Incidental Music

Last updated 28 March 2020

Undertaken Byexpand all 35 people
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Dudley Simpson: Planet of Giants; The Crusade; The Chase; The Celestial Toymaker; The Underwater Menace; The Evil of the Daleks; The Ice Warriors; Fury From the Deep; The Seeds of Death; The Space Pirates; The War Games; Spearhead From Space; The Ambassadors of Death; Terror of the Autons; The Mind of Evil; The Claws of Axos; Colony In Space; The Dæmons; Day of the Daleks(uncredited); The Curse of Peladon; The Three Doctors; Carnival Of Monsters; Frontier In Space; Planet of the Daleks; The Green Death; The Time Warrior; Invasion of the Dinosaurs; The Monster of Peladon; Planet of the Spiders; Robot; The Ark In Space; The Sontaran Experiment; Genesis of the Daleks; Planet of Evil; Pyramids of Mars; The Android Invasion; The Brain of Morbius; The Masque of Mandragora; The Hand Of Fear; The Deadly Assassin; The Face of Evil; The Robots of Death; The Talons of Weng-Chiang; Horror of Fang Rock; The Invisible Enemy; Image of the Fendahl; The Sun Makers; Underworld; The Invasion of Time; The Ribos Operation; The Pirate Planet; The Stones of Blood; The Androids of Tara; The Power of Kroll; The Armageddon Factor; Destiny of the Daleks; City of Death; The Creature from the Pit; Nightmare of Eden; The Horns of Nimon; Shada | as Music: The Time Monster | as Music by: The Time Monster
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Elizabeth Parker: Timelash(as Liz Parker)
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Louis Febre: as Additional Music by: The TV Movie
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John Sponsler: as Additional Music by: The TV Movie
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Murray Gold: Rose; The End Of The World; The Unquiet Dead; Aliens of London / World War Three; Dalek; The Long Game; Father's Day; The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances; Boom Town; Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways; The Christmas Invasion; New Earth; Tooth and Claw; School Reunion; The Girl in the Fireplace; Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel; The Idiot's Lantern; The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit; Love & Monsters; Fear Her; Army of Ghosts / Doomsday; The Runaway Bride; Smith and Jones; The Shakespeare Code; Gridlock; Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks; The Lazarus Experiment; 42; Human Nature / The Family of Blood; Blink; Utopia; The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords; The Infinite Quest; Voyage of the Damned; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang[TW]; Partners in Crime; The Fires of Pompeii; Planet of the Ood; The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky; The Doctor's Daughter; The Unicorn and the Wasp; Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead; Midnight; Turn Left; The Stolen Earth / Journey's End; The Next Doctor; Planet of the Dead; The Waters of Mars; Dreamland; The End of Time; The Eleventh Hour; The Beast Below; Victory of the Daleks; The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone; The Vampires of Venice; Amy's Choice; The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood; Vincent and the Doctor; The Lodger; The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang; A Christmas Carol; The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon; The Curse of the Black Spot; The Doctor's Wife; The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People; A Good Man Goes to War; The New World[TW]; Rendition[TW]; Dead of Night[TW]; Escape to L.A.[TW]; The Categories of Life[TW]; The Middle Men[TW]; Immortal Sins[TW]; End of the Road[TW]; Let's Kill Hitler; The Gathering[TW]; Night Terrors; The Blood Line[TW]; The Girl Who Waited; The God Complex; Closing Time; The Wedding of River Song; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; Good as Gold; Asylum of the Daleks; Dinosaurs on a Spaceship; A Town Called Mercy; The Power Of Three; The Angels Take Manhattan; The Snowmen; The Rings of Akhaten; Cold War; Hide; Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS; The Crimson Horror; The Day of The Doctor; The Time of the Doctor; Into the Dalek; Robot Of Sherwood; Listen; Time Heist; The Caretaker; Kill The Moon; Mummy On The Orient Express; Flatline; In The Forest Of The Night; Dark Water / Death in Heaven; Last Christmas; The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar; Under the Lake / Before The Flood; The Girl Who Died; The Woman Who Lived; The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion; Sleep No More; Face The Raven; Heaven Sent; Hell Bent; The Husbands of River Song; The Return of Doctor Mysterio; The Pilot; Smile; Thin Ice; Knock Knock; Oxygen; Extremis; The Pyramid At The End Of The World; The Lie Of The Land; Empress Of Mars; The Eaters of Light; World Enough And Time / The Doctor Falls; Twice Upon A Time; Space / Time (Comic Relief); Children in Need Special; Music of the Spheres; Time Crash (Children in Need) | as Composer: Day One[TW]; Doctor Who Live[Stage] | as Music: Everything Changes[TW]; Ghost Machine[TW]; Lost Souls[TW]; The Bells of Saint John; Nightmare in Silver; The Name of the Doctor; Deep Breath
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(unlisted people): as Music: 12 Again: Doctor Who Special(as Guy Rowland)[Factual]
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8 credits in
7 entries

Incidental Music

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