All Cast
Cast List: D
- Melissa D Vries (cast as Sniper in Spyfall: Part One)
- Cris D'Annunzio (cast as Salvitore in Torchwood: Immortal Sins)
- Daniel D'Arcy (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Orderly in Frontios: Part One)
- James D'Arcy (cast as Michael in Big Finish: Paradise 5)
- Liz D'Estere (cast as Female Passenger in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Emma D'Inverno (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Rosalia in Big Finish: Doom Coalition: 3: Absent Friends)
- Bernadette D'Souza (cast as Paramedics in Smith and Jones)
- Lewis D'shay (cast as Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Antonio D. Charity (cast as Airport security cop in Torchwood: Rendition)
- Danielle Da Costa (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Mrs Rossiter in Night Terrors)
- Alejandro DaSilva (cast as Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Adam Dabbs (cast as Worker in The Crimson Horror)
- Curtis Dabek (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Power of Kroll: Part One)
- Kiran L Dadlani (cast as Kezzia in Smile)
- Susan Dady (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Lazar in Terminus: Part One)
- Ifan Huw Dafydd (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Bishop Parrash in Big Finish: Faith Stealer)
- Neil Daglish (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Damon in Arc of Infinity: Part One)
- Peter Dahlsen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Horton in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Alison Daimler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Serving Girl in The Time Monster: Episode Five)
- Nicholas Daines (cast as Stunts in The Magician's Apprentice)
- John Dair (cast as American Passenger in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Zena Daire (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Anethan sacrifices in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- David Daker (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Irongron in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Lee Dakin (cast as Zombie in The Christmas Invasion)
- Alan Dale (cast as Aaron Copley in Torchwood: Reset)
- Chris Dale (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldiers / Static in Big Finish: Static)
- Groege Dale (cast as Man in Market in The Romans: The Slave Traders)
- Matthew Dale (cast as Big John in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Pamela Dale (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part Three)
- Inga Daley (cast as Visitor (Argolis) in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Laura Dalgleish (cast in 17 episodes, e.g. Newsreader in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 2: Love Rat)
- Joshua Dallas (cast as Node in Silence in the Library)
- Julia Dallimore (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Eleanor Dalling (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Knitting Lady in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Laidlaw Dalling (cast as Rouvray in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Keith Dalton (cast as Neophite in The Time Monster: Episode Two)
- Penelope Dalton (cast as Passenger (Chamelon Tours) in The Faceless Ones: Episode 4)
- Timothy Dalton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Rassilon in The End of Time: Part One)
- Inga Daly (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Movellan in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Peter-Hugo Daly (cast as Hector in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Sky: Episode One)
- Charles Damsell (cast as Passer in Deep Breath)
- Harry Damsell (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Margarette Damsell (cast as Grandparent in The Runaway Bride)
- Marc Danbury (cast as Tog in Big Finish: The Axis of Insanity)
- Charles Dance OBE (cast as Self in Factual: The Science Of Doctor Who)
- Jane Dance (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Journo in The Christmas Invasion)
- Christopher Dane (cast as McKean in Kill The Moon)
- Jonathan Dane (cast as Handsome Man in Torchwood: The Categories of Life)
- Alphaeus Daniel (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Platoon in Nightmare in Silver)
- Llinos Daniel (cast as Eleri in Torchwood: Ghost Machine)
- Suzanne Danielle (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Agella in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Angela Daniels (cast as Retainer (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Jacob Daniels (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Lee in Big Finish: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 2: The Evolving Dead)
- Oliver Daniels (cast as Kid in Turn Left)
- Phil Daniels (cast as Geoffrey Plum in Games: The Gunpowder Plot)
- Philippa Daniels (cast as Visitor in New Earth)
- Richard Daniels (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Rita Daniels (cast as Patient in Frontios: Part One)
- Shav Daniels (cast as Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Theo Daniels (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cocky Lad in The Next Doctor)
- Lisa Daniely (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Madeleine Issigri in The Space Pirates: Episode Two)
- Natalie Danks-Smith (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Auton in Love & Monsters)
- Sophie Louise Dann (cast as Maggie in Big Finish: The Empire State)
- SophieLouise Dann (cast as Maggie in Big Finish: The Tub Full of Cats)
- Eric Danot (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Guard in The Invasion of Time: Part One)
- Ivor Danvers (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Wendle Marr in Big Finish: Nekromanteia)
- Wendy Danvers (cast as Amazonia in The Curse of Peladon: Episode Four)
- Terence Danville (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Foot Soldier in The War Games: Episode Four)
- Martyn Darby (cast as The Doctor in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Ellie Darcey-Alden (cast as Francesca in The Snowmen)
- Joseph Darcey-Alden (cast as Digby in The Snowmen)
- George Dare (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Slave/Prisoner in mine in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Waking Ally)
- Vivienne Darke (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Night Maid in Ghost Light: Part One)
- Maria Darling (cast as Lady Ashantra in Big Finish: The Green-Eyed Monsters)
- Samantha Darling (cast as Millennium Alien in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Steve Darling (cast as Krillitane Teacher in School Reunion)
- Bethlehem Darlington Roberts (cast as Customers in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Ian Darlington Roberts (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Male Teacher in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Jed Darlington-Roberts (cast as Teenager with Skateboard in Dark Water)
- David Darlington (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Security Guard in Big Finish: Flip-Flop)
- Ian Darlington (cast as Bridge Crew in Voyage of the Damned)
- Brian Darnley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. 2nd Mutant in Mawdryn Undead: Part Three)
- Juliet Darnley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Peasant in Village in State of Decay: Part One)
- Olivia Darnley (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Self in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot)
- Emma Darrell (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Night Maid in Ghost Light: Part One)
- Johnny Darrell (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Frank Darroch (cast as Villager in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Paul Darrow (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Captain Hawkins in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 3)
- Stephen Dartnell (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Yartek in The Keys of Marinus)
- Arthur Darvill (cast in 53 episodes, e.g. Rory Williams in The Eleventh Hour)
- Ellie Darvill (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Davina in Big Finish: The Story So Far Volume One: Ever After Happy)
- Kammy Darweish (cast as Kumar in Survivors of the Flux: Flux: Chapter Five)
- Thomas Darwin (cast as Passer-By in Father's Day)
- Sam Dastor (cast as Professor Narayan in Big Finish: The Emerald Tiger)
- Johnny Daulton (cast as Mentiad in The Pirate Planet: Part One)
- Alison Daumler (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Hippy Girl in The Green Death: Episode Three)
- Claire Davenport (cast as Empress in Marco Polo: Assassin at Peking)
- Gunner K Davenport (cast as Soldier (mind of Evil) in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Lucy Davenport (cast as Pale Woman in Gridlock)
- Roger Davenport (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Trooper in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One)
- Gamala Daver (cast as Bag Lady in Fear Her)
- Derek Davey (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Hannah Davey (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Jon Davey (cast in 38 episodes, e.g. Dalek Operator in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Simon Davey (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Lumic Guard in The Age of Steel)
- Michael David Simms (cast as Dr Swift in The TV Movie)
- Paul David-Gough (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Will Alloran in Big Finish: Nocturne)
- Shane David-Joseph (cast as Akhim Patil in 73 Yards)
- Gareth David-Lloyd (cast in 59 episodes, e.g. Ianto Jones in The Stolen Earth)
- Aidan J David (cast as Lish in Big Finish: The Raincloud Man)
- Alan David (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Gabriel Sneed in The Unquiet Dead)
- Jonathon David (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stratton in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Rob David (cast as Sam Garner in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- Slim David (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in The Empty Child)
- Andrius Davidenas (cast as Stunts in World Enough And Time)
- Vicki Davids (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Choir in Stageshows: Doctor Who Live)
- Tanya Davidson-Jones (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Blue Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Jim Davidson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Laurence Davidson (cast as Draconian First Secretary in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- Linda Davie (cast as Self in Factual: Time Trouble)
- Adam Davies-Sheenan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Punter in The Snowmen)
- James Davies-Williams (cast as Dancer in Rogue)
- Adam Davies (cast as Sheenan in The Snowmen)
- Aimee Davies (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Mica Davies in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One)
- Aldwin Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Functionary in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Four)
- Ann Davies (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Jenny in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Anthony Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in The Empty Child)
- Antonia Davies (cast as Tourist/Londoner in The Bells of Saint John)
- Benjamin Davies (cast as Crowd in Smith and Jones)
- Bernard Davies (cast as German soldier in The War Games: Episode Three)
- Bethan Charles Davies (cast as Visitor in Smith and Jones)
- Bob Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. British Soldier in The Sound of Drums)
- Callum Davies (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Colin Davies (cast as School Child in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Dean Davies (cast as School Child in Kill The Moon)
- Dena Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Child in The Caretaker)
- Elan Davies (cast as Thin Lucy in 73 Yards)
- Endaf Davies (cast as Guest in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Fred Davies (cast as Man at Banquet in The Romans: Conspiracy)
- Gaia Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Daughter in Torchwood: From Out of the Rain)
- Garnon Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Rory in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 3: Poker Face)
- Greg Davies (cast as King Hydroflax in The Husbands of River Song)
- Griffith Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kennedy in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 1)
- Gwilym Havard Davies (cast as Colin in Torchwood: Everything Changes)
- Gwyn Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Space Tourist in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Harry Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Make-Up Man in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Hayly Ann Davies (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- India Davies (cast as Party Kids in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Ioan Davies (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Jack Davies (cast as Crowd in Smith and Jones)
- Jason Davies (cast as Patient in Smith and Jones)
- Jeff Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Clown in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Jeremy Davies (cast as Holiday Maker in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Jessica Davies (cast as Amy Pond in The Time of the Doctor)
- Joshua Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Psi Double in Time Heist)
- Jot Davies (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Lukas in Big Finish: Technophobia)
- Julian Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tactical Policeman in Aliens of London)
- Julie Davies (cast as Cast in Factual: Comedy Sketches: The Corridor Sketch)
- Justin Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Scott in Big Finish: God Among Us - Part 1: Future Pain)
- Kally Davies (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Pilgrim in The Crimson Horror)
- Karen Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Related Items: Doctor Who Mastermind)
- Kate Davies (cast as Female Violinist in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Ken Davies (cast as Adult Civilian in The Day of The Doctor)
- Kyle Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Security Guard in Bad Wolf)
- Langdon Davies (cast as Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Linda Davies (cast as Diner in Rose)
- Lisa Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Madog Davies (cast as Visitor in New Earth)
- Margaret Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Mathew Davies (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Matt Lloyd Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Jik Gelliska in Big Finish: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller: The Dalek Trap)
- Morgan Davies (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Natie Marie Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Crimson Horror)
- Neil Davies (cast as Male Droid in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Nerys Davies (cast as Passer in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Nick Davies (cast as Man at Arms (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Nigel Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Native Guard in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Oliver Davies (cast as Child in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Owain Davies (cast as Visitor in New Earth)
- Paul Marc Davies (cast as Corakinus in Class: For Tonight We Might Die)
- Phil Davies (cast as Titus in Big Finish: The Cannibalists)
- Philip Davies (cast as George Harrison in The Devil's Chord)
- Rachel Davies (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Rachel Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Camilla in State of Decay: Part One)
- Richard Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Burton in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Rita Davies (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Janneus in Big Finish: Primeval)
- Robert Gareth Davies (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Russell T Davies (cast in 74 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Totally Doctor Who (#1.11))
- Russell Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier in Aliens of London)
- Samuel Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Elliot in The Hungry Earth)
- Sarah Davies (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Sharon Elizabeth Davies (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Sian Tudor Davies (cast as Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Sion Davies (cast as Child Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Stacy Davies (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Private Perkins in The Invasion: Episode Six)
- Stanley Davies (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Officer in The Tenth Planet: Episode 1)
- Stevee Davies (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Master-sized Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- Tecwyn Davies (cast as Youth in School Reunion)
- Tom Davies (cast as British Soldier in The Sound of Drums)
- Trystan Wynn Davies (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Windsor Davies (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Toby in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 2)
- Wyn Davies (cast as (extra) in The Unquiet Dead)
- Al Davis (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls)
- Billie Davis (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Firemaker)
- Cathryn Davis (cast as Linda in Torchwood: Everything Changes)
- Colin Davis (cast as Child in Listen)
- Dion Davis (cast as Officer in Torchwood: Everything Changes)
- Eddie Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The War Machines: Episode 3)
- Fred Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Atlantean Priest in The Underwater Menace: Episode 1)
- Jamie Davis (cast as Davey in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane)
- Jessica Davis (cast as Silurian in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Kally Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Clara Double in Listen)
- Kelly Davis (cast as Library Person in Forest of the Dead)
- Leon Davis (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ortezo in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Nine)
- Lewis Davis (cast as Emile Mars-Smith in Big Finish: Beyond the Sun)
- Louisa Davis (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Lucy Davis (cast as Helen in Torchwood: The House of the Dead)
- Meryn Davis (cast as Resident in Big Finish: Expectant)
- Michael Davis (cast as Thomson in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Nadiyah Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jen in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak: Part One)
- Paul Marc Davis (cast in 21 episodes, e.g. Chieftain in Utopia)
- Paul Mark Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Corakinus in Class: Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart)
- Paul Davis (cast as King Sandman in Sleep No More)
- Phil Davis (cast as Lucius Petrus Dextrus in The Fires of Pompeii)
- Rahana Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passer in Planet of the Dead)
- Samantha Davis (cast as Doctor in The Power Of Three)
- Seroca Davis (cast as Shona in Closing Time)
- Shane Davis (cast as Soldier in Army of Ghosts)
- Sheri-An Davis (cast as Castellan Lowri in Big Finish: Time In Office)
- Stefan Davis (cast as Kitchen Hand in Voyage of the Damned)
- Warwick Davis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Porridge in Nightmare in Silver)
- Joel James Davison (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Robin Bright-Thompson in Big Finish: Stranded 1: Lost Property)
- Louis Davison (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Franko / Policeman in Big Finish: Susan's War: Sphere of Influence)
- Peter Davison (cast in 261 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in Castrovalva: Part One)
- Peter Davoile (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part One)
- Andrew Davolle (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part One)
- Bill Davy (cast as Taxi Driver in Love & Monsters)
- Jon Davy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in Army of Ghosts)
- Pamela Ann Davy (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Janley in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Five)
- Benny Dawb (cast as Tuin in Big Finish: The Dark Husband)
- Bryn Dawes (cast as Tramp in The Unquiet Dead)
- Kevin Dawkins (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Paul Dawkins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Richard Dawkins (cast as Self in The Stolen Earth)
- Evie Dawnay (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Lilly in Big Finish: Survival of the Fittest)
- Robert Daws (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Soren in Big Finish: Torchwood One: Before the Fall: New Girl)
- Diane Dawson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Faceless Crowd in The Idiot's Lantern)
- John Dawson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Deadly Assassin: Part One)
- Robin Dawson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The War Machines: Episode 3)
- Rachel Dax (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Carly Day (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Archie/Anna in Big Finish: The Flying Dutchman)
- John Day (cast as Rabble in The Romans: Inferno)
- Nicholas Day (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Kenneth LeBlanc/Heston in Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: House of Silents)
- Peter Day (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Tavern Customer in The Massacre: War of God)
- Rosie Day (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Arn in Big Finish: Lost in Translation: Have I Told You Lately?)
- Simon Paisley Day (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Steward in The End Of The World)
- Sophia Day (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Christmas Invasion)
- Venicia Day (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- John Daye (cast as Egyptian Soldier in The Daleks' Master Plan: Escape Switch)
- Russell Daymond (cast as Chimeron in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Peter De Jersey (cast as Androgar in The Day of The Doctor)
- Sylvia De La Mare (cast as Ambulance Lady in The Time Monster: Episode Three)
- John De Lancie (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Allen Shapiro in Torchwood: End of the Road)
- Eve De Leon Allen (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Angie in Nightmare in Silver)
- Franco De Marco (cast as Village Dancer in Human Nature)
- Steph De Whalley (cast as Anita Benn in Joy to the World)
- Charlie De'Ath (cast as Adelaide's Father in The Waters of Mars)
- Ray De-Haan (cast as The Doctor in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Philip DeLancy (cast as Lucien / Max in Big Finish: Scorched Earth)
- Jack DeVos (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Orrivian in Big Finish: Echoes of Extinction)
- Alex Deacon (cast as Eshak in Big Finish: Classic Doctors, New Monsters (Volume One): Harvest of the Sycorax)
- Caroline Deacon (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Eric Deacon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mykros in Timelash: Part One)
- Michael Deacon (cast as Land Rover Driver in The Time Monster: Episode Three)
- Pat Deacy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Derek Deadman (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Stor in The Invasion of Time: Part Four)
- Julia Deakin (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Hannah Fry in Big Finish: Phantasmagoria)
- Nicholas Deal (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Mulberry in Big Finish: Renaissance of the Daleks)
- Billy Dean (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Citizen of Millennius in The Keys of Marinus: Sentence of Death)
- Calvin Dean (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Chris in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Gift: Episode One)
- Dayve Dean (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Faceless Crowd in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Dickie Dean (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Dougie Dean (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Eprin in The Keys of Marinus: The Snows of Terror)
- Gary Dean (cast in 21 episodes, e.g. Lunar Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Four)
- Ian Dean (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part One)
- Iona Dean (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Blue Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Lawrence Dean (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Morok Guard in The Space Museum)
- Letitia Dean (cast as Sharon Mitchell in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Melissa Dean (cast as Brianna in Big Finish: Interstitial)
- Peter Dean (cast as Sevateem in The Face of Evil: Part Two)
- Terri Dean (cast as Female Slave in The Romans: All Roads Lead to Rome)
- Morgan Deare (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Hawk in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- John Dearth (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Lupton in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Anthony Debaeck (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. French Newsreader in Army of Ghosts)
- David Decio (cast as Porter in Smith and Jones)
- Louis Decosta Johnson (cast as Philip Farrington in Torchwood: A Day in the Death)
- Edward Dede (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Volos / Vodyani Leader in Big Finish: Nightmare Country)
- Christel Dee (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. The Council in Big Finish: The Lives of Captain Jack: The Year After I Died)
- Janie Dee (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Risolva in Big Finish: Doom Coalition: 3: Absent Friends)
- Ken Dee (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Joseff Nicholls Defreitas (cast as Joshua in Forest of the Dead)
- Jean-Claude Deguara (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Fear Factor)
- James Dehaviland (cast as Self in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot)
- Noemi Del Rio (cast as Sandra Morales in Torchwood: The Blood Line)
- Vez Delahunt (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Thal in The Daleks: The Escape)
- Aimée Delamain (cast as Doña Arana in The Two Doctors: Part One)
- Louise Delamere (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Diane Holmes in Torchwood: Out of Time)
- Jim Delancy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Skonnan Guard in The Horns of Nimon: Part Two)
- Angela Delaney (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Claire Delaney (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Waitress in The Bells of Saint John)
- Decima Delaney (cast as Druid in The Stones of Blood: Part One)
- Jim Delaney (cast in 32 episodes, e.g. Presidential Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- Tim Delap (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Kyle in Big Finish: The Waters of Amsterdam)
- Alexis Delarosa (cast as Young Guard in Torchwood: The Middle Men)
- John Deleiu (cast as Pathology Technician in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Ortis Deley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tom in Big Finish: Wildthyme at Large)
- Kismet Delgado (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Spider Voice in Planet of the Spiders: Part Three)
- Roger Delgado (cast in 37 episodes, e.g. The Master in Terror of the Autons: Episode Four)
- John Delieu (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Muto in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Four)
- Tony Dell (cast as Villager (Ironbridge) in The Mark of the Rani: Part One)
- Sid Deller (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Revolutionary Soldier in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Vi Delmar (cast as Queen Xanxia in The Pirate Planet: Part Three)
- Delphine (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Franco Demarco (cast as Male Hoover in Daleks in Manhattan)
- Robert Demeger (cast as Preacher in The Shakespeare Code)
- Stavros Demetraki (cast as Alfonso in The Witchfinders)
- Mandy Demetrion (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Andrew Dempsey (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Trumpeter in The Time Monster: Episode Five)
- Holli Dempsey (cast as Kelly in Closing Time)
- Richard Dempsey (cast as Nicholas in The Power of the Doctor)
- Joe Dempsie (cast as Cline in The Doctor's Daughter)
- Michael Den (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Daniela Denby-Ashe (cast as Mary in Torchwood: Greeks Bearing Gifts)
- Maris Dendrick (cast as Band (colony) in The Macra Terror: Episode 1)
- Zulema Dene (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Danna in Big Finish: Time War: Celestial Intervention)
- Barbie Denham (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Arc of Infinity: Part One)
- Christopher Denham (cast as Second Assistant in The Savages: Episode 2)
- Maurice Denham OBE (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Edgeworth in The Twin Dilemma: Part One)
- Stuart Denman (cast as Sergeant Leonid Kurakin/Scientist in Big Finish: 1963: The Space Race)
- Jennifer Denning (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Girl in window in The Angels Take Manhattan)
- Rachel Denning (cast as Erica in The Pyramid At The End Of The World)
- Helena Dennis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Johnny Dennis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Murray in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Michael Dennis (cast as Party Monoid in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Josie Dent (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Reg Dent (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Stunt Driver in The War Games: Episode Two)
- Edward Dentith (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Major General Rutlidge in The Invasion: Episode Four)
- Mary Denton (cast as Technician in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1)
- Mike Denton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in 73 Yards)
- Neville Denton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribesman in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Roy Denton (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Firemaker)
- Terry Denton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Terence Denville (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Two)
- Jean Denyer (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Forest of Fear)
- Philip Denyer (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guard (Chloris) in The Creature from the Pit: Part Two)
- Timothy Depaul (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Bentham's Men in The Day of The Doctor)
- Delia Derbyshire (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Self in Related Items: Sculptress of Sound: The Lost Works of Delia Derbyshire)
- Lea Derek (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Nikola Derewicz (cast as Hostage in Journey's End)
- Patsy Dermott (cast as Tara in Stageshows: Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys To Doomsday)
- Richard Derrington (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Doctor Farrer in Big Finish: The Harvest)
- David Desantos (cast as Agent Baylor in Torchwood: End of the Road)
- Josephine Desmond (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Choir in Stageshows: Doctor Who Live)
- Amerjit Deu (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. The Swami in Big Finish: The Churchill Years (Volume One): The Oncoming Storm)
- Marion Deuchar (cast as Village Mother in The Dæmons: Episode Four)
- Allan Deutrom (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier (Edward of Wessex) in The Time Warrior: Part Two)
- Henry Devas (cast as Junior/Warmonger in Big Finish: The Fourth Wall)
- Simon Devay (cast as Security in The Power Of Three)
- Pamela Deveraux (cast as Jo Grant/Iris Wildthyme in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Andy Devine (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Draconian in Frontier In Space: Episode Five)
- Rosemary Devitt (cast as Woman in market in The Romans: The Slave Traders)
- Gary Devonish (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Alexander Devrient (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Colonel Christofer Ibrahim in The Giggle)
- Amerjit Dew (cast as Mr Daz in Torchwood: Golden Age)
- Martin Dew (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Alasdair Dewar (cast as Self in Factual: Dr. Forever!: Celestial Toyroom)
- Peter Dewfall (cast as Soldier in The Doctor's Daughter)
- David Dewhurst (cast as UNIT Soldier in Spearhead From Space: Episode 1)
- Nicky Dewhurst (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Clown in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One)
- Aimee Dewitt (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Helen Dews (cast as Floor Zero Crew in The Parting of the Ways)
- Mark Dexter (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Jelivia Lux in Silence in the Library)
- Jesse Deyi (cast as Timeless Child in The Timeless Children)
- Seva Dhalivaal (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Resistance Fighter in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Ayesha Dharker (cast as Solana Mercurio in Planet of the Ood)
- Rudi Dharmalingham (cast as ISA Worker in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Sacha Dhawan (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Waris Hussein in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Mandeep Dhillon (cast as Shireen in Knock Knock)
- Leena Dhingra (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Miss Chandrakala in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Tommaso Di Vincenzo (cast as The Doctor in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Camilla Diacono (cast as Mr Colasanto's sister in law in Turn Left)
- Max Diamond (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Stunt Man in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 1)
- Peter Diamond (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Delos in The Romans: All Roads Lead to Rome)
- Veronica Diaz (cast as Female Soldier in Torchwood: The Blood Line)
- Beth Dibble (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- jo Dibble (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in New Earth)
- Janet Dibley (cast as Commander Flail in Big Finish: The Black Hole)
- Patricia Dichler (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Humanoid Alien in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Trish Dichler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Shopper in Closing Time)
- Bryan Dick (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Adam Smith in Torchwood: Adam)
- Andrew Dicken (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Reverand Flitamus/Guard One in Big Finish: The Widow's Assassin)
- Andrew Dickens (cast in 19 episodes, e.g. PC Miller in Big Finish: Forty-Five: Casualties of War)
- Cleopatra Dickens (cast as Claudette in The Zygon Invasion)
- Sasha Dickens (cast as Jemima in The Zygon Invasion)
- Dixie Dickenson (cast as Studio Staff in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Michael Dickins (cast as Villager in The Time of the Doctor)
- Hannah Dickinson (cast as Mlle Maupasant in Big Finish: Winter for the Adept)
- John Dickinson (cast as Passenger (Chamelon Tours) in The Faceless Ones: Episode 3)
- Sandra Dickinson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Maggie in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Ghosts of N Space: Episode One)
- Harry Dickman (cast as George in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Terrance Dicks (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Carnival of Monsters)
- Bamba Diep (cast as Estate Resident in The Christmas Invasion)
- Anton Diffring (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. De Flores in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Elizabeth Digby-Smith (cast as Paris Citizen in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- John Dignam (cast as Local in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Anthony Dilio (cast as Lobby Guard in Torchwood: Escape to L.A.)
- Richard Dillane (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Carter in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Roger Dilley (cast as Dalek Operator in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Harry Dillon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Spittoon Bearer to the Khan in Marco Polo: Mighty Kublai Khan)
- John Dillon (cast as Savage in The Savages: Episode 3)
- Michael Dillon (cast as Dalek Operator in Aaru Movies: Dr Who and the Daleks)
- Alex Dillow (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Technician in The Christmas Invasion)
- Natalie Dimeo (cast as Hostage in The Stolen Earth)
- Kathryn Dimery (cast as ADR in The Unquiet Dead)
- Oliver Dimsdale (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Morecombe/Mervyn Garvey in Big Finish: You Are the Doctor)
- Sjid Din (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Matt Dineen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jenner in Big Finish: Thicker Than Water)
- Shaun Dingwall (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Pete Tyler in Father's Day)
- Philip Dinsdale (cast as Sergeant Jarrod in Big Finish: Project: Destiny)
- Ryan Dinwiddy (cast as Worker in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Lukas Disparrow (cast as Goblin in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Harry Ditson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. General Grant Avary in Big Finish: UNIT: Shutdown: Power Cell)
- Douglas Ditta (cast as Willoughby in The Chase: Flight Through Eternity)
- Cordelia Ditton (cast as Older Woman in The Mark of the Rani: Part One)
- Juan Diu (cast as Zombie in The Christmas Invasion)
- Callum Dixon (cast as Jarva Slade in Kerblam!)
- Gareth Dixon (cast as Guest in New Earth)
- Joan Gennele Dixon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Savage in The Savages: Episode 3)
- Joe Dixon (cast as The Chancellor in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Jonny Dixon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Karl in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Liam Dixon (cast as Xmas Eve Office Workers in The End of Time: Part One)
- Michael Dixon (cast as Dave in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Peggy Dixon (cast as Dancer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Phil Dixon (cast as Priest in The Day of The Doctor)
- R Dixon (cast as UNIT Driver in The Dæmons: Episode Three)
- Rob Dixon (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Reggie Mead in Big Finish: Project: Twilight)
- Robin Dixon (cast as Soldier in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Six)
- Shawn Dixon (cast as (extra) in World War Three)
- Shirley Dixon (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Ship in Shada: Part One)
- Joseph Djerkallis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- Corey Doabe (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Spray Painter in Aliens of London)
- Gary Dobbs (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Photographer in The God Complex)
- Laurence Dobiesz (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Wilhelm Rozycki in Big Finish: Ravenous 1: Their Finest Hour)
- Anita Dobson (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Eileen Klint in Big Finish: Blood of the Daleks)
- David Dobson (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Scandroids in Big Finish: ID / Urgent Calls: I.D.)
- Vernon Dobtchef (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Professor Heinrich Schumann in Big Finish: Counter-Measures: Series 1: Threshold)
- Vernon Dobtcheff (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Scientist in The War Games: Episode Four)
- Ken Dodd (cast as Tollmaster in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Laura Doddington (cast in 27 episodes, e.g. The Graces in Big Finish: Ghost Mission)
- David Dodimead (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Barclay in The Tenth Planet: Episode 3)
- Carmina Dodoo (cast as Estate Resident in The Christmas Invasion)
- Eric Dodson (cast as Headman in The Visitation: Part Three)
- Rachel Doe (cast as Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Glenn Doherty (cast as Sgt Dennison in Planet of the Dead)
- Clive Doig (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Grace Dola (cast as Waxworks Visitor / Auton Replica in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- John Dolan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Think Tank Scientist in Shada: Part Four)
- Matt Doman (cast as Cyberman in The Power of the Doctor)
- Matthew Doman (cast in 47 episodes, e.g. Dalek Operator in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Douglas Domingo (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. UNIT Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Ron Donachie (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Steward in Tooth and Claw)
- Branwell Donaghey (cast as Patrick in Ascension of the Cybermen)
- Elizabeth Donaho (cast as Refugee in Utopia)
- Pat Donahue (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in The Mind of Evil: Episode Four)
- Alex Donald (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Zaroff's guard in The Underwater Menace: Episode 2)
- Amber Donaldson (cast as Sky in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Sky: Episode One)
- Greg Donaldson (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. David in Big Finish: Power Play)
- Gregory Donaldson (cast as Coach Bela Destry in Big Finish: The Game)
- Scarlet Donaldson (cast as Sky in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Sky: Episode One)
- Mark Donavan (cast as Shayd in Big Finish: No Place Like Home)
- Sergio Dondi (cast as Normal Person in The Christmas Invasion)
- Keiron Doney (cast as 16 Year Old in Closing Time)
- Elizabeth Donker Curtius (cast as Stunts in The Power of the Doctor)
- Elizabeth Donker Curtius (cast as Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Amelia Donkor (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Hoffman in Big Finish: The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 01: The Headless Ones)
- Pat Donohue (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Galley Slave in The Romans: All Roads Lead to Rome)
- Mark Donova (cast as Polk in Big Finish: The Harvest)
- Rebecca Donovan-Morgan (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Anthony Donovan (cast as Space Guard in The Space Pirates: Episode One)
- Dahro Donovan (cast as Passer in Dark Water)
- Mark Donovan (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Klemp / Ambassador in Big Finish: Dust Breeding)
- Owen Donovan (cast as Steven in The Lodger)
- Shaun Dooley (cast as Epzo in The Ghost Monument)
- Levan Doran (cast as Stunts in Tooth and Claw)
- Jeanne Doree (cast as Slave Worker in Day of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Alan Dorington (cast as Zombie in The Unquiet Dead)
- Mat Dornan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Scarecrow in Human Nature)
- John Dorne (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ensign Kanta in Big Finish: The Labyrinth of Buda Castle)
- John Dorney (cast in 47 episodes, e.g. Martin Truck in Big Finish: The Fifth Doctor Boxset: Psychodrome)
- Sue Dorning (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Karen Dorrance (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Faceless Crowd in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Stuart Dorrance (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Faceless Crowd in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Helen Dorward (cast as Nurse in Spearhead From Space: Episode 1)
- Edna Doré (cast as Maeve in Fear Her)
- Laura Dos Santos (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Gretchen in Into the Dalek)
- Santhi Dosanjh (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Ken Dougall (cast as Tavern Customer in The Massacre: War of God)
- Angela Douglas (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Doris in Battlefield: Part One)
- Colin Douglas (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Donald Bruce in The Enemy of the World: Episode 1)
- Daisy Douglas (cast as Susan in Big Finish: The Doomwood Curse)
- Donald Douglas (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Vural in The Sontaran Experiment: Part One)
- Malcolm Douglas (cast as Stunt Pirate in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Ollie Douglas (cast as Passer in Deep Breath)
- Rosie Douglas (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Day of The Doctor)
- Roy Douglas (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Crowd (Ancient Troy) in The Myth Makers: Horse of Destruction)
- Sarah Douglas (cast in 18 episodes, e.g. Professor Meadows in Games: Blood Of The Cybermen)
- Su Douglas (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Venhella in Big Finish: The Company of Friends: Benny's Story)
- Tony Douglas (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Zaroff's guard in The Underwater Menace: Episode 2)
- Sarah Dougles (cast as Sibor in Big Finish: Prisoners of Fate)
- Alison Doumler (cast as Wholewealer in The Green Death: Episode Six)
- Ciaran Dowd (cast as Barman in Torchwood: Out of Time)
- Jim Dowdall (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Warnsman in Frontios: Part One)
- Jack Dowell (cast as Burly Footman in The Snowmen)
- Jim Dowell (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Slave Worker in Day of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Annabelle Dowler (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Walter's mother in The Snowmen)
- Katie Dowler (cast as Gloria in Nightmare in Silver)
- David Downes (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part One)
- Suzanne Downes (cast as Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Nina Downey (cast as (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Amy Downham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Scraya / Pips in Big Finish: Fourth Doctor - Series 9: Volume 1: Purgatory 12)
- Heather Downham (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Happiness Patrol in The Happiness Patrol: Part One)
- Jenny Downham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Holiday Maker in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Sophie Downham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Clara in The Bells of Saint John: Prequel)
- Andrew Downie (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Willie Mackay in The Highlanders: Episode 3)
- Gary Downie (cast as Self in Factual: The Making of Doctor Who)
- Louise Downie (cast as Human Dalek in Evolution of the Daleks)
- Sam Downie (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Will Downie (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Office Worker in The Runaway Bride)
- Suzzane Downs (cast as Cook in Tooth and Claw)
- Sandra Dowrick (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Nico Dowsell (cast as Prison Guard in The Name of the Doctor)
- John Doye (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Interviewer in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Joy Doye (cast as Person in Pub in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Amber Doyle (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Vampire Girl in Music: Doctor Who Prom (2013): Radio)
- Ceres Doyle (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Computer Voice (Sanctuary Base) in The Impossible Planet)
- Debbie Doyle (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Camper on Bus in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Ella Doyle (cast as Nurse in Time Heist)
- John Doyle (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Townsfolk in The Gunfighters: A Holiday for the Doctor)
- Dolores Drake (cast as Curtis in The TV Movie)
- Nicholas Drake (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Anethan sacrifices in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- Vernon Drake (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Michael Dray (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Citizen in Full Circle: Part One)
- Noel Drennan (cast as Freezer Centre Customer in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Amanda Drew (cast as Mouri in Once, Upon Time: Flux: Chapter Three)
- Anna-Lisa Drew (cast as Maureen O'Brien in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Lewis Drew (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Ood in The Impossible Planet)
- Thomas Drewson (cast as Blue Staff in The End Of The World)
- David Drewster (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Man in Market in The Romans: The Slave Traders)
- James Dreyfus (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Harrison in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Man Who Never Was: Episode One)
- Lesley Dring (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Local in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Keith Drinkel (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Flight Engineeer Scobie in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Keith Drinkle (cast as Archibald Spool in Big Finish: Timeless Passages)
- Andrew Driscoll (cast as Peasant in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Christopher Driscoll (cast as Security Guard in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Timothy Driscoll (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Villager in Human Nature)
- Pia Driver (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Ian Griffiths Drones (cast as Spike Room Journo in The Long Game)
- Adrain Drotske (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. French Peasant in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Soo Drouet (cast as Joyce in Praxeus)
- Philip Drury (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Carlton/Major Fanshaw in Big Finish: Jago & Litefoot Series 07: The Monstrous Menagerie)
- Steve Dry (cast as Soldier in Into the Dalek)
- John Dryden (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Megro Guard in The Sun Makers: Part One)
- Kathryn Drysdale (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Bliss in Love & Monsters)
- Lucinda Dryzek (cast as Melissa in School Reunion)
- Lewis Dshay (cast as Onlooker in Partners in Crime)
- Bernadette Dsouda (cast as Police in Partners in Crime)
- Barry Du Pre (cast as Soldier (Redcoat) in The Highlanders: Episode 3)
- Jacquie Dubin (cast as The Emperor in Stageshows: Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys To Doomsday)
- James Dublin (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Alphan Servant in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Paul Dubois (cast as John Wilkes Booth in Big Finish: Assassin in the Limelight)
- Wilson Dubois (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part Three)
- Sharon Duce (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Control in Ghost Light: Part One)
- Kate Duchene (cast as Regina/ Seraphim in Big Finish: The High Price Of Parking)
- Peter Ducrow (cast as Guard in Fury From the Deep: Episode 1)
- Jacob Dudman (cast in 42 episodes, e.g. Arcking 12 Computer in Big Finish: Only the Good: Beneath the Viscoid)
- Jake Dudman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. UNIT Radio Operator in Big Finish: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 03: The Conquest of Far)
- Declan Duff (cast as Paris Citizen in The Massacre: Priest of Death)
- Duncan Duff (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Newsreader 1 in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Graham Duff (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Waiter in Deep Breath)
- Nicola Duffett (cast as Bronwen Jones in Torchwood: Random Shoes)
- Neil Duffin (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Labourer in Army of Ghosts)
- Elena Duffy (cast as Clara Double in Flatline)
- Mark Duffy (cast as Production office team in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Megan Duffy (cast as Claire in Torchwood: End of the Road)
- Sean Duffy (cast as Estate Resident in The Christmas Invasion)
- Jack Duggan (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Trojan Guard in The Myth Makers: Small Prophet, Quick Return)
- Madeline Duggan (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sash in Big Finish: The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller: The Dalek Trap)
- Michael Duggan (cast as Low-Loader Driver in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 2)
- Patrick Duggan (cast as Professor Ertikus/Luvis in Big Finish: Omega)
- Terry Duggan (cast as Patrolman in The Invasion: Episode One)
- Tommy Duggan (cast as Senator Alcott in The Mind of Evil: Episode Two)
- Surinder Duhra (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Executive Officer Omor in Big Finish: The Time War - Series 2: The Lords of Terror)
- Rex Duis (cast as Vinewood / Lex in Big Finish: An Alien Werewolf In London)
- David Dukas (cast as Elias Griffin Jr in Rosa)
- Peter Duke (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Body in Pallet in The Ark In Space: Part One)
- Sandy Duke (cast as Passenger (Gatwick) in The Faceless Ones: Episode 2)
- Peter Dukes (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Trooper in The Awakening: Part Two)
- Noma Dumezweni (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Captain Erisa Magambo in Turn Left)
- Adrian Dunbar (cast as McCarthy in Big Finish: Brave New Town)
- Ray Dunbobbin (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- Sharon Duncan-Brewster (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Margaret Cain in The Waters of Mars)
- Danielle Duncan-Rosembert (cast as Passer in Dark Water)
- Felicity Duncan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Ingrid Bjarnsdottir in Big Finish: The Butcher of Brisbane)
- Fern Duncan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Voice in Night Terrors)
- John-Henry Duncan (cast as Boy playing in Survival: Part One)
- Lindsay Duncan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Adelaide Brooke in The Waters of Mars)
- Michelle Duncan (cast as Lady Isobel MacLeish in Tooth and Claw)
- Robert Duncan (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Pallister in Big Finish: The Entropy Plague)
- John Dunkerley (cast as Magambo's Driver in Planet of the Dead)
- Daisy Dunlop (cast as Trexa in Big Finish: The Exxilons)
- Lesley Dunlop (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Norna in Frontios: Part One)
- Alix Dunmore (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Penny/Acolyte in Big Finish: Suburban Hell)
- Alexandra Dunn (cast as Barmaid in Torchwood: Combat)
- Andrew Dunn (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Max in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Scream of the Shalka: Episode One)
- Clive Dunn (cast as Dr. Who in Factual: Comedy Sketches: It's a Square World)
- Frankie Dunn (cast as Computer Operator in The Ice Warriors: One)
- Frankie Dunn (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Computer Operator in The Ice Warriors: Four)
- Helena Dunn (cast as Diner in Rose)
- John Dunn (cast as Teddy Driver Guard in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Three)
- Sheila Dunn (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Blossom Lefevre in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Feast of Steven)
- Keith Dunne (cast as Sontaran in Other Productions: Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans)
- Nicki Dunsford (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Earthshock: Part One)
- Raymond Dunstan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Clown in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part Three)
- Phil Dunster (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Scarp / Kerrif in Big Finish: The War Master: Self-Defence: The Forest of Penitence)
- Korrina Dunton (cast as Teacher in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Nicholas Dunwell (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Prison Guard in The Name of the Doctor)
- Nick Dunwell (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Day of The Doctor)
- Duke Dupree (cast as Circus Performer in Terror of the Autons: Episode Two)
- Barry Dupres (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Chamelon in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Terence Duran (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Man at Arms (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Chester Durant (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Programmer/Staff in Bad Wolf)
- Steve Durante (cast as Greek Swordsman in Four To Doomsday: Part One)
- Jamie Durdy (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Paramilitry in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- Christopher Durham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Radar Technician in The Tenth Planet: Episode 3)
- Kim Durham (cast as Abatan in Big Finish: The Ultimate Evil)
- Michael Durham (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Warrior Monk in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode Two)
- Samuel Durleigh (cast as Child Priest in The Underwater Menace: Episode 1)
- Chester Durrant (cast in 20 episodes, e.g. Dalek Operator in Asylum of the Daleks)
- Ian Durrant (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Steve Dury (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Contemporary Passer in The Power Of Three)
- John Duttine (cast as Hector in Big Finish: Exotron)
- Julian Dutton (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Chief Inspector in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part One)
- Simon Dutton (cast as Alistair in The Time of Angels)
- Jackie Duval (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- James Duval (cast as Aztec Warrior in The Aztecs: The Day of Darkness)
- Paul Duval (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Aztec Warrior in The Aztecs: The Temple of Evil)
- Sophie Duval (cast as Mum in Resolution)
- Janine Duvitski (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Alpha Wheeler in Big Finish: Seventh Doctor New Adventures: Volume 1: The Trial of a Time Machine)
- Emma Dwyer (cast as Drinker in The Empty Child)
- Leslie Dwyer (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Vorg in Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One)
- Nick Dwyer (cast as (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Four)
- Ricard Dwyer (cast as Stunt Dummy in Rose)
- Valentine Dyall (cast in 18 episodes, e.g. Black Guardian in The Armageddon Factor: Part Six)
- Hamilton Dyce (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Scobie in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Alys Dyer (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Pangol in The Leisure Hive: Part Four)
- Casey Dyer (cast as Mickey Smith in Father's Day)
- Elijah Dyer (cast as Civillian Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Josh Dyer (cast as Stunts in Joy to the World)
- Kris Dyer (cast as Nomar/ Vedrin / Surgical Robot/ Pilot in Big Finish: The Star Men)
- Lucy Dyer (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Child (Tribe of the Free) in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Rex Dyer (cast as Soldier in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Chloe Dykstra (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Science of Doctor Who)
- Simon Dylan-Kane (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Halus in Big Finish: Vortex Ice)
- Holly Dymock (cast as Vestal Virgin in Gridlock)
- William Dysart (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Alexander in The Highlanders: Episode 1)
- Veronica Dyson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Firemaker)
- Monty D’Inverno (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jannik Woolf in Big Finish: Vortex Ice)
- Maryam d'Abo (cast as Genevieve in Big Finish: Frozen Time)
- Tristan de Beer (cast as Zach Olson in Praxeus)
- Nina de Cosimo (cast as Blanche in Victory of the Daleks)
- Paul de Gallier (cast as (extra) in Snakedance: Part Four)
- David de Keyser (cast as Atraxi Voice in The Eleventh Hour)
- Carmelo de Leon Thusado (cast as Passer in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Antonio de Maggio (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Warrior Monk in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode Two)
- John de Marco (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Townsfolk in The Gunfighters: Don't Shoot the Pianist)
- Terence de Marney (cast as Churchwarden in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Charlie de Melo (cast as Charles Banerjee in The Giggle)
- Charles de Paula (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Ramsey in Tooth and Claw)
- Gregory de Polnay (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. D84 in The Robots of Death: Part One)
- Reed de Rouen (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pa Clanton in The Gunfighters: Johnny Ringo)
- Edward de Souza (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Marc Cory in Mission to the Unknown)
- David de Villiers (cast as Removal Man in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Jenette de Vlieger (cast as Susie Fontana Brooke in The Waters of Mars)
- Hans de Vries (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in The Tomb of the Cybermen: Episode 2)
- Michael de Wilde (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Invasion of Time: Part One)
- Roslyn de Winter (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Vrestin in The Web Planet: The Zarbi)
- Francis de Wolff (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Vasor in The Keys of Marinus: The Snows of Terror)
- Raf de la Torre (cast as Senior Judge in The Keys of Marinus: Sentence of Death)
- Elize du Toit (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Miss Dexter in 42)