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Director of Photography
Role Entries
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Last updated 28 March 2020
Director of Photography has been credited in:
189 episodes of Doctor Who
32 episodes of Torchwood
53 episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures
8 episodes of Class
1 episode of K-9
2 episodes of Aaru Movies
Aaru Movies: Dr Who and the Daleks
John Wilcox
Aaru Movies: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
The TV Movie
Glen MacPherson
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death: Part One
Chris Howard
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death: Part Two
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death: Part Three
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Doctor Who and The Curse Of Fatal Death: Part Four
Other Productions: The Airzone Solution (as Cinematographer)
Dick Kursa
Ernie Vincze BSC
The End Of The World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London
World War Three
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
Rory Taylor
School Reunion
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rory Taylor
Rise of the Cybermen
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
Rory Taylor
The Impossible Planet
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Satan Pit
Love & Monsters
Rory Taylor
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
Ernie Vincze BSC
Torchwood: Everything Changes
Mark Waters
Torchwood: Day One
Torchwood: Ghost Machine
Torchwood: Random Shoes
Simon Butcher
The Runaway Bride
Rory Taylor
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
John Sorapure
Smith and Jones
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Shakespeare Code
Rory Taylor
Daleks in Manhattan
Ernie Vincze BSC
Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Rory Taylor
Ernie Vincze BSC
Human Nature
Rory Taylor
The Family of Blood
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Sound of Drums
Rory Taylor
Last of the Time Lords
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Revenge of the Slitheen: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Revenge of the Slitheen: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?: Part One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part One
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part One
Sian Elin Palfrey
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part Two
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part Two
Sian Elin Palfrey
Voyage of the Damned
Ernie Vincze BSC
Torchwood: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Mark Waters
Torchwood: Sleeper
Torchwood: To the Last Man
Torchwood: Meat
Torchwood: Adam
Torchwood: Reset
Torchwood: Dead Man Walking
Torchwood: A Day in the Death
Torchwood: Something Borrowed
Torchwood: From Out of the Rain
Simon Butcher
Torchwood: Adrift
Toby Moore
Torchwood: Fragments
Simon Butcher
Torchwood: Exit Wounds
Mark Waters
Partners in Crime
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
Rory Taylor
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Doctor's Daughter
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Rory Taylor
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
Ernie Vincze BSC
Turn Left
Rory Taylor
The Stolen Earth
Ernie Vincze BSC
Journey's End
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Last Sontaran: Part One
Rory Taylor
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Last Sontaran: Part Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Day of the Clown: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Day of the Clown: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Secrets of the Stars: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Secrets of the Stars: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Mark of the Berserker: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Mark of the Berserker: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Enemy of the Bane: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Enemy of the Bane: Episode Two
The Next Doctor
Ernie Vincze BSC
Planet of the Dead
Rory Taylor
Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One
Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Two
Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Three
Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Four
Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Five
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Prisoner of the Judoon: Episode One
Mark Waters
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Prisoner of the Judoon: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Mad Woman in the Attic: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Mad Woman in the Attic: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Eternity Trap: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Eternity Trap: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Mona Lisa's Revenge: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Mona Lisa's Revenge: Episode Two
The Waters of Mars
Ernie Vincze BSC
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Gift: Episode One
Mark Waters
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Gift: Episode Two
The End of Time: Part One
Rory Taylor
The End of Time: Part Two
The Eleventh Hour
Owen McPolin
The Eleventh Hour
Nick Dance
The Beast Below
Graham Frake
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Damian Bromley
Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Tony Slater Ling
Amy's Choice
Erik Wilson
The Hungry Earth
Mark Waters
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
Tony Slater Ling
The Lodger
Simon Archer
The Pandorica Opens
(as Director of Photography (2nd Unit)) (confirmed)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
The Pandorica Opens
Stephan Pehrsson
The Big Bang
The Big Bang
(as Director of Photography (2nd Unit)) (confirmed)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
K-9: Hound of the Korven: Angel of the North
(as Series Director of Photography)
Ben Nott
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Nightmare Man: Episode One
Mark Waters
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Nightmare Man: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Empty Planet: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Empty Planet: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Lost in Time: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Lost in Time: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith: Episode Two
A Christmas Carol
Stephan Pehrsson
A Christmas Carol
(as Director of Photography (Main Unit Dailies)) (confirmed)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
The Impossible Astronaut
Stephan Pehrsson
Day of the Moon
The Curse of the Black Spot
Dale McCready
The Doctor's Wife
Owen McPolin
The Rebel Flesh
Balazs Bolygo
The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Stephan Pehrsson
Torchwood: The New World
Nate Goodman
Torchwood: Rendition
Christopher Faloona
Torchwood: Dead of Night
Torchwood: Escape to L.A.
Nate Goodman
Torchwood: The Categories of Life
Christopher Faloona
Torchwood: The Middle Men
Torchwood: Immortal Sins
Nate Goodman
Torchwood: End of the Road
Let's Kill Hitler
(as Additional Photography)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
Let's Kill Hitler
Tim Palmer
Torchwood: The Gathering
Nate Goodman
Night Terrors
Owen McPolin
Torchwood: The Blood Line
Christopher Faloona
The Girl Who Waited
Owen McPolin
The God Complex
Closing Time
Balazs Bolygo
The Wedding of River Song
Tim Palmer
Death is the Only Answer
Sarah Bartles-Smith
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Sky: Episode One
Mark Waters
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Sky: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Curse of Clyde Langer: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Curse of Clyde Langer: Episode Two
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Man Who Never Was: Episode One
The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Man Who Never Was: Episode Two
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
(as Director of Photography (2nd Unit)) (confirmed)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
Stephan Pehrsson
Good as Gold
David Schwartz
Asylum of the Daleks
Neville Kidd
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Stephan Pehrsson
A Town Called Mercy
The Power Of Three
Gavin Struthers
The Angels Take Manhattan
Neville Kidd
The Snowmen
(as Director of Photography (Main Unit Dailies)) (confirmed)
Sarah Bartles-Smith
The Snowmen
Stephan Pehrsson
The Bells of Saint John
Simon Dennis
The Rings of Akhaten
Dale McCready
Cold War
Suzie Lavelle
Mike Southon
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Jake Polonsky
The Crimson Horror
Stephan Pehrsson
Nightmare in Silver
Tim Palmer
The Name of the Doctor
Neville Kidd
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time
John Pardue
Factual: 12 Again: Doctor Who Special
(unlisted people)
The Day of The Doctor
Neville Kidd
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Simon Walton
The Time of the Doctor
Neville Kidd
Deep Breath
Magni Agustsson
Into the Dalek
Robot Of Sherwood
Mark Waters
Suzie Lavelle
Time Heist
The Caretaker
Mark Waters
Kill The Moon
Ashley Rowe
Mummy On The Orient Express
Nic Morris
In The Forest Of The Night
Mark Garrett
Dark Water
Rory Taylor
Death in Heaven
Last Christmas
Neville Kidd
The Magician's Apprentice
Ali Asad
The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar: Prologue
The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake
Richard Stoddard
Before The Flood
The Girl Who Died
The Woman Who Lived
The Zygon Invasion
Mark Waters
The Zygon Inversion
Sleep No More
Face The Raven
Mike Spragg
Heaven Sent
Stuart Biddlecombe
Hell Bent
The Husbands of River Song
Suzie Lavelle
Class: For Tonight We Might Die
Maja Zamojda
Class: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Class: Nightvisiting
Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Class: Brave-ish Heart
Class: Detained
Class: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
Class: The Lost
The Return Of Doctor Mysterio
Ashley Rowe
The Pilot
Thin Ice
Damian Bromley
Knock Knock
Mark Waters
Ashley Rowe
The Pyramid At The End Of The World
The Lie Of The Land
Stuart Biddlecombe
Empress Of Mars
The Eaters of Light
Mark Waters
World Enough And Time
Ashley Rowe
The Doctor Falls
Twice Upon A Time
Richard Stoddard
The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Denis Crossan BSc
The Ghost Monument
Tico Poulakakis
Arachnids In The UK
Tim Palmer
The Tsuranga Conundrum
Simon Chapman
Demons Of The Punjab
Sam Heasman
Simon Chapman
The Witchfinders
Tim Palmer
It Takes You Away
Danis Crossan
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Sam Heasman
Stuart Biddlecombe
Spyfall: Part One
Catherine Goldschmidt
Spyfall: Part Two
Ed Moore
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
Sam Heasman
Fugitive of the Judoon
Catherine Goldschmidt
Can You Hear Me?
Ed Moore
The Haunting Of Villa Diodati
Ascension of the Cybermen
Sam Heasman
The Timeless Children
Revolution of the Daleks
Luke Bryant
The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One
Robin Wheanary
War of The Sontarans: Flux: Chapter Two
Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three
Phil Wood
Village of the Angels: Flux: Chapter Four
Robin Whenary
Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter Five
Phil Wood
The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter Six
Eve Of The Daleks
Robin Whenary
Legend Of The Sea Devils
Mark Waters
The Power of the Doctor
Robin Whenary
The Star Beast
Matt Gray
Wild Blue Yonder
Nick Dance
The Giggle
Mika Orasmaa
The Church On Ruby Road
Miroslaw Baszak
Space Babies
Tobias Datum
The Devil's Chord
Jamie Cairney
Tobias Datum
73 Yards
Sam Care
Dot and Bubble
Jamie Cairney
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Chas Bain
Empire of Death
Joy to the World
Mika Orasmaa
Music of the Spheres
Roger Pearce
Time Crash (Children in Need)
Rory Taylor
Other Productions: Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans (as Cinematographer)
Dave Hicks
Home Region:
Doctor Who
Doctor Who (Miscellaneous)
The Sarah Jane Adventures
K-9 and Company
Aaru Movies
Big Finish
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