Doctor Who
Cast Roles: P
- P.C. Quick (2 episodes, e.g. Conrad Asquith in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Pa (Graham Padden in Gridlock)
- Pa Clanton (2 episodes, e.g. Reed de Rouen in The Gunfighters: Johnny Ringo)
- Packard (4 episodes, e.g. Kenneth Cope in Warriors' Gate: Part One)
- Packer (8 episodes, e.g. Peter Halliday in The Invasion: Episode One)
- Padmasambhava (5 episodes, e.g. Wolfe Morris in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode Two)
- Padra Toc Shafe Cane (Rene Zagger in Utopia)
- Page to Hugh (Stephen Butler in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Page to Sir Giles (Wayne Harvey in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Paitent (Armagaddon Factor) (Albert Welch in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Palace Guard (Marco Polo) (10 episodes, e.g. John Lee in Marco Polo: Assassin at Peking)
- Pale Woman (Lucy Davenport in Gridlock)
- Palin, Lowri (Maxine Evans in 73 Yards)
- Pallbearer (5 episodes, e.g. Hugh Elton in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part Four)
- Paltraki (Mark Addy in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
- Panciking/Irate Person (13 episodes, e.g. James Saunders in Aliens of London)
- Pangol (5 episodes, e.g. David Haig in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Pangol Army (26 episodes, e.g. David Cole in The Leisure Hive: Part Four)
- Panicked Public (24 episodes, e.g. Andrew Reynolds in The Stolen Earth)
- Panicking/Irate Person (Angela Gowing in Aliens of London)
- Panna (3 episodes, e.g. Mary Morris in Kinda: Part Two)
- Pantechnecon Driver (2 episodes, e.g. Tom Munro in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Paramedic (2 episodes, e.g. Andrew Cross in The Power Of Three)
- Paramedic (2 episodes, e.g. Alex Gardner in Silence in the Library)
- Paramedic (2 episodes, e.g. Alex Gardener in Dark Water)
- Paramedic (2 episodes, e.g. Michael Tudor in New Earth)
- Paramedic (7 episodes, e.g. Kevin Goss in Frontios: Part One)
- Paramedic (2 episodes, e.g. Alex Gardener in Partners in Crime)
- Paramedics (3 episodes, e.g. Fernando Estolas in Smith and Jones)
- Paramilitry (20 episodes, e.g. John Baker in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Parent (Marina Baibara in Closing Time)
- Paris (3 episodes, e.g. Barrie Ingham in The Myth Makers: Small Prophet, Quick Return)
- Paris Citizen (28 episodes, e.g. Derek Martin in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Paris Reporter (Kate Tydman in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Parks, Raymond (David Rubin in Rosa)
- Parks, Rosa (Vinette Robinson in Rosa)
- Paroli (4 episodes, e.g. James Coombes in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Parsons (2 episodes, e.g. Roy Herrick in The Invisible Enemy: Part Two)
- Party Guest (14 episodes, e.g. Susan Casanove in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Party Guest (20 episodes, e.g. Jason Gregg in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Party Guest (Enlightenmant) (38 episodes, e.g. Arnold Lee in Enlightenment: Part Three)
- Party Guests (24 episodes, e.g. Dominic Mancienne in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Party Kids (6 episodes, e.g. Casey McDonald in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Passenger (31 episodes, e.g. Ann Garry Lee in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Passenger (Nicole Crees in The Bells of Saint John)
- Passenger (2 episodes, e.g. Liz Edney in Army of Ghosts)
- Passenger (2 episodes, e.g. Jonny Mathers in War of The Sontarans: Flux: Chapter Two)
- Passenger (Sacharissa Claxton in Spyfall: Part One)
- Passenger (8 episodes, e.g. Annette Peters in Nightmare of Eden: Part Two)
- Passenger (Chamelon Tours) (21 episodes, e.g. Barry Noble in The Faceless Ones: Episode 5)
- Passenger (Gatwick) (12 episodes, e.g. Pamela Hinton in The Faceless Ones: Episode 2)
- Passenger/Passerby (42 episodes, e.g. Ben Cosgrove in Boom Town)
- Passer (257 episodes, e.g. Rosie Cripps in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Passer By (70 episodes, e.g. Elizabeth Forbes in The Massacre: War of God)
- Passer By (7 episodes, e.g. Jim Delaney in The Mind of Evil: Episode Two)
- Passer By (12 episodes, e.g. John Cannon in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Two)
- Passer By (9 episodes, e.g. Jean Channon in The Massacre: War of God)
- Passer-By (11 episodes, e.g. Louise Poolman in The Sound of Drums)
- Passer-by on Bike (Myfanwy Harris in Love & Monsters)
- Passer-by on Common (Marguerite Young in The Massacre: Bell of Doom)
- Passerby (4 episodes, e.g. Lola Alexander in The Age of Steel)
- Passers-By (17 episodes, e.g. Steve Bailey in Flatline)
- Pat Rowlinson (3 episodes, e.g. Noel Collins in Battlefield: Part One)
- Patel (Madhav Sharma in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Patel, Anita (Nasreen Hussain in Can You Hear Me?)
- Paterson (3 episodes, e.g. Julian Holloway in Survival: Part One)
- Paterson (Roy Scammell in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 3)
- Pathology Technician (2 episodes, e.g. Derek Southern in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Patient (70 episodes, e.g. Slim David in The Empty Child)
- Patient (7 episodes, e.g. Sue Somerset in Frontios: Part One)
- Patient (13 episodes, e.g. Simon Ludders in New Earth)
- Patient (12 episodes, e.g. Jacqueline Morris in Smith and Jones)
- Patient (Adam Chilvers in Silence in the Library)
- Patil, Akhim (Shane David-Joseph in 73 Yards)
- Patrick (Branwell Donaghey in Ascension of the Cybermen)
- Patrolman (5 episodes, e.g. Walter Randall in The Invasion: Episode One)
- Patterson (Keith James in Inferno: Episode 5)
- Patterson, Jo (Harriet Walter in Revolution of the Daleks)
- Paul (Ben Presley in Knock Knock)
- Paul (Sean Knopp in The Bells of Saint John)
- Paul Barrass (John Law in The Reign Of Terror: Prisoners of Conciergerie)
- Pavel (Bart Suavek in Knock Knock)
- Payne (James Beckett in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- PC (Anthony Molton in The Christmas Invasion)
- PC Forrest (Jessica Hayes in Flatline)
- PC Groom (2 episodes, e.g. Christopher Wray in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Peach, Sergeant Major (Glenn Speers in Empress Of Mars)
- Peasant (James Marcus in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Two)
- Peasant (40 episodes, e.g. Andrew Driscoll in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Peasant (3 episodes, e.g. Robert Sands in The Twin Dilemma: Part Three)
- Peasant (Denis Cleary in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Peasant (French) (4 episodes, e.g. Don Simons in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Peasant in Village (22 episodes, e.g. Ernest Jennings in State of Decay: Part One)
- Peasant in Wood (Victor Croxford in State of Decay: Part One)
- Pedestrian (14 episodes, e.g. Richard Walker in The Runaway Bride)
- Pedestrian (2 episodes, e.g. Doreen Ubels in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Pedestrian (26 episodes, e.g. Lesley Dring in The Runaway Bride)
- Pedro (Mark Monero in Flesh and Stone)
- Pee (Dr) (Max Boast in Dot and Bubble)
- Peggy (Poppy Polivnick in Village of the Angels: Flux: Chapter Four)
- Peggy Mitchell (Barbara Windsor in Army of Ghosts)
- Peladon, King (4 episodes, e.g. David Troughton in The Curse of Peladon: Episode One)
- Pemberton (Duchess of) (Indira Varma in Rogue)
- Penley (6 episodes, e.g. Peter Sallis in The Ice Warriors: One)
- Penny (Ronke Adekoluejo in Extremis)
- Penny Carter (Verona Joseph in Partners in Crime)
- Pensioner (4 episodes, e.g. Elizabeth Ellis in The Power Of Three)
- Pentagon Woman (Alana Maria in Extremis)
- Pentecost, Suzie (Ellie-Grace Cashin in Dot and Bubble)
- Pepper-Bean, Lindy (Callie Cooke in Dot and Bubble)
- Pepper-Bean, Penny (Susan Twist in Dot and Bubble)
- Percy Bysshe Shelly (Lewis Rainer in The Haunting Of Villa Diodati)
- Perfect Victim (3 episodes, e.g. André Boulay in The Aztecs: The Warriors of Death)
- Perfume Counter Worker (4 episodes, e.g. Antonia Forrest in Closing Time)
- Peri Brown (34 episodes, e.g. Nicola Bryant in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Perkins (3 episodes, e.g. Christien Anholt in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Perkins (Kenneth Joy in Spyfall: Part Two)
- Perkins (Frank Skinner in Mummy On The Orient Express)
- Perkins (3 episodes, e.g. Brian Cullingford in Fury From the Deep: Episode 4)
- Perkins (4 episodes, e.g. Sydney Arnold in The Highlanders: Episode 1)
- Perry (Badger Skelton in Thin Ice)
- Perry (2 episodes, e.g. Geoffrey Colville in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 1)
- Person at Las Cadenas (9 episodes, e.g. Nedjet Salth in The Two Doctors: Part Three)
- Person in Pub (4 episodes, e.g. John Pollock in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Person in Square (2 episodes, e.g. Beverley Stephens in The Myth Makers: Horse of Destruction)
- Persuasion (4 episodes, e.g. Paul Shelley in Four To Doomsday: Part One)
- Pete (William Sasso in The TV Movie)
- Pete Tyler (5 episodes, e.g. Shaun Dingwall in Father's Day)
- Peter (David Ajala in The Beast Below)
- Peter (4 episodes, e.g. Derek Calder in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Peter Hamilton (4 episodes, e.g. Julian Fox in Death to the Daleks: Part One)
- Peter Haydon (2 episodes, e.g. Bernard Holley in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 1)
- Peter Streete (Matt King in The Shakespeare Code)
- Peter Warmsly (3 episodes, e.g. James Ellis in Battlefield: Part One)
- Peterson (Roy Scammell in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 4)
- Petra Williams (7 episodes, e.g. Sheila Dunn in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Petrossian (Mark Conrad in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Petrov (Stephen Hubay in The War Games: Episode Eight)
- Pex (4 episodes, e.g. Howard Cooke in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Phantom Trooper (2 episodes, e.g. Scott Free in The Awakening: Part Two)
- Pharmacist #1 (Tom Edden in Gridlock)
- Pharmacist #2 (Natasha Williams in Gridlock)
- Pharmacist #3 (Gayle Telfer Stevens in Gridlock)
- Pharos Technician (Robin Squire in Logopolis: Part Four)
- Phil (2 episodes, e.g. Mark Griffin in The Impossible Astronaut)
- Phillip (2 episodes, e.g. George Russo in Flesh and Stone)
- Phillips (Gordon Reid in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part One)
- Phineas Clanton (4 episodes, e.g. Maurice Good in The Gunfighters: A Holiday for the Doctor)
- Phipps (4 episodes, e.g. Christopher Coll in The Seeds of Death: Episode One)
- Phone Operator (4 episodes, e.g. Sheila Dunn in The Invasion: Episode One)
- Photographer (Gary Dobbs in The God Complex)
- Photographer (Gwen Jenkins in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Photographer (8 episodes, e.g. Greg Bennett in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Photographer (David Stock in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Photographer (Kevin O'Brian in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Photographer (Gareth Evans in The Runaway Bride)
- Photographer (Nick Rogers in The End of Time: Part One)
- Photographer (3 episodes, e.g. Charles Marriott in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Photoshoot PA (2 episodes, e.g. Zac Fox in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- Phyllis (4 episodes, e.g. Joanne Bell in The Curse of Fenric: Part Two)
- Physician (Ronald Pickup in The Reign Of Terror: The Tyrant of France)
- Pianist (John Martin in The Empty Child)
- Piano (Ben Foster in Voyage of the Damned)
- Picnic Lady (2 episodes, e.g. Natalia Russell in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Picnic Man (2 episodes, e.g. Colum Sanson Regan in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Pie Seller (Sean George in The Shakespeare Code)
- Pie-man (Peter Singh in Thin Ice)
- Piero (Francesco Martino in Extremis)
- Pierre, Jean (2 episodes, e.g. Peter Walker in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Pig Man (11 episodes, e.g. Ruari Mears in Daleks in Manhattan)
- Pigbin Josh (Derek Ware in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Pikemen (2 episodes, e.g. Peter Walshe in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Two)
- Pilgrim (22 episodes, e.g. Daniel Euston in The Crimson Horror)
- Pilot (4 episodes, e.g. Peter Jeffrey in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Pilot (Bob Hornery in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- Pilot (3 episodes, e.g. Pat Gorman in The Armageddon Factor: Part Three)
- Pilot (Leo Bill in A Christmas Carol)
- Pilot (Antony Edridge in The Bells of Saint John)
- Pilot (Glen Fox in The Giggle)
- Pilot (Kelvin) (Steven Meo in The Infinite Quest)
- Pilot of Space Ship (Stanley Price in Frontier In Space: Episode Six)
- Pilot's Secretary (Linda Reynolds in The Macra Terror: Episode 3)
- Ping-Cho (7 episodes, e.g. Zienia Merton in Marco Polo: The Roof of the World)
- Pink, Rupert (Remi Gooding in Listen)
- Piotr (Josh O'Connor in Cold War)
- Pirate (Smugglers) (17 episodes, e.g. Leslie Bates in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Pirate Daniel (3 episodes, e.g. Les Clark in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Pirate Guard (2 episodes, e.g. Victor Maddern in The Space Pirates: Episode Four)
- Pitt, Mrs (Janet Henfrey in Mummy On The Orient Express)
- Plain Clothed Guard (2 episodes, e.g. Stephen Emuobonvuie in Time Heist)
- Plainclothes Policemen (2 episodes, e.g. Desmond Verini in Day of the Daleks: Episode Four)
- Plane extra (34 episodes, e.g. Alison McGuire in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Planetarian (3 episodes, e.g. Johnny Clayton in Mission to the Unknown)
- Plantagenet (4 episodes, e.g. Jeff Rawle in Frontios: Part One)
- Plasmaton (10 episodes, e.g. Chris Holmes in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Platoon (6 episodes, e.g. Anneliese Murray in Nightmare in Silver)
- Playground (3 episodes, e.g. Sian Howells in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Pletrac (4 episodes, e.g. Peter Halliday in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One)
- Plump man (2 episodes, e.g. Greg Bennett in Partners in Crime)
- Plump Man's Girlfriend (Jayne Lutwyche in Partners in Crime)
- Poacher (2 episodes, e.g. Neil West in The Visitation: Part Two)
- Poem Girl (Catrin Richards in The Beast Below)
- Pol-Kon-Don (2 episodes, e.g. Nicholas Briggs in Fugitive of the Judoon)
- Police (11 episodes, e.g. Dave James in Planet of the Dead)
- Police (6 episodes, e.g. Scott Stevenson in Dark Water)
- Police Commissioner (David Warwick in Army of Ghosts)
- Police Commissioner Strickland (2 episodes, e.g. Steve Spiers in Aliens of London)
- Police Constable (Robert Smythe in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Police Constable (Rememberance of the Daleks) (Peter Gates Fleming in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Police Constable Stanmore (Peter Hannah in Deep Breath)
- Police Driver (James Muir in Black Orchid: Part Two)
- Police Driver (Jackson) (Victor Richards McMillan in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver 6 (Tat Wa Lay in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver A (Jim Fox in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver B (Tina Stratford in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver C (Doug Kirby in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver D (Denzie Phipps in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver E (David Stock in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Driver F (Dominic Kynaston in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Inspector (Richard Atherton in The Mind of Evil: Episode Three)
- Police Officer (Chantelle Pierre in Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three)
- Police Officer (Stephen Marzella in Fear Her)
- Police Officer Will (Darryl Clark in Resolution)
- Police Passenger A (Joe Malik in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Passenger B (Eddie Martin in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Passenger C (Bernie Hodges in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Passenger D (Michael Green in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Passenger E (Adam Chilvers in Planet of the Dead)
- Police Radio Voice (Barry Letts in Planet of the Spiders: Part Two)
- Police Sergeant (John Cannon in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Policeman (4 episodes, e.g. James Muir in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Policeman (2 episodes, e.g. Michael Braben in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Policeman (Dominic Allan in The Invasion: Episode Five)
- Policeman (3 episodes, e.g. Scott Stevenson in The Day of The Doctor)
- Policeman (5 episodes, e.g. Ray Knight in Logopolis: Part One)
- Policeman (16 episodes, e.g. James Appleby in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Policeman (6 episodes, e.g. Christian Fletcher in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Policeman (Kevin Mullen in The Next Doctor)
- Policeman (William McGuirk in Terror of the Autons: Episode Three)
- Policeman (Chubby Oates in Planet of the Spiders: Part Two)
- Policeman (4 episodes, e.g. Steve Eynon in Deep Breath)
- Policeman (Aliens of London) (Ceris Jones in Aliens of London)
- Policeman (An Unearthly Child) (2 episodes, e.g. Reg Cranfield in An Unearthly Child)
- Policeman (Gatwick) (4 episodes, e.g. Geoffrey Witherick in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Policeman (Immigration) (2 episodes, e.g. Robin Dawson in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Policeman (London) (2 episodes, e.g. Michael Jefferies in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Policeman (Ruby Road) (Barney Wilkinson in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Policeman (The Christmas Invasion) (Sean Carlson in The Christmas Invasion)
- Policeman/Paramedics (4 episodes, e.g. Phil Horton in Boom Town)
- Policemen (2 episodes, e.g. Jeff Jones in Doomsday)
- Policewoman (2 episodes, e.g. Sandra Hutchings in World War Three)
- Polkowski (Steven Beckingham in Dalek)
- Polly (39 episodes, e.g. Anneke Wills in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Pond Hand (2 episodes, e.g. Erin Morgan in The Snowmen)
- Pond, Amy (49 episodes, e.g. Karen Gillan in The Eleventh Hour)
- Ponti (2 episodes, e.g. Louis Mahoney in Planet of Evil: Part One)
- Pope (Joseph Long in Extremis)
- Poppaea (2 episodes, e.g. Kay Patrick in The Romans: Conspiracy)
- Popplewick (2 episodes, e.g. Geoffrey Hughes in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Ultimate Foe): Part Thirteen)
- Poppy (2 episodes, e.g. Sienna-Robyn Mavanga-Phipps in Space Babies)
- Porridge (Warwick Davis in Nightmare in Silver)
- Porter (3 episodes, e.g. David Decio in Smith and Jones)
- Porter (5 episodes, e.g. Daniel Murray in The Power Of Three)
- Porter (2 episodes, e.g. Dai Murphy in The Empty Child)
- Portrait (Susan Twist in Rogue)
- Portreeve (Anthony Ainley in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- Posh Dad (David Bremmer in New Earth)
- Posh Double (12 episodes, e.g. Tom Sanderson in The Shakespeare Code)
- Posh Mum (Helen Irving in New Earth)
- Possicar Delegate (4 episodes, e.g. Deep Roy in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Postman (Andy Jones in Asylum of the Daleks: Pond Life)
- Postman (Von Pearce Postman in Fear Her)
- Potential Daughter (2 episodes, e.g. Clare Brice in The End of Time: Part One)
- Potential Mum (2 episodes, e.g. Jill Alexandra in The End of Time: Part One)
- Poul (4 episodes, e.g. David Collings in The Robots of Death: Part One)
- Praiseworthy (Mina Anwar in Smile)
- Pralix (3 episodes, e.g. David Sibley in The Pirate Planet: Part One)
- Prapillus (3 episodes, e.g. Jolyon Booth in The Web Planet: Crater of Needles)
- Praygat (2 episodes, e.g. Ruari Mears in Planet of the Dead)
- Preacher (Robert Demeger in The Shakespeare Code)
- Preba (3 episodes, e.g. Graeme Eton in The Monster of Peladon: Part One)
- Pregnant Lady (Caroline Bennett in Smith and Jones)
- Prem (Shane Zaza in Demons Of The Punjab)
- Prentis (2 episodes, e.g. Paul Kaye in Under the Lake)
- President (3 episodes, e.g. David Neal in The Caves of Androzani: Part One)
- President Obama (Roger Haynes in The End of Time: Part One)
- President of Earth (5 episodes, e.g. Vera Fusek in Frontier In Space: Episode One)
- President of the Council (4 episodes, e.g. Roy Purcell in The Three Doctors: Episode One)
- President Richard Nixon (2 episodes, e.g. Stuart Milligan in The Impossible Astronaut)
- President Winters (Colin Stinton in The Sound of Drums)
- Presidential Aide (4 episodes, e.g. Paul Burke in The Sound of Drums)
- Presidential Driver (2 episodes, e.g. Richard Simpkins in The Sound of Drums)
- Presidential Guard (10 episodes, e.g. Jim Delaney in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- Presidential Secret Service (Justin Walters in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Presidential Security (Gary Organ in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Preslin (Erik Chitty in The Massacre: War of God)
- Press (15 episodes, e.g. Alex Archer in The Sound of Drums)
- Press Photographer (3 episodes, e.g. Donald Baker in Day of the Daleks: Episode Four)
- Presta (4 episodes, e.g. Gai Smith in The Invasion of Time: Part Three)
- Preston (4 episodes, e.g. Tara Ward in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Pretty Girl (Donna Shakesheff in Cold War)
- Price (6 episodes, e.g. Graham Leaman in Fury From the Deep: Episode 1)
- Price, Angela (Derek Lea in The Age of Steel)
- Price, Mr (David Charles in Rogue)
- Priest (2 episodes, e.g. Norman Claridge in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Priest (Maurice Quick in The Masque of Mandragora: Part One)
- Priest (Hugh Cecil in The Massacre: The Sea Beggar)
- Priest (Phil Dixon in The Day of The Doctor)
- Priest (Hugh Martin in Vengeance on Varos: Part Two)
- Priest Triangle (2 episodes, e.g. Nigel Lambert in War of The Sontarans: Flux: Chapter Two)
- Prime Minister (Brychan Powell in The Green Death: Episode Three)
- Primitive (12 episodes, e.g. Valentino Musetti in Colony In Space: Episode Three)
- Primitive (5 episodes, e.g. Pat Gorman in Colony In Space: Episode One)
- Primord (9 episodes, e.g. Dave Carter in Inferno: Episode 5)
- Prince Reynart (4 episodes, e.g. Neville Jason in The Androids of Tara: Part One)
- Princess Astra (6 episodes, e.g. Lalla Ward in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Princess Rapunzel (2 episodes, e.g. Christine Pirie in The Mind Robber: Episode 3)
- Priscilla P. (3 episodes, e.g. Rachel Bell in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Prison Governor (2 episodes, e.g. Dennis Bowen in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Prison Governor (3 episodes, e.g. Raymond Westwell in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Prison Guard (5 episodes, e.g. Lucea Eldemire in The End of Time: Part One)
- Prison Guard (23 episodes, e.g. Kieran O'Connor in The Impossible Astronaut)
- Prison Officer (20 episodes, e.g. Bill Matthews in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Prison Officer (11 episodes, e.g. Bill Matthews in The Mind of Evil: Episode Five)
- Prison Sentry (4 episodes, e.g. Roy Brent in The War Games: Episode Two)
- Prison Sergeant (Tom O'Leary in The War Games: Episode Two)
- Prisoner (2 episodes, e.g. Nelly Griffiths in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Prisoner (3 episodes, e.g. (tbc) in The Snowmen: Vastra Investigates)
- Prisoner (Brian Ellis in The Sontaran Experiment: Part Two)
- Prisoner (Roger Nott in The Twin Dilemma: Part Three)
- Prisoner (25 episodes, e.g. Valentino Musetti in The Mind of Evil: Episode Four)
- Prisoner (5 episodes, e.g. Nancy Gabrielle in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Prisoner (4 episodes, e.g. David Banville in The Reign Of Terror: A Change of Identity)
- Prisoner (5 episodes, e.g. Levi Summers in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Prisoner (Lunar Prison) (Michael Mulcaster in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Prisoner (Mind of Evil) (14 episodes, e.g. Bob Blaine in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Prisoner (War Games) (4 episodes, e.g. Paul Phillips in The War Games: Episode One)
- Prisoner Zero (William Wilde in The Eleventh Hour)
- Pritchard (2 episodes, e.g. Steven Robertson in Under the Lake)
- Private Bryson (2 episodes, e.g. Colin Bell in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Five)
- Private Gray (2 episodes, e.g. Wesley Theobald in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Private Harris (2 episodes, e.g. Clive Standen in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Private Harris (Clive Standen in Turn Left)
- Private Johnson (Geoffrey Beevers in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 7)
- Private Latimer (2 episodes, e.g. David Simeon in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Private Ogden (2 episodes, e.g. George Bryson in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part One)
- Private Parker (James Clayton in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 5)
- Private Perkins (Stacy Davies in The Invasion: Episode Six)
- Private Wright (David Pollitt in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Private Wyatt (3 episodes, e.g. Derek Ware in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Proctor (2 episodes, e.g. Barry Ashton in The Time Monster: Episode One)
- Prof. Horner (2 episodes, e.g. Robert Wentworth in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Professor Albert (Michael Troughton in Last Christmas)
- Professor Brett (4 episodes, e.g. John Harvey in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Professor Candy (Paul Bentley in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Professor Chronotis (6 episodes, e.g. Denis Carey in Shada: Part One)
- Professor Clegg (Cyril Shaps in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Professor Dale (2 episodes, e.g. Harold Goldblatt in Frontier In Space: Episode Three)
- Professor Hayter (3 episodes, e.g. Nigel Stock in Time-Flight: Part Two)
- Professor Hobbes (David Troughton in Midnight)
- Professor Howard Foster (Dallas Adams in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Professor Jericho (3 episodes, e.g. Kevin McNally in Village of the Angels: Flux: Chapter Four)
- Professor Kettering (Simon Lack in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Professor Kettlewell (4 episodes, e.g. Edward Burnham in Robot: Part One)
- Professor Krimpton (4 episodes, e.g. John Cater in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Professor Laird (2 episodes, e.g. Chloe Ashcroft in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Professor Lasky (4 episodes, e.g. Honor Blackman in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Nine)
- Professor Lazarus (Mark Gatiss in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Professor Litefoot (6 episodes, e.g. Trevor Baxter in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Professor Malcolm Taylor (Lee Evans in Planet of the Dead)
- Professor Marius (3 episodes, e.g. Frederick Jaeger in The Invisible Enemy: Part Two)
- Professor Parry (4 episodes, e.g. Aubrey Richards in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 1)
- Professor Peach (Ian Barritt in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Professor Philips (2 episodes, e.g. Christopher Burgess in Terror of the Autons: Episode One)
- Professor Rubeish (4 episodes, e.g. Donald Pelmear in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Professor Rumford (4 episodes, e.g. Beatrix Lehmann in The Stones of Blood: Part One)
- Professor Stahlman (7 episodes, e.g. Olaf Pooley in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Professor Wagg (Dave Hurtubise in The TV Movie)
- Professor Watkins (4 episodes, e.g. Edward Burnham in The Invasion: Episode Three)
- Professor Watson (2 episodes, e.g. Glyn Houston in The Hand Of Fear: Part Two)
- Professor Webster (Albert Barrington in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Professor Whitaker (5 episodes, e.g. Peter Miles in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Two)
- Programmer/Staff (19 episodes, e.g. Gemma Whirmore in Bad Wolf)
- Projectionist (Adam Sweet in Partners in Crime)
- Prondyn (Al Raymond in The Chase: The Death of Time)
- Prop Man (Bryan Mosley in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Proper Dave (2 episodes, e.g. Harry Peacock in Silence in the Library)
- Proper Dave Suit Creature (Ruari Mears in Silence in the Library)
- Prostitute (3 episodes, e.g. Claire Williams in The Unquiet Dead)
- Psi (Jonathan Bailey in Time Heist)
- Psi Double (Joshua Davies in Time Heist)
- Psycho (Georgina Burford in Nightmare in Silver)
- Public (3 episodes, e.g. Robert Quinn in The Stolen Earth)
- Public (20 episodes, e.g. Tony Was in Human Nature)
- Pudovkin (2 episodes, e.g. Nigel Miles-Thomas in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Punter (39 episodes, e.g. Nick Pratt in The Name of the Doctor)
- Puppeteer (4 episodes, e.g. Barry Smith in Snakedance: Part Three)
- Purcell (2 episodes, e.g. Andrew Tiernan in Night Terrors)
- Purcell Doll (Russell Cuzner in Night Terrors)