Art Director

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 38 people
Keith Slote: as Art Director & Costume: Doctor Who Live[Stage]
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Arwel Wyn Jones: as Supervising Art Director: Time Crash (Children in Need)(uncredited)
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Stephen Nicholas: A Christmas Carol | as Chief Super Art Director: Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW] | as Chief Supervising Art Director: Warriors of Kudlak[SJA]; Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?[SJA]; The Lost Boy[SJA] | as Supervising Art Director: Rose
11 credits in
8 entries
Keith Dunne: as Supervising Art Director: Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW]
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3 entries
Matthew Savage: as Assistant Art Director: Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW]
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Dafydd Shurmer: as Standby Art Director: Everything Changes[TW]; Day One[TW]
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Leonie Rintler: as Standby Art Director: Ghost Machine[TW]
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Alexandra Merchant: as Standby Art Director: Warriors of Kudlak[SJA]; The Lost Boy[SJA]; The Last Sontaran[SJA]
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Matthew North: as Supervising Art Director: Warriors of Kudlak(as Matt North)[SJA]; Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?(as Matt North)[SJA]; The Lost Boy(as Matt North)[SJA]
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James North: as Standby Art Director: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?[SJA] | as Supervising Art Director: The Last Sontaran[SJA]
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Nandie Narishkin: as Standby Art Director: The Rings of Akhaten
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Brian Glaser: as Art Director (South Africa): The Ghost Monument; Rosa
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(unlisted people): as Artwork: Farewell, Sarah Jane(as Sophie Cowdrey)[SJA]
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Patrick O'Connor: as Art Director (South Africa): Praxeus | as Art Director (south Africa): Spyfall
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12 credits in
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4 entries

Art Director

No data has been entered for this role.

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