Focus Puller

Last updated 28 March 2020

Focus Puller has been credited in:
187 episodes of Doctor Who
3 episodes of Torchwood
13 episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures
8 episodes of Class

2005RoseSteve Lawes
RoseMark Isaac
The End Of The WorldSteve Lawes
The End Of The WorldMark Isaac
The Unquiet Dead
The Unquiet DeadSteve Lawes
Aliens of LondonMark Isaac
Aliens of LondonSteve Lawes
World War Three
World War ThreeMark Isaac
The Long Game
The Long Game (uncredited)Terry Bartiet
Father's DayMark Isaac
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
The Christmas InvasionTerry Bartlett
The Christmas InvasionMark Isaac
2006New Earth
New EarthTerry Bartlett
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
School ReunionMark Isaac
The Girl in the FireplaceTerry Bartlett
Rise of the Cybermen
The Age of Steel
The Idiot's LanternSteve Rees
The Impossible PlanetTerry Bartlett
The Satan Pit
Love & MonstersSteve Rees
Fear Her
Army of GhostsTerry Bartlett
Torchwood: Everything ChangesDuncan Fowlie
Torchwood: Day One
Torchwood: Ghost Machine
The Runaway BrideSteve Rees
2007The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the BaneMatt Wicks
Smith and JonesSteve Rees
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature (as 2nd Unit Focus Puller)Jamie Southcott
Human NatureSteve Rees
The Family of Blood (as 2nd Unit Focus Puller)Jamie Southcott
The Family of BloodSteve Rees
BlinkAnt Hugill
UtopiaSteve Rees
The Sound of Drums (as 2nd Focus Puller)Jamie Southcott
The Sound of DrumsSteve Rees
Last of the Time Lords
Last of the Time Lords (as 2nd Focus Puller)Jamie Southcott
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Revenge of the Slitheen: Part OneSteve Rees
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Revenge of the Slitheen: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part OneJamie Southcott
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?: Part OneSteve Rees
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part OneJamie Southcott
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part Two
Voyage of the DamnedSteve Rees
2008Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Doctor's DaughterDuncan Fowie
The Doctor's DaughterSteve Rees
The Unicorn and the WaspDuncan Fowie
The Unicorn and the WaspSteve Rees
Silence in the Library
Silence in the LibraryJamie Southcott
Forest of the DeadSteve Rees
Forest of the DeadJamie Southcott
MidnightSteve Rees
Turn LeftJamie Southcott
Turn LeftPenny Shipton
The Stolen EarthSteve Rees
Journey's End
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Last Sontaran: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Last Sontaran: Part Two
The Next DoctorJamie Southcott
The Next DoctorDuncan Fowlie
2009Planet of the DeadSteve Rees
Planet of the DeadJamie Southcott
The Waters of Mars
The Waters of MarsSteve Rees
The End of Time: Part One
The End of Time: Part OneJamie Southcott
2010The End of Time: Part Two
The End of Time: Part TwoSteve Rees
The Eleventh Hour
The Eleventh HourMatthew Poynter
The Beast BelowShirley Schumacher
The Beast BelowSteve Rees
Victory of the DaleksShirley Schumacher
Victory of the DaleksSteve Rees
The Time of Angels
The Time of AngelsAnna James
Flesh and Stone
Flesh and StoneSteve Rees
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry EarthMatthew Poynter
The Hungry EarthSteve Rees
Cold Blood
Cold BloodMatthew Poynter
Vincent and the DoctorSteve Rees
The LodgerMatthew Poynter
The LodgerSteve Rees
The Pandorica OpensMatthew Poynter
The Pandorica OpensSteve Rees
The Big BangMatthew Poynter
The Big BangSteve Rees
A Christmas CarolSimon Walton
A Christmas CarolSteve Rees
2011The Impossible AstronautJonathan Vidgen
The Impossible AstronautSteve Rees
Day of the MoonJonathan Vidgen
Day of the MoonSteve Rees
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Curse of the Black SpotJonathan Vidgen
The Doctor's WifeSteve Rees
The Doctor's WifeJonathan Vidgen
The Rebel FleshSteve Rees
The Rebel FleshJonathan Vidgen
The Almost PeopleSteve Rees
The Almost PeopleJonathan Vidgen
A Good Man Goes to WarSteve Rees
A Good Man Goes to WarJonathan Vidgen
Let's Kill HitlerSteve Rees
Let's Kill HitlerJonathan Vidgen
Night Terrors
Night TerrorsSteve Rees
The Girl Who WaitedJonathan Vidgen
The Girl Who WaitedSteve Rees
The God Complex
The God ComplexJonathan Vidgen
Closing TimeJulius Ogden
Closing TimeJames Scott
The Wedding of River SongJonathan Vidgen
The Wedding of River SongSteve Rees
The Doctor, The Widow and the WardrobeJonathan Vidgen
The Doctor, The Widow and the WardrobeSimon Wilson
2012Asylum of the DaleksJames Scott
Asylum of the DaleksJulius Ogden
Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipJames Scott
Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipSteve Rees
A Town Called Mercy
A Town Called MercyJames Scott
The Power Of ThreeJulius Ogden
The Power Of ThreeJames Scott
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Angels Take ManhattanJulius Ogden
The Snowmen
The SnowmenJames Scott
2013The Bells of Saint JohnChris Walmsley
The Bells of Saint JohnJames Scott
The Rings of AkhatenChris Reynolds
The Rings of AkhatenJames Scott
Cold WarJulius Ogden
Cold WarJames Scott
HideJulius Ogden
HideJames Scott
Journey to the Centre of the TARDISChris Walmsley
Journey to the Centre of the TARDISJames Scott
The Crimson HorrorJulius Ogden
The Crimson HorrorJames Scott
Nightmare in SilverChris Reynolds
Nightmare in SilverJames Scott
The Name of the DoctorChris Reynolds
The Name of the DoctorJames Scott
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And TimePeter Howard
The Day of The DoctorJulius Ogden
The Day of The DoctorJames Scott
The Time of the DoctorRich Turner
The Time of the DoctorBerndt Wiese
2014Deep BreathJonathan Vidgen
Deep BreathMatthew Waving
Into the Dalek
Into the DalekJonathan Vidgen
Robot Of Sherwood
Robot Of SherwoodMatthew Waving
ListenJonathan Vidgen
ListenMatthew Waving
Time Heist
Time HeistJonathan Vidgen
The Caretaker
The CaretakerMatthew Waving
Kill The Moon
Kill The MoonChris Samworth
Kill The MoonJonathan Vidgen
Mummy On The Orient Express
Mummy On The Orient ExpressJohn Ellis Evans
FlatlineNeil Brown
FlatlineMary Kyte
In The Forest Of The NightJason Oxley
In The Forest Of The NightJonathan Vidgen
Dark Water
Dark WaterJason Oxley
Death in Heaven
Death in HeavenJonathan Vidgen
Last Christmas
Last ChristmasJason Oxley
2015The Magician's ApprenticeMatthew Lepper
The Magician's ApprenticeJonathan Vidgen
The Witch's Familiar
The Witch's FamiliarMatthew Lepper
Under the LakeSteve Rees
Under the LakeJonathan Vidgen
Before The FloodSteve Rees
Before The FloodJonathan Vidgen
The Girl Who Died
The Girl Who DiedSteve Rees
The Woman Who Lived
The Woman Who LivedJonathan Vidgen
The Zygon Invasion
The Zygon InvasionSteve Rees
The Zygon InversionJonathan Vidgen
The Zygon InversionSteve Rees
Sleep No MoreJonathan Vidgen
Sleep No MoreSteve Rees
Face The RavenJonathan Vidgen
Face The RavenSteve Rees
Heaven SentJonathan Vidgen
Heaven SentSteve Rees
Hell BentJonathan Vidgen
Hell BentSteve Rees
The Husbands of River Song
The Husbands of River SongJonathan Vidgen
2016Class: For Tonight We Might DieMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: For Tonight We Might DieAlia Bianco
Class: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Class: The Coach with the Dragon TattooMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: NightvisitingAlia Bianco
Class: NightvisitingMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely HeartAlia Bianco
Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely HeartMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: Brave-ish HeartAlia Bianco
Class: Brave-ish HeartMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: Detained
Class: DetainedAlia Bianco
Class: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
Class: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill DidMani Blaxter-Paliwala
Class: The LostAlia Bianco
Class: The LostMani Blaxter-Paliwala
The Return Of Doctor MysterioJonathan Vidgen
The Return Of Doctor MysterioElhein De Wet
2017The PilotJonathan Vidgen
The PilotIlaria Fulvio
The PilotElhein De Wet
SmileJonathan Vidgen
Thin IceElhein De Wet
Thin IceJonathan Vidgen
OxygenElhein De Wet
OxygenJonathan Vidgen
ExtremisElhein De Wet
The Pyramid At The End Of The World
The Pyramid At The End Of The WorldJonathan Vidgen
The Lie Of The LandElhein De Wet
The Lie Of The LandJonathan Vidgen
Empress Of MarsElhein De Wet
Empress Of MarsJonathan Vidgen
The Eaters of LightElhein De Wet
The Eaters of LightJonathan Vidgen
World Enough And Time
World Enough And TimeElhein De Wet
The Doctor Falls
The Doctor FallsJonathan Vidgen
Twice Upon A TimeElhein De Wet
Twice Upon A TimeJonathan Vidgen
2018The Woman Who Fell to EarthElhein De Wet
The Woman Who Fell to EarthJonathan Vidgen
The Ghost Monument
The Ghost Monument (as Focus Puller (South Africa))Leon Lotz
The Ghost MonumentElhein De Wet
The Ghost Monument (as Focus Puller (South Africa))Meike Chinnery
RosaJonathan Vidgen
Rosa (as Focus Puller (South Africa))Leon Lotz
RosaElhein De Wet
Rosa (as Focus Puller (South Africa))Meike Chinnery
Arachnids In The UKJonathan Vidgen
Arachnids In The UKElhein De Wet
The Tsuranga ConundrumJonathan Vidgen
The Tsuranga ConundrumSteve Rees
Demons Of The PunjabJonathan Vidgen
Demons Of The PunjabSteve Rees
Kerblam!Jonathan Vidgen
Kerblam!Steve Rees
The WitchfindersJonathan Vidgen
The WitchfindersElhein De Wet
It Takes You AwayJonathan Vidgen
It Takes You AwayElhein De Wet
The Battle of Ranskoor Av KolosJonathan Vidgen
The Battle of Ranskoor Av KolosSteve Rees
2019ResolutionJonathan Vidgen
ResolutionSteve Rees
2020Spyfall: Part OneJonathan Vidgen
Spyfall: Part OneSteve Rees
Spyfall: Part TwoJonathan Vidgen
Spyfall: Part TwoSteve Rees
Orphan 55Jonathan Vidgen
Orphan 55Steve Rees
Nikola Tesla's Night of TerrorJonathan Vidgen
Nikola Tesla's Night of TerrorSteve Rees
Fugitive of the Judoon
Fugitive of the JudoonJonathan Vidgen
PraxeusSteve Rees
PraxeusJonathan Vidgen
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?Steve Rees
The Haunting Of Villa DiodatiJonathan Vidgen
The Haunting Of Villa DiodatiSteve Rees
Ascension of the Cybermen
Ascension of the CybermenJonathan Vidgen
The Timeless Children
The Timeless ChildrenSteve Rees
2021Revolution of the Daleks
Revolution of the DaleksJonathan Vidgen
The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One
War of The Sontarans: Flux: Chapter Two
Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three
Village of the Angels: Flux: Chapter Four
Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter FiveMatt Hillier
Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter FiveJonathan Vidgen
The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter SixMatt Hillier
The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter SixJonathan Vidgen
2022Eve Of The DaleksMatt Hillier
Eve Of The DaleksJonathan Vidgen
Legend Of The Sea Devils
Legend Of The Sea DevilsMatt Hillier
The Power of the DoctorJonathan Vidgen
The Power of the DoctorJack Hayter
The Power of the DoctorMatt Hillier
2023The Star BeastMartin Payne
The Star BeastJonathan Vidgen
Wild Blue YonderMartin Payne
Wild Blue YonderJonathan Vidgen
The GiggleMartin Payne
The GiggleJonathan Vidgen
The Church On Ruby Road
The Church On Ruby RoadSteve Rees
2024Space Babies
Space BabiesJonathan Vidgen
The Devil's ChordSteve Rees
The Devil's ChordJonathan Vidgen
BoomSteve Rees
73 YardsJonathan Vidgen
73 YardsSteve Rees
Dot and Bubble
Dot and BubbleJonathan Vidgen
RogueSteve Rees
RogueJonathan Vidgen
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
The Legend of Ruby SundaySteve Rees
Empire of DeathJonathan Vidgen
Empire of DeathSteve Rees
Joy to the WorldJonathan Vidgen
Joy to the WorldEvangeline Davies