sherwood[Factual]; Listen; Doctor Who Extra: Listen[Factual]; Time Heist; Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist[Factual]; The Caretaker; Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker[Factual]; Kill The Moon; Doctor Who Extra: Kill The Moon[Factual]; Mummy On The Orient Express; Doctor Who Extra: Mummy On The Orient Express[Factual]; Flatline; Doctor Who Extra: Flatline[Factual]; In The Forest Of The Night; Doctor Who Extra: In The Forest Of The Night[Factual]; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Death In Heaven[Factual]; Last Christmas; Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas[Factual]; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; Under the Lake / Before The Flood; The Girl Who Died; The Woman Who Lived; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Sleep No More; Face The Raven; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; For Tonight We Might Die[Class]; The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo[Class]; Nightvisiting[Class]; Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Brave-ish Heart[Class]; Detained[Class]; The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did[Class]; The Lost[Class]; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Smile; Thin Ice; Knock Knock; Oxygen; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; The Lie Of The Land; Empress Of Mars; The Eaters of Light; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time; Boom; Joy to the World; Space / Time (Comic Relief); City Of The Daleks[Games]; Doctor Who Live[Stage] | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; What Goes on Tour...[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Extra Time[Factual]; Alien Abduction[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]
152 credits in
135 entries
Acknowlegment: as With thanks to: Doctor Who: Earth Conquest[Factual]
1 credit in
1 entry
3 credits in
1 entry
4 credits in
4 entries
Steven Moffat
(this image appears for illustrative purposes only and no attempt is made to supersede any copyright attributed to it)

Steven William Moffat

Born: Saturday 18th November 1961 (age: 63)

Hartswood Films
Berlin Associates

Steven Moffat was the current lead Writer and Executive Producer of Doctor Who.

Moffat was born in Paisley, Scotland, where he attended Camphill High School. He studied at the University of Glasgow, where he was involved with the student television station, GUST After gaining an MA degree in English from Glasgow, he worked as a teacher for three years at Cowdenknowes High School, Greenock.

Moffat's first television work was the teen drama series Press Gang starring Julia Sawalha and Dexter Fletcher, which ran for five series on ITV between 1989 and 1993, with Moffat writing all forty-three episodes. The programme won a BAFTA award in its second series. His first sitcom, Joking Apart, was inspired by the breakdown of his first marriage; conversely, his later sitcom Coupling was based upon the development of his relationship with television producer Sue Vertue. he also wrote Chalk, a sitcom set in a comprehensive school inspired by his own experience as an English teacher.

He wrote the Hartswood Films drama series Jekyll, a modern version of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which aired on BBC One in June and July 2007. In 2008 he scripted the first The Adventures of Tintin film for director Steven Spielberg. He co-created Sherlock, an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories.

Moffat has been a fan of Doctor Who since childhood. His first professional contribution to Doctor Who was a prose story, "Continuity Errors", which was published in the 1996 Virgin Books anthology Decalog 3: Consequences. In 1999 he scripted the parody Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death, which aired as part of Comic Relief's Red Nose Day charity telethon. In 2004 Moffat was signed to write for the revival of Doctor Who. His contribution for the 2005 series was the Hugo Award-winning two-part story The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances. He wrote an episode for each of the two following series of Doctor Who: The Girl in the Fireplace in the 2006 series and Blink in the 2007 series.

The BBC announced in May 2008 during Moffat's latest contribution, Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead, that he would be taking over from Russell T Davies as head writer and executive producer for the revived show's fifth series, to be broadcast in 2010. As executive producer and head writer, he was significantly involved in casting Matt Smith as the Eleventh and Peter Capaldi as the Tweflth Doctor.

At the same time as his involvement with Doctor Who, Moffat also co-devised a modern-day take on the stories of Sherlock Holmes alongside writer Mark Gatiss. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular Holmes and Martin Freeman as Watson, Sherlock has enjoyed three series and a Christmas Special, with a fourth series due to be filmed in 2016. The show has gone on to win several BAFTA awards, and has also received international acclaim in the Emmys.

On 22nd January 2016 the BBC announced that Moffat would be stepping down as the lead writer of Doctor Who after completion of the tenth series, which would be broadcast in 2017, with his successor to be Chris Chibnall.