Doctor Who
Crew List: S
- Services SL (crew as Acknowlegment in The Zygon Invasion)
- SPACE DIGITAL (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Visual Effects Designer in A Town Called Mercy)
- Aina Sabate-Girait (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Script Editor in Spyfall: Part One)
- Frank Sadler (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Show Working Supervisor in The Visitation: Part One)
- Neil Sadwick (crew as Grams Operator in The Robots of Death: Part Four)
- Prue Saenger (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Image of the Fendahl: Part One)
- Jen Saguaro (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Production Buyer in The Return Of Doctor Mysterio)
- Shuaib Said (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Location Assistant in The Star Beast)
- Salma Salah (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Camera Operator in Rogue)
- Azhur Saleem (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Director in Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three)
- Nikki Salih (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Junior Make-up Artist in The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter Six)
- Lindsay Salt (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Commissioning Editor For The BBC in The Star Beast)
- Andre Salut (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Dresser in The Stones of Blood: Part One)
- Vicky Salway (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Costume Supervisor in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Max Samett (crew in 17 episodes, e.g. Film Cameraman in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Catherine Samuel (crew in 42 episodes, e.g. Props Buyer in The Beast Below)
- Eric Samuel (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Film Camera Assistant in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Diana Samuila (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Junior Draughtperson in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Chris Samworth (crew as Focus Puller in Kill The Moon)
- Alan Sandbrook (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in Meglos: Part One)
- Christopher Sandeman (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in Time and the Rani: Part One)
- John Sanderford (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Grams Operator in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1)
- Matt Sanders (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Draughtsman in Oxygen)
- Beryl Sanderson (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in An Unearthly Child)
- Ian Sansam (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Film Sound in Planet of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Lenny Sant (crew as Prosthetics Technician in The Poison Sky)
- Natasha Santiparp (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- Peter Sargent (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Film Cameraman in The Power of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Tony Sargent (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Production Ops Supervisor in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Christoph Sarraco (crew as FX (Visual Effects) in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Sunetra Sastry (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Jackie Saundercock (crew as Hairdresser in The Devil's Chord)
- Maggie Saunders (crew as Assistant Floor Manager in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Matthew Savage (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Storyboard Artist in The Time of Angels)
- Eric Saward (crew in 97 episodes, e.g. Script Editor in Castrovalva: Part One)
- Geoffrey Sax (crew as Director in The TV Movie)
- Georgie Sayer (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Assistaint Costume Designer in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Shadow Scaffolding (crew in 69 episodes, e.g. Rigging in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Liz Scammell (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Dresser in The Caves of Androzani: Part Three)
- Roy Scammell (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Stunt coordinator in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Agustin Schiling (crew as FX (Visual Effects) in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Sebastian Schmall (crew as Generalist (Visual Effects) in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Bob Schofield (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Wires in The Shakespeare Code)
- Max Schofield (crew as Wires in The Return Of Doctor Mysterio)
- Marcus Scholl (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Construction Trainee in Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
- Marcus School (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Carpenter in Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three)
- Paul Schrader (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Props Buyer in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Shirley Schumacher (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Focus Puller in The Beast Below)
- David Schwartz (crew as Director of Photography in Good as Gold)
- Patrick Schweitzer (crew in 22 episodes, e.g. Producer in The Vampires of Venice)
- Ian Scoones (crew in 33 episodes, e.g. Visual Effects Designer in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 7)
- Ariana Scott (crew in 18 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Spyfall: Part One)
- Carol Scott (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Stones of Blood: Part One)
- Gerry Scott (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Design Assistant in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- James Scott (crew in 16 episodes, e.g. Focus Puller in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Juanee Scott (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Floor Runner in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Julie Scott (crew in 92 episodes, e.g. Production Executive in A Town Called Mercy)
- Lesley Scott (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Writer in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Peter Scott (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Electrician in Closing Time)
- Robin Scott (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Film Editor in The Visitation: Part One)
- Stephen Scott (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Designer in Mawdryn Undead: Part One)
- Verity Scott (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Assistant Set Decorator in The Star Beast)
- Adam Sculthorpe (crew as Stereo Supervisor in The Day of The Doctor)
- Gillane Seaborne (crew as Producer in The Infinite Quest)
- Seacliff Holiday Caravans (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Location Trailers in The Sea Devils: Episode One)
- Pauline Seager (crew as Assistant Floor Manager in The Five Doctors)
- Chas Seamons (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Senior Studio Engineer in Timelash: Part One)
- Helen Searle (crew in 27 episodes, e.g. Assistaint Accountant in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Humphrey Searle (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Incidental Music in The Myth Makers: Temple of Secrets)
- Nico Seck (crew as Animator (Visual Effects) in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Gordon Seed (crew in 27 episodes, e.g. Stunt coordinator in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Philip David Segal (crew as Executive Producer in The TV Movie)
- Fay Selby (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. First Assistant Director in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Robyn Selby (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Location Assistant in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Bill Sellars (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Director in The Celestial Toymaker: The Celestial Toyroom)
- Rochelle Selwyn (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Designer in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Richard Senior (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Director in Let's Kill Hitler)
- John Sennett (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Film Camera Assistant in The Invasion of Time: Part Three)
- Cristina Serreli (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- Janice Sewell (crew as Makeup (Assistant) in The Creature from the Pit: Part Four)
- Angela Seyfang (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One)
- Michael Sha-Dyan (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Film Editor in The Curse of Peladon: Episode One)
- Haider Shahab (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Unit Driver in The Star Beast)
- Donna Shakesheff (crew in 20 episodes, e.g. Art Department in The Bells of Saint John)
- Abigail Sharp (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in Timelash: Part One)
- Kenneth Sharp (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Sally Sharp (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Petty Cash Buyer in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Malachy Shaw Jones (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Planet of Evil: Part One)
- Arabella Shaw (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Full Circle: Part One)
- Brendan Shaw (crew as Studio Sound in Planet of Evil: Part Three)
- Colin Shaw (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Dan Shaw (crew in 15 episodes, e.g. Studio Engineer in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Don Shaw (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Graphics in The Krotons: Episode One)
- Geoff Shaw (crew in 11 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls)
- Heather Shaw (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in The Ice Warriors: One)
- Jamie Shaw (crew in 27 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Last Christmas)
- Suzanne Shaw (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Production Manager in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Shawcraft Ltd (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Special Effects in The Daleks: The Rescue)
- John Shayer (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Film Operations in Castrovalva: Part One)
- Alan Shearer (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Line Producer in The Ghost Monument)
- Robert Shearman (crew as Writer in Dalek)
- Sue Shearman (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Seeds of Doom: Part One)
- Judy Shears (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Assistant in The Mind Robber: Episode 1)
- Fintan Sheehan (crew in 11 episodes, e.g. Film Cameraman in State of Decay: Part One)
- Gareth Sheldon (crew in 85 episodes, e.g. Electrician in The Bells of Saint John)
- Phil Shellard (crew in 89 episodes, e.g. Standby Props in The Eleventh Hour)
- Charlie Shelley (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Petty Cash Buyer in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Jane Shepherd (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Design Assistant in Underworld: Part One)
- Julie Shepherd (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in Full Circle: Part One)
- Sandra Shepherd (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Frontier In Space: Episode One)
- Gary Sheppard (crew as Assistant Grip in Closing Time)
- Melissa Sheppard (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Standby Props in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Karen Sherrie-Morton (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in The Invasion of Time: Part Five)
- George Sherriffs (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Dresser in The Android Invasion: Part One)
- Elizabeth Sherry (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Revelation of the Daleks: Part One)
- Derrick Sherwin (crew in 57 episodes, e.g. Producer in The War Games: Episode One)
- Lee Sheward (crew in 11 episodes, e.g. Stunt coordinator in The Unquiet Dead)
- Caroline Shields (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Film Editor in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Cathy Shields (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Costume Supervisor in The Ghost Monument)
- Bob Shipsey (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Camera Operator in The Doctor's Wife)
- Penny Shipton (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Camera Assistant in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Jenny Shircore (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Planet of Evil: Part One)
- Jane Shirley (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: World's End)
- Tam Shoring (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Sound Maintenance Engineer in The Time of the Doctor)
- Tom Shoring (crew in 36 episodes, e.g. Sound Maintenance Engineer in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Jim Short (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Film Operative in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Bryan Showell (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Film Sound in State of Decay: Part One)
- Matt Shrimpton (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Prop Hand in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Matthew Shrivener (crew as First Assistant Director in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Dafydd Shurmer (crew in 50 episodes, e.g. Standby Art Director in The Beast Below)
- Alastair Siddons (crew as Acknowlegment in The Eleventh Hour)
- Baljinder Sidhu (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Location Manager in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Jeanette Sigworth (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Talent Team in Resolution)
- Jeremy Silberston (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Production Manager in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Pauline Silcock (crew in 31 episodes, e.g. Director's Assistant in The Ark In Space: Part One)
- Gareth Silcox (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Medic in The Star Beast)
- Dave Silk (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Grams Operator in The Invasion: Episode Seven)
- Gyorgy Siman (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Graphic Designer in Spyfall: Part Two)
- Brian Simmonds (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Film Operations in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Scott Simmonds (crew as Compositing Supervisor in The Star Beast)
- Barry Simmons (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant Costume Designer in The Sea Devils: Episode One)
- Brian Simmons (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Film Operations in Castrovalva: Part One)
- Ellia Simmons (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
- Ellie Simmons (crew in 17 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Demons Of The Punjab)
- Elisa Simoncelli (crew as Compositor in The Giggle)
- Barbara Simonin (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in The Sun Makers: Part One)
- Dudley Simpson (crew in 296 episodes, e.g. Incidental Music in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Julian Simpson (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Director in The Rebel Flesh)
- Ron Simpson (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Tracie Simpson (crew in 116 episodes, e.g. Producer in The Time of Angels)
- Vivienne Simpson (crew in 28 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Bells of Saint John)
- Phil Sims (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Production Designer in Rogue)
- Doug Sinclair (crew in 34 episodes, e.g. Sound Editor in The Christmas Invasion)
- Joy Sinclair (crew in 32 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Allison Sing (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Allison Sing (crew in 27 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Bells of Saint John)
- Fabia Sinigaglia (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Creative Coordinator in The Star Beast)
- John Sinnott (crew in 55 episodes, e.g. Carpenter in Deep Breath)
- Dan Sissons (crew as Property Master in The TV Movie)
- Arun P. Sivanantham (crew as Pipeline TD in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Gareth Skelding (crew in 44 episodes, e.g. Location Manager in The Eleventh Hour)
- Caroline Skinner (crew in 19 episodes, e.g. Executive Producer in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Ernest Skinner (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Joel Skinner (crew in 28 episodes, e.g. Visual Effects Editor in The Bells of Saint John)
- Martina Skokova (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Administration For Millennium Fx in The Star Beast)
- Tony Slater Ling (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Director of Photography in The Vampires of Venice)
- Debbi Slater (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Production Manager in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Don Slater (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Grams Operator in The Masque of Mandragora: Part One)
- Derek Slee (crew in 26 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in Death to the Daleks: Part One)
- Robert Sleigh (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Film Cameraman in An Unearthly Child: Pilot)
- Chris Slocombe (crew in 31 episodes, e.g. Workshop Assistant in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- David Slocombe (crew as Production Assistant in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Stephen Slocombe (crew in 64 episodes, e.g. Best Boy in The Bells of Saint John)
- Robert Sloman (crew in 23 episodes, e.g. Writer in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Sue Sly (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Director's Assistant in The Invasion: Episode One)
- Scott Smallwood (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Electrician in Closing Time)
- Monty Smart (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Gaffer in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Mark Smeaton (crew as Camera Operator in The Wedding of River Song)
- Peter Smee (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in Warriors of the Deep: Part Four)
- Rupert Smissen (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Storyboard Artist in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Adam Smith (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Director in The Eleventh Hour)
- Andrew Smith (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Writer in Full Circle: Part One)
- Andrew Smith (crew in 13 episodes, e.g. Construction Manager in Rose)
- Angela Smith (crew in 71 episodes, e.g. Production Unit Manager in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Ann Smith (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Vision Mixer in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: Day of Reckoning)
- Bert Smith (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Lighting Chargehand in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Carol Smith (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Design Assistant in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- David Smith (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in The Dominators: Episode 1)
- John Smith (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in The Ark In Space: Part Four)
- Julia Smith (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Director in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Lesley Smith (crew as Makeup (Assistant) in State of Decay: Part One)
- Luke Smith (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Scenic Trainee in The Devil's Chord)
- Mike Smith (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Film Operative in Shada: Part Three)
- Morag Smith (crew in 20 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Eleventh Hour)
- Paul Smith (crew in 54 episodes, e.g. Property Master in The Bells of Saint John)
- Paul Smith (crew as Props Master in Twice Upon A Time)
- Robin Smith (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Dresser in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Stephen Smith (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Timelash: Part One)
- Steve Smith (crew in 41 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Christmas Invasion)
- Stevie Smith (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Star Beast)
- Terry Smith (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Lighting Chargehand in Frontios: Part One)
- Sam Smithard (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Camera Assistant in The Bells of Saint John)
- Chas Snare (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. OB Cameraman in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Tony Snoaden (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Sea Devils: Episode One)
- Carol Snook (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Director's Assistant in The Creature from the Pit: Part One)
- Lyn Somerville (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Nick Somerville (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Designer in Ghost Light: Part One)
- Graham Sothcott (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in The Power of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Roman Sotola (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- David South (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Film Camera Assistant in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Ross Southard (crew as Production Assistant in Closing Time)
- Graham Southcote (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Technical Manager (TM2) in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Barbara Southcott (crew in 103 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Impossible Astronaut)
- Graham Southcott (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in The Savages: Episode 1)
- Jamie Southcott (crew in 59 episodes, e.g. Prophand in The Bells of Saint John)
- Jackie Southern (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Costume Designer in The Awakening: Part One)
- Mike Southon (crew as Director of Photography in Hide)
- Lyndall Spagnoletti (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Compositor in The Pandorica Opens)
- Alan Spalding (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Designer in Revelation of the Daleks: Part One)
- Francis Sparey (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Best Boy in Closing Time)
- Val Sparkes (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in Ghost Light: Part One)
- Jillian Speed (crew as Boom Operator in Blink)
- Stan Speel (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Film Cameraman in Spearhead From Space: Episode 1)
- Gemma Spence (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Carpenter in Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter Five)
- Greg Spencer (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Compositor in The Pandorica Opens)
- Harry Spencer (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant Grip in Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
- Tessa Spendlove (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Dresser in The Masque of Mandragora: Part One)
- Gareth Spensley (crew in 83 episodes, e.g. Colourist in The Name of the Doctor)
- George Spenton-Foster (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Director in Image of the Fendahl: Part One)
- Valerie Speyer (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Producer's Secretary in An Unearthly Child)
- Anne Spiers (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in The Robots of Death: Part One)
- James Spinks (crew in 37 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Magician's Apprentice)
- Jan Spoczynski (crew in 11 episodes, e.g. Designer in Snakedance: Part One)
- David Spode (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Designer in Genesis of the Daleks: Part One)
- John Sponsler (crew as Incidental Music in The TV Movie)
- Dennis Spooner (crew in 52 episodes, e.g. Script Editor in The Rescue: The Powerful Enemy)
- Mike Spooner (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Film Camera Assistant in The Seeds of Death: Episode One)
- Sarah Spooner (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Shepperton Liaison in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Peter Sporle (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Props Buyer in The Awakening: Part One)
- Mike Spragg (crew as Director of Photography in Face The Raven)
- Roy Spratley (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Film Operations in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Paul Spriggs (crew in 34 episodes, e.g. Supervising Art Director in The Bells of Saint John)
- Daniela Springer (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Production Manager in The Ghost Monument)
- Bob Springett (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Robert Springett (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Assistant Costume Designer in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Heather Squires (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Makeup (Assistant) in Warriors' Gate: Part Four)
- Jean St. Clair (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. BSL Monitor in Under the Lake)
- Andy Stacey (crew in 23 episodes, e.g. Studio Sound in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Arthur Stacey (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Production Operative in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Peter Stainthorpe (crew as Production Accountant in Joy to the World)
- Shirley Stallard (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Caves of Androzani: Part One)
- Luke Stanbury (crew in 23 episodes, e.g. Assistant Online Editor in Orphan 55)
- Etty Stanley (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Production Office Runner in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Alex Stannus (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Art Director in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Joyce Stansfield (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Director's Assistant in Warriors' Gate: Part One)
- Craig Stanton (crew as Carpenter in Joy to the World)
- Sue Stapely (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Assistant in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- John Staple (crew in 25 episodes, e.g. Studio Sound in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1)
- Kevin Staples (crew as Boom Operator in Turn Left)
- Sophia Stapleton (crew as Standby Art Director in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Stargate Studios (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Visual Effects in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- Joe Starie (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Studio Engineer in The Three Doctors: Episode One)
- Patrick Stark (crew as Production Assistant in The TV Movie)
- Ken Starkey (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Visitation: Part One)
- Alex Starr (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Tom Di Stasio (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- Jessica Steel (crew as Scenic Artist in The Devil's Chord)
- Bob Steer (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Design Assistant in The Invasion of Time: Part One)
- Neil Stemp (crew as Music Editor in The Vanquishers: Flux: Chapter Six)
- Cai Stephens (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Camera Assistant in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Cal Stephens (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Camera Assistant in Kerblam!)
- Huggy Stephens (crew as VFX Supervisor in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Jim Stephens (crew in 21 episodes, e.g. Vision Mixer in The Aztecs: The Bride of Sacrifice)
- John Stephens (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Props Buyers in Logopolis: Part One)
- Kay Stephens (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant in Frontier In Space: Episode Four)
- Martin Stephens (crew in 32 episodes, e.g. Camera Operator in The Beast Below)
- Elaine Stephenson (crew as Production Accountant in The Infinite Quest)
- Geraldine Stephenson (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Choreographer in The Brain of Morbius: Part One)
- Jade Stephenson (crew in 29 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in Hell Bent)
- Alison Sterling (crew as Producer in Joy to the World)
- John Sterling (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Technical Manager (TM2) in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Scenic Steve (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. HOD Painter in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Anthony Steven (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Writer in The Twin Dilemma: Part One)
- Barry Stevens (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Videotape Editor in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Six)
- Ed Stevenson (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in Frontios: Part One)
- Vicki Stevenson (crew in 11 episodes, e.g. Art Director in Deep Breath)
- Jean Steward (crew in 18 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Pyramids of Mars: Part One)
- Allison Stewart (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Floor Assistant in State of Decay: Part One)
- Des Stewart (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Armourer in The Visitation: Part One)
- Fergie Stewart (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. OB Chargehand in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Heather Stewart (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Hermione Stewart (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Director's Assistant in Meglos: Part One)
- Lilith Parker Stewart (crew as Production Office Runner in 73 Yards)
- Norman Stewart (crew in 40 episodes, e.g. Production Assistant in The Daleks: The Dead Planet)
- Jay Stinton (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Show Working Supervisor in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Matthew Stirling (crew as Stunt Performer in The Name of the Doctor)
- Paul Stirling (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- Nathan Stobbs (crew as Compositor (Visual Effects) in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Adrian Stocks (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Music Sound Supervisors in The Time Monster: Episode One)
- Richard Stoddard (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Camera Operator in The Lodger)
- Mike Stoffer (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Film Editor in The Android Invasion: Part One)
- Jamie Magnus Stone (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Director in Spyfall: Part One)
- Charlie Stoneham (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Visual Effects Assistant in Planet of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Graeme Story (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- John Stout (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Designer in The Stones of Blood: Part One)
- Ian Strachan (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Chase: The Executioners)
- Ed Stradling (crew as Producer in Planet of Giants: The Urge To Live (Reconstruction))
- Doris Stretch (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Assistant Costume Designer in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Matt Strevens (crew in 31 episodes, e.g. Executive Producer in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Joan Stribling (crew in 19 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in Nightmare of Eden: Part One)
- Moses Stringer-Ogundeji (crew in 10 episodes, e.g. Best Boy in The Church On Ruby Road)
- James Strong (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Director in The Impossible Planet)
- Gavin Struthers (crew as Director of Photography in The Power Of Three)
- Bill Strutton (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Writer in The Web Planet)
- Barbara Stuart (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Dominators: Episode 1)
- Robin Stubbs (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Assistant Costume Designer in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Untold Studios (crew as Visual Effects in The Star Beast)
- Leo Sturgess (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Studio Sound in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Terry Styles (crew in 7 episodes, e.g. Assistant Costume Designer in Inferno: Episode 1)
- Thani J Subkhi (crew as Production Office Runner in Joy to the World)
- Jack Sugden (crew in 12 episodes, e.g. Music Score Assistant in The Pilot)
- Elly Suggit (crew in 6 episodes, e.g. Junior Prosthetics Artist in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Emma Sullivan (crew in 2 episodes, e.g. Director in Can You Hear Me?)
- Mariangela Suma (crew as Visual Effects Coordinator in Last Christmas)
- Faith Summers (crew as Prop Hand in The Doctor Falls)
- George Summers (crew in 14 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in The Gunfighters: A Holiday for the Doctor)
- Jill Summers (crew in 22 episodes, e.g. Makeup Designer in The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of Death)
- John Summers (crew in 8 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in Frontios: Part One)
- Milannah Faith Summers (crew in 9 episodes, e.g. Props in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Derek Sumner (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Frontios: Part One)
- Sur-Film Production (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Acknowlegment in Kill The Moon)
- Lucienne Suren (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Art Director in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Robin Sutherland (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. OB Camerman in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Bob Sutton (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Props Buyer in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Louise Sutton (crew as Post Production Supervisor in Joy to the World)
- Robert Sutton (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Props Buyer in Terror of the Zygons: Part One)
- Sid Sutton (crew in 128 episodes, e.g. Title Sequence in The King's Demons: Part One)
- David Svenvall (crew as VFX Artist in The Star Beast)
- Stan Sweatman (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Grip in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Neil Sweetmore (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Dresser in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Stan Swetman (crew in 23 episodes, e.g. Grip in Shada: Part Six)
- Dave Sydenham (crew in 5 episodes, e.g. Studio Lighting in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 7)
- Naseem Syed (crew as CYFLE Trainee in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Catherine Sykes (crew in 3 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 3)
- Alison Symington (crew in 4 episodes, e.g. Assistant Floor Manager in The Visitation: Part One)
- William Symon (crew in 20 episodes, e.g. Film Editor in The Time Warrior: Part One)