Executive Producer

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 60 people
Charles Cecil MBE: as Game Executive Producer: City Of The Daleks[Games]
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Gary Leigh: Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans[Other]
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John Whiston: as TV Version Executive Producer: 30 Years In The TARDIS[Factual]
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(unlisted people): 30 Years In The TARDIS(as Sue Kerr)[Factual]; Never Mind the Buzzcocks(as Jim Pullin)[Related]; Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom: Derbyshire(as Owenna Griffiths)[Related]; Celebrity Antiques Road Trip(as Carole Lochhead)[Related]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide(as Mark Cossey)[Factual]; 12 Again: Doctor Who Special(as Annette Williams)[Factual]; The Graham Norton Show(as Graham Stuart)[Related]; Mastermind(as Kieron Collins)[Related]; Marrying Mum and Dad: Dr Who(as Ninder Billing Khandelwal)[Related] | as Executive Producer for BBC: Celebrity Antiques Road Trip(as Jo Street)[Related]
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Jo Wright: as Executive Producer for the BBC: The TV Movie
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Jacqueline Rayner: as Executive Producer for BBC Worldwide: Real Time[Misc]
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Martin Trickey: as Executive Producer for BBC Worldwide: Shada (Online)[Misc] | as Executive Producer for BBCi: Scream of the Shalka[Misc]
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Mario Dubois: as Executive Producer for BBCi: Scream of the Shalka[Misc]
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James Goss: as Executive Producer for BBCi: Scream of the Shalka[Misc]
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Mark Cossey: A New Dimension[Factual]; Bringing Back the Doctor[Factual]; Aliens: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly[Factual]; TARDIS Tales[Factual]; I Get a Sidekick out of You[Factual]; Why on Earth?[Factual]; The Daleks[Factual]; The Dark Side[Factual]; Time Trouble[Factual]; Special Effects[Factual]; Weird Science[Factual]; Unsung Heroes and Violent Death[Factual]; The World of Who[Factual]; The Ultimate Guide[Factual]; The Last Battle[Factual]; One Year On[Factual]; New New Doctor[Factual]; Fear Factor[Factual]; Friends Reunited[Factual]; From Script to Screen[Factual]; Cybermen[Factual]; From Zero to Hero[Factual]; The Writer's Tale[Factual]; You've Got the Look[Factual]; Religion, Myths and Legends[Factual]; The New World of Dr Who[Factual]; The Fright Stuff[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]; Finale[Factual]; Jack's Back[Factual]; Music and Monsters[Factual]; Meet Martha Jones[Factual]; Stage Fright[Factual]; Are We There Yet?[Factual]; A New York Story[Factual]; Making Manhattan[Factual]; Monsters Inc[Factual]; Space Craft[Factual]; Alter Ego[Factual]; Bad Blood[Factual]; Do You Remember the First Time?[Factual]; 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello[Factual]; The Saxon Mystery[Factual]; The Infinite Quest; The Valiant Quest[Factual]; Kylie Special[Factual]; A Noble Return[Factual]; Oods and Ends[Factual]; Send in the Clones[Factual]; Sontar-Ha![Factual]; Sins of the Fathers[Factual]; Nemesis[Factual]; Shadow Play[Factual]; River Runs Deep[Factual]; Look Who's Talking[Factual]; Here Come the Girls[Factual]; Friends and Foe[Factual]; The End of an Era[Factual]; Christmas 2008 Special[Factual]; The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Desert Storm[Factual]; Is There Life on Mars?[Factual]; Lords and Masters[Factual]; Allons-y![Factual]; Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; What Goes on Tour...[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Extra Time[Factual]; Alien Abduction[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]; Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty[Factual]; Backstage at Christmas[Factual]
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Russell T Davies: Rose; The End Of The World; The Unquiet Dead; Aliens of London / World War Three; Dalek; The Long Game; Father's Day; The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances; Boom Town; Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways; The Christmas Invasion; Attack of the Graske[Misc]; New Earth; Tooth and Claw; School Reunion; The Girl in the Fireplace; Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel; The Idiot's Lantern; The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit; Love & Monsters; Fear Her; Army of Ghosts / Doomsday; Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW]; Cyberwoman[TW]; Small Worlds[TW]; Countrycide[TW]; Greeks Bearing Gifts[TW]; They Keep Killing Suzie[TW]; Random Shoes[TW]; Out of Time[TW]; Combat[TW]; The Runaway Bride; Invasion of the Bane[SJA]; Captain Jack Harkness[TW]; Smith and Jones; The Shakespeare Code; Gridlock; Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks; The Lazarus Experiment; 42; Human Nature / The Family of Blood; Blink; Utopia; The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords; The Infinite Quest; End of Days[TW]; Voyage of the Damned; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang[TW]; Sleeper[TW]; To the Last Man[TW]; Meat[TW]; Adam[TW]; Reset[TW]; Dead Man Walking[TW]; A Day in the Death[TW]; Something Borrowed[TW]; From Out of the Rain[TW]; Adrift[TW]; Fragments[TW]; Exit Wounds[TW]; Partners in Crime; The Fires of Pompeii; Planet of the Ood; The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Doctor's Daughter; The Unicorn and the Wasp; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; Midnight; Turn Left; The Stolen Earth / Journey's End; Doctor Who Prom (2008)[Music]; The Day of the Clown[SJA]; Secrets of the Stars[SJA]; The Mark of the Berserker[SJA]; The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; Enemy of the Bane[SJA]; The Next Doctor; From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love[SJA]; Planet of the Dead; Children Of Earth: Day One[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Two[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Three[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Four[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Five[TW]; Prisoner of the Judoon[SJA]; The Mad Woman in the Attic[SJA]; The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; The Eternity Trap[SJA]; Mona Lisa's Revenge[SJA]; The Waters of Mars; The Gift[SJA]; Dreamland; The End of Time; The Nightmare Man[SJA]; The Vault of Secrets[SJA]; Death of the Doctor[SJA]; The Empty Planet[SJA]; Lost in Time[SJA]; Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; The New World[TW]; Rendition[TW]; Dead of Night[TW]; Escape to L.A.[TW]; The Categories of Life[TW]; The Middle Men[TW]; Immortal Sins[TW]; End of the Road[TW]; The Gathering[TW]; The Blood Line[TW]; Sky[SJA]; The Curse of Clyde Langer[SJA]; The Man Who Never Was[SJA]; The Star Beast; Wild Blue Yonder; The Giggle; The Church On Ruby Road; Space Babies; The Devil's Chord; Boom; 73 Yards; Dot and Bubble; Rogue; The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death; Time Crash (Children in Need); Christmas 2024; Children in Need Special; Episode One; Music of the Spheres | as Executive Producer for BBC Wales: Revenge of the Slitheen[SJA]; Eye of the Gorgon[SJA]; Warriors of Kudlak[SJA]; Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?[SJA]; The Lost Boy[SJA]; The Last Sontaran[SJA] | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: A New Dimension[Factual]; Music and Monsters[Factual]; Stage Fright[Factual]; Are We There Yet?[Factual]; A New York Story[Factual]; Making Manhattan[Factual]; Monsters Inc[Factual]; Space Craft[Factual]; Alter Ego[Factual]; Bad Blood[Factual]; Do You Remember the First Time?[Factual]; 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello[Factual]; The Saxon Mystery[Factual]; Christmas 2008 Special[Factual]; The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Is There Life on Mars?[Factual]; Lords and Masters[Factual]; Allons-y![Factual]; Backstage at Christmas[Factual] | as Executive Producer for Dr Who: Bringing Back the Doctor[Factual]; Aliens: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly[Factual]; TARDIS Tales[Factual]; I Get a Sidekick out of You[Factual]; Why on Earth?[Factual]; The Daleks[Factual]; The Dark Side[Factual]; Time Trouble[Factual]; Special Effects[Factual]; Weird Science[Factual]; Unsung Heroes and Violent Death[Factual]; The World of Who[Factual]; The Ultimate Guide[Factual]; The Last Battle[Factual]; New New Doctor[Factual]; Fear Factor[Factual]; Friends Reunited[Factual]; From Script to Screen[Factual]; Cybermen[Factual]; From Zero to Hero[Factual]; The Writer's Tale[Factual]; You've Got the Look[Factual]; Religion, Myths and Legends[Factual]; The New World of Dr Who[Factual]; The Fright Stuff[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]; Finale[Factual]; Meet Martha Jones[Factual]Info; The Valiant Quest[Factual]; Kylie Special[Factual]; A Noble Return[Factual]; The Italian Job[Factual]; Oods and Ends[Factual]; Send in the Clones[Factual]; Sontar-Ha![Factual]; Sins of the Fathers[Factual]; Nemesis[Factual]; Shadow Play[Factual]; River Runs Deep[Factual]; Look Who's Talking[Factual]; Here Come the Girls[Factual]; Friends and Foe[Factual]; The End of an Era[Factual]; Desert Storm[Factual] | as Executive Producer for Torchwood: Jack's Back[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]
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Julie Gardner: Rose; The End Of The World; The Unquiet Dead; Aliens of London / World War Three; Dalek; The Long Game; Father's Day; The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances; Boom Town; Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways; The Christmas Invasion; Attack of the Graske[Misc]; New Earth; Tooth and Claw; School Reunion; The Girl in the Fireplace; Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel; The Idiot's Lantern; The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit; Love & Monsters; Fear Her; Army of Ghosts / Doomsday; Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW]; Cyberwoman[TW]; Small Worlds[TW]; Countrycide[TW]; Greeks Bearing Gifts[TW]; They Keep Killing Suzie[TW]; Random Shoes[TW]; Out of Time[TW]; Combat[TW]; The Runaway Bride; Invasion of the Bane[SJA]; Captain Jack Harkness[TW]; Smith and Jones; The Shakespeare Code; Gridlock; Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks; The Lazarus Experiment; 42; Human Nature / The Family of Blood; Blink; Utopia; The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords; The Infinite Quest; End of Days[TW]; Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?[SJA]; Voyage of the Damned; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang[TW]; Sleeper[TW]; To the Last Man[TW]; Meat[TW]; Adam[TW]; Reset[TW]; Dead Man Walking[TW]; A Day in the Death[TW]; Something Borrowed[TW]; From Out of the Rain[TW]; Adrift[TW]; Fragments[TW]; Exit Wounds[TW]; Partners in Crime; The Fires of Pompeii; Planet of the Ood; The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Doctor's Daughter; The Unicorn and the Wasp; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; Midnight; Turn Left; The Stolen Earth / Journey's End; Doctor Who Prom (2008)[Music]; The Day of the Clown[SJA]; Secrets of the Stars[SJA]; The Mark of the Berserker[SJA]; The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; Enemy of the Bane[SJA]; The Next Doctor; From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love[SJA]; Planet of the Dead; Children Of Earth: Day One[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Two[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Three[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Four[TW]; Children Of Earth: Day Five[TW]; Prisoner of the Judoon[SJA]; The Mad Woman in the Attic[SJA]; The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; The Eternity Trap[SJA]; Mona Lisa's Revenge[SJA]; The Waters of Mars; The Gift[SJA]; Dreamland; The End of Time; The New World[TW]; Rendition[TW]; Dead of Night[TW]; Escape to L.A.[TW]; The Categories of Life[TW]; The Middle Men[TW]; Immortal Sins[TW]; End of the Road[TW]; The Gathering[TW]; The Blood Line[TW]; The Star Beast; Wild Blue Yonder; The Giggle; The Church On Ruby Road; Space Babies; The Devil's Chord; Boom; 73 Yards; Dot and Bubble; Rogue; The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death; Music of the Spheres; Time Crash (Children in Need); Children in Need Special; Christmas 2024; Episode One | as Executive Producer for BBC Wales: Revenge of the Slitheen[SJA]; Eye of the Gorgon[SJA]; Warriors of Kudlak[SJA]; Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?[SJA]; The Lost Boy[SJA]; The Last Sontaran[SJA] | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: A New Dimension[Factual]; Doctor Who: A Celebration[Music]; Music and Monsters[Factual]; Stage Fright[Factual]; Are We There Yet?[Factual]; A New York Story[Factual]; Making Manhattan[Factual]; Monsters Inc[Factual]; Space Craft[Factual]; Alter Ego[Factual]; Bad Blood[Factual]; Do You Remember the First Time?[Factual]; 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello[Factual]; The Saxon Mystery[Factual]; Christmas 2008 Special[Factual]; The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Is There Life on Mars?[Factual]; Lords and Masters[Factual]; Allons-y![Factual]; Backstage at Christmas[Factual] | as Executive Producer for Dr Who: Bringing Back the Doctor[Factual]; Aliens: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly[Factual]; TARDIS Tales[Factual]; I Get a Sidekick out of You[Factual]; Why on Earth?[Factual]; The Daleks[Factual]; The Dark Side[Factual]; Time Trouble[Factual]; Special Effects[Factual]; Weird Science[Factual]; Unsung Heroes and Violent Death[Factual]; The World of Who[Factual]; The Ultimate Guide[Factual]; The Last Battle[Factual]; New New Doctor[Factual]; Fear Factor[Factual]; Friends Reunited[Factual]; From Script to Screen[Factual]; Cybermen[Factual]; From Zero to Hero[Factual]; The Writer's Tale[Factual]; You've Got the Look[Factual]; Religion, Myths and Legends[Factual]; The New World of Dr Who[Factual]; The Fright Stuff[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]; Finale[Factual]; Meet Martha Jones[Factual]Info; The Valiant Quest[Factual]; Kylie Special[Factual]; A Noble Return[Factual]; The Italian Job[Factual]; Oods and Ends[Factual]; Send in the Clones[Factual]; Sontar-Ha![Factual]; Sins of the Fathers[Factual]; Nemesis[Factual]; Shadow Play[Factual]; River Runs Deep[Factual]; Look Who's Talking[Factual]; Here Come the Girls[Factual]; Friends and Foe[Factual]; The End of an Era[Factual]; Desert Storm[Factual] | as Executive Producer for Torchwood: Jack's Back[Factual]; Welcome to Torchwood[Factual]
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David M Jackson: Doctor Who: A Celebration[Music] | as Executive Producer for BBC Music: Music and Monsters[Factual]
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Piers Wenger: Prisoner of the Judoon[SJA]; The Mad Woman in the Attic[SJA]; The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith[SJA]; The Eternity Trap[SJA]; Mona Lisa's Revenge[SJA]; The Gift[SJA]; Dreamland; The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; The Curse of the Black Spot; The Doctor's Wife; The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People; A Good Man Goes to War; Let's Kill Hitler; Night Terrors; The Girl Who Waited; The God Complex; Closing Time; The Wedding of River Song; Death Is the Only Answer; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; Space / Time (Comic Relief); City Of The Daleks[Games] | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; What Goes on Tour...[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Extra Time[Factual]; Alien Abduction[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]
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Steven Moffat: The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; The Curse of the Black Spot; The Doctor's Wife; The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People; A Good Man Goes to War; Let's Kill Hitler; Night Terrors; The Girl Who Waited; The God Complex; Closing Time; The Wedding of River Song; Death Is the Only Answer; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; Good as Gold; Asylum of the Daleks; Dinosaurs on a Spaceship; A Town Called Mercy; The Power Of Three; The Angels Take Manhattan; The Snowmen; The Bells of Saint John; The Rings of Akhaten; Cold War; Hide; Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS; The Crimson Horror; Nightmare in Silver; The Name of the Doctor; An Adventure In Space And Time[Misc]; William Hartnell: The Original[Factual]; The Day of The Doctor; Behind The Lens: The Day of The Doctor[Factual]; The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot[Misc]; The Time of the Doctor; Deep Breath; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion[Factual]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath[Factual]; Into the Dalek; Doctor Who Extra: Into The Dalek[Factual]; Robot Of Sherwood; Doctor Who Extra: Robot Of Sherwood[Factual]; Listen; Doctor Who Extra: Listen[Factual]; Time Heist; Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist[Factual]; The Caretaker; Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker[Factual]; Kill The Moon; Doctor Who Extra: Kill The Moon[Factual]; Mummy On The Orient Express; Doctor Who Extra: Mummy On The Orient Express[Factual]; Flatline; Doctor Who Extra: Flatline[Factual]; In The Forest Of The Night; Doctor Who Extra: In The Forest Of The Night[Factual]; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Death In Heaven[Factual]; Last Christmas; Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas[Factual]; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; Under the Lake / Before The Flood; The Girl Who Died; The Woman Who Lived; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Sleep No More; Face The Raven; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; For Tonight We Might Die[Class]; The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo[Class]; Nightvisiting[Class]; Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Brave-ish Heart[Class]; Detained[Class]; The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did[Class]; The Lost[Class]; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Smile; Thin Ice; Knock Knock; Oxygen; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; The Lie Of The Land; Empress Of Mars; The Eaters of Light; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time; Boom; Space / Time (Comic Relief); City Of The Daleks[Games]; Doctor Who Live[Stage] | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor[Factual]; Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; What Goes on Tour...[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Extra Time[Factual]; Alien Abduction[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]
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Beth Willis: The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; The Curse of the Black Spot; The Doctor's Wife; The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People; A Good Man Goes to War; Let's Kill Hitler; Night Terrors; The Girl Who Waited; The God Complex; Closing Time; The Wedding of River Song; Death Is the Only Answer; City Of The Daleks[Games]; Space / Time (Comic Relief) | as Executive Producer for Doctor Who: Call Me The Doctor[Factual]; All about the Girl[Factual]; War Games[Factual]; Eyes Wide Open[Factual]; Blinded by the Light[Factual]; Death in Venice[Factual]; Arthurian Legend[Factual]; After Effects[Factual]; What Goes on Tour...[Factual]; A Brush with Genius[Factual]; Extra Time[Factual]; Alien Abduction[Factual]; Out of Time[Factual]; Christmas Special 2010[Factual]; Coming to America[Factual]; Breaking the Silence[Factual]; Ship Ahoy![Factual]; Bigger on the Inside[Factual]; Double Trouble[Factual]; Take Two[Factual]; The Born Identity[Factual]; River Runs Wild[Factual]; About A Boy[Factual]; What Dreams May Come[Factual]; Heartbreak Hotel[Factual]; Open All Hours[Factual]; When Time Froze[Factual]
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Cherrie Bottger: as Executive Producer for Network Ten Australia: Hound of the Korven[K-9]
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Sam Tromans: as Co-Executive Producer: Hound of the Korven[K-9]
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Mark Blythe: as Co-Executive Producer: Hound of the Korven[K-9]
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Brian Minchin: Behind The Lens: The Day of The Doctor[Factual]; The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot[Misc]; The Time of the Doctor; Deep Breath; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion[Factual]; Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord[Factual]; Doctor Who: Earth Conquest[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath[Factual]; Into the Dalek; Doctor Who Extra: Into The Dalek[Factual]; Robot Of Sherwood; Doctor Who Extra: Robot Of Sherwood[Factual]; Listen; Doctor Who Extra: Listen[Factual]; Time Heist; Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist[Factual]; The Caretaker; Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker[Factual]; Kill The Moon; Doctor Who Extra: Kill The Moon[Factual]; Mummy On The Orient Express; Doctor Who Extra: Mummy On The Orient Express[Factual]; Flatline; Doctor Who Extra: Flatline[Factual]; In The Forest Of The Night; Doctor Who Extra: In The Forest Of The Night[Factual]; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water[Factual]; Doctor Who Extra: Death In Heaven[Factual]; Last Christmas; Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas[Factual]; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; Under the Lake / Before The Flood; The Girl Who Died; The Woman Who Lived; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Sleep No More; Face The Raven; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; For Tonight We Might Die[Class]; The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo[Class]; Nightvisiting[Class]; Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Brave-ish Heart[Class]; Detained[Class]; The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did[Class]; The Lost[Class]; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Smile; Thin Ice; Knock Knock; Oxygen; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; The Lie Of The Land; Empress Of Mars; The Eaters of Light; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time | as Doctor Who Executive Producer: Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor[Factual]
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Richard De Croce: as Executive Producer for BBC America: The Companions[Factual]
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Nicholas Briggs: This Sporting Life[BF]; The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 1; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 03[BF]; UNIT: Incursions[BF]; God Among Us - Part 3[BF]; Battle Scars[BF]; Ravenous 4[BF]; Diary of River Song: Series 6[BF]; Buried Memories[BF]; Torchwood One - Latter Days[BF]; Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon[BF]; The First Doctor Volume 03[BF]; Tartarus[BF]; The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 2[BF]; Interstitial / Feast of Fear[BF]; Dead Man's Switch[BF]; The Ultimate Evil[BF]; The Home Guard[BF]; Daughter of the Gods[BF]; Nightmare Country[BF]; Warzone / Conversion[BF]; Expectant[BF]; Anti-Genesis[BF]; The Best-Laid Plans[BF]; The Robots Volume One[BF]; Blood on Santa's Claw and other stories[BF]; Fortitude[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 9: Volume 1; Diary of River Song: Series 7[BF]; The Infinite Today[BF]; Dark Universe[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 9: Volume 2; Dissected[BF]; Deleted Scenes[BF]; Donna Noble: Kidnapped![BF]; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04[BF]; Subterfuge[BF]; Decline of the Ancient Mariner[BF]; Dead Woman Walking[BF]; Cry of the Vultriss[BF]; Shadow of the Sun; The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 06[BF]; Regeneration Impossible[BF]; Scorched Earth; The Lovecraft Invasion; Out of the Deep[BF]; Stranded 1[BF]; Time Apart; Downward Spiral[BF]; The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 01[BF]; These Stolen Hours[BF]; Thin Time / Madquake; The Time War - Series 4[BF]; Lost in Translation[BF]; Her Own Bootstraps[BF]; The Flying Dutchman / Displaced; Hearts of Darkness[BF]; Shadow of the Daleks 1; The Meaning of Red[BF]; Wicked Sisters; Shadow of the Daleks 2; Blue Boxes[BF]; The Grey Man of the Mountain[BF]; Plight of the Pimpernel[BF]; Colony of Fear[BF]; The Blazing Hour[BF]; The End of the Beginning[BF]; Return of the Cybermen[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Dalek Universe; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 05[BF]; The War Master: Self-Defence; The War Master: Escape from Reality; Killing Time[BF]; The Lost Resort and Other Stories; The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 2; Forty 1; Fourth Doctor - Series 10: Volume 2; Forty 2; The Dimension Cannon 2: Other Worlds; Conflicts of Interest; In the Night; The Dimension Cannon 3: Trapped; Susan's War[BF]; Diary of River Song: Series 4[BF]; The Psychic Circus[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 10: Volume 1; The Eleventh Doctor: Geronimo; Out of Time 1
192 credits in
88 entries
Jason Haigh-Ellery: This Sporting Life[BF]; The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 1; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 03[BF]; UNIT: Incursions[BF]; God Among Us - Part 3[BF]; Ravenous 4[BF]; Diary of River Song: Series 6[BF]; Buried Memories[BF]; Torchwood One - Latter Days[BF]; Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon[BF]; The First Doctor Volume 03[BF]; Tartarus[BF]; The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 2[BF]; Interstitial / Feast of Fear[BF]; Dead Man's Switch[BF]; Daughter of the Gods[BF]; Nightmare Country[BF]; The Ultimate Evil[BF]; The Home Guard[BF]; Warzone / Conversion[BF]; Expectant[BF]; Anti-Genesis[BF]; The Best-Laid Plans[BF]; The Robots Volume One[BF]; Blood on Santa's Claw and other stories[BF]; Fortitude[BF]; Diary of River Song: Series 7[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 9: Volume 1; The Infinite Today[BF]; Dark Universe[BF]; Dissected[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 9: Volume 2; Deleted Scenes[BF]; Donna Noble: Kidnapped![BF]; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04[BF]; Subterfuge[BF]; Decline of the Ancient Mariner[BF]; Cry of the Vultriss[BF]; Dead Woman Walking[BF]; The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 06[BF]; Shadow of the Sun; Regeneration Impossible[BF]; Scorched Earth; Out of the Deep[BF]; Stranded 1[BF]; The Lovecraft Invasion; Downward Spiral[BF]; Time Apart; The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 01[BF]; Thin Time / Madquake; These Stolen Hours[BF]; Lost in Translation[BF]; The Time War - Series 4[BF]; Her Own Bootstraps[BF]; The Flying Dutchman / Displaced; Hearts of Darkness[BF]; The Meaning of Red[BF]; Shadow of the Daleks 1; Wicked Sisters; Blue Boxes[BF]; Shadow of the Daleks 2; The Grey Man of the Mountain[BF]; Plight of the Pimpernel[BF]; Colony of Fear[BF]; The Blazing Hour[BF]; The End of the Beginning[BF]; Return of the Cybermen[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Dalek Universe; The First Doctor Adventures Volume 05[BF]; The War Master: Self-Defence; The War Master: Escape from Reality; Killing Time[BF]; The Lost Resort and Other Stories; The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 2; Forty 1; Fourth Doctor - Series 10: Volume 2; Forty 2; The Dimension Cannon 2: Other Worlds; The Eleventh Doctor: Geronimo; Conflicts of Interest; In the Night; The Dimension Cannon 3: Trapped; Out of Time 1; Susan's War[BF]; Fourth Doctor - Series 10: Volume 1; Diary of River Song: Series 4[BF]; The Psychic Circus[BF]
193 credits in
87 entries
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Executive Producer

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