All Cast
Cast List: W
- Eureka Wabara Henry (cast as Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Laura Waddell (cast as Category One Nurse in Torchwood: The Blood Line)
- Tom Wadden (cast as Technician (Fury from the Deep) in Fury From the Deep: Episode 6)
- Ashley Wade (cast as Resident in Army of Ghosts)
- Barry Wade (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Prison Officer in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Charles Wade (cast as Malik in Marco Polo: Five Hundred Eyes)
- Joivan Wade (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Rigsy in Flatline)
- Ken Wade (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Draconian in Frontier In Space: Episode Two)
- Michael Wade (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. The President in Big Finish: The Sirens of Time)
- Nicholas Wade (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Diner in Rose)
- Sydney Wade (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Little Girl in The Impossible Astronaut)
- Victoria Wadey (cast as String Quartet - Cello in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Julian Wadham (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Augustus Scullop in Big Finish: The Fourth Wall)
- Nina Wadia (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Dr Ramsden in The Eleventh Hour)
- Alan Wadlam (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dummy in Rose)
- John Wadmore (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Commandant / Lt Zentener / Pilot Azimendah / Sub-Commander Solan in Big Finish: The Sirens of Time)
- Jon Wadmore (cast as Pellan in Big Finish: Invasion of the Daleks)
- Michael Wadsworth (cast as Ambulance Man in The Hand Of Fear: Part One)
- Ray Wadsworth (cast as Security Guard in The Hand Of Fear: Part Three)
- Gerry Wain (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Grace Wainwright (cast as Mission Control Staff in The Christmas Invasion)
- Jamie Wainwright (cast as Robed Man in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Johnny Wainwright (cast as Child in market in The Romans: The Slave Traders)
- Suzanne Wainwright (cast as Crew/Technician in Bad Wolf)
- Euneta Waithe (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Joanna Wake (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Miss Faversham in Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced: House of Silents)
- Charity Wakefield (cast as Lucy in The Return Of Doctor Mysterio)
- Sara Wakefield (cast as Delores in Big Finish: The Mutant Phase)
- Olivia Wakeford (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Alan Wakeling (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave/Prisoner in mine in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Waking Ally)
- Steve Walden (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mourner in The Next Doctor)
- Stephen Wale (cast as David in Attack of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Gordon Wales (cast as Voord in The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of Death)
- Jack Walker Williams (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. School Boy in Human Nature)
- Chris Walker-Thomson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sergeant Zreeg / Councillor / UNIT Lieutenant in Big Finish: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 01: Doctor Who and the Iron Legion)
- Adrian Walker (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Beltone in Utopia)
- Amanda Walker (cast as Ruby Sunday in 73 Yards)
- Aubrey Danvers Walker (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Council Member in The Dominators: Episode 2)
- Ben Walker (cast as Jamie Burton in Torchwood: Dead Man Walking)
- Bethan Walker (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Annie in Torchwood: Cyberwoman)
- Charlie Walker (cast as Marine in The Wedding of River Song)
- Darius Walker (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Emma Raine Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Fiona Walker (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Kala in The Keys of Marinus: Sentence of Death)
- Gloria Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Secretary in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Hywel Walker (cast as Base Guard in Dalek)
- Joan Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lola Luna in Big Finish: The Magic Mousetrap)
- John Walker (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Passer in Closing Time)
- Lillias Walker (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sister Lamont in Terror of the Zygons: Part One)
- Matthew John Walker (cast as Drinker in The Empty Child)
- Merlene Walker (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Michael Walker (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. 1st Radar Operator in The Claws of Axos: Episode One)
- Nicola Walker (cast in 49 episodes, e.g. Liv Chenka in Big Finish: Robophobia)
- Peter Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jean Pierre in The Reign Of Terror: A Land of Fear)
- Polly Walker (cast as Commander Narina in Big Finish: The Movellan Grave)
- Randa Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Candice Perimutter in Torchwood: Dead of Night)
- Richard Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Rob Walker (cast as Kirksen in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Traitors)
- Rudolph Walker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Harper in The War Games: Episode Four)
- Timothy Walker (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Grell in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- lack Walker (cast as Party Kids in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Craig Walkley (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Scientist in The Power Of Three)
- Gordon Wall (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Robot: Part One)
- Jem Wall (cast as Michael in The Lodger)
- Kim Wall (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Chimbly in Big Finish: You Are the Doctor)
- Tony Wall (cast as Napoleon in The Reign Of Terror: Prisoners of Conciergerie)
- Ian Wallace (cast as Base Guard in Dalek)
- Michael Wallace (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Nayo K Wallace (cast as Wilson in Torchwood: End of the Road)
- Stacy Wallace (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Sue Wallace (cast as Mrs. Baddeley in Big Finish: The Chimes of Midnight)
- Sue Wallace (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Edith in Big Finish: Seasons of Fear)
- Terry Wallace (cast as Revolutionary Soldier in The Reign Of Terror: A Change of Identity)
- JJ Waller (cast as (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Two)
- John Waller (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunt Man in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Kenneth Waller (cast as Hedges in The Invisible Enemy: Part Two)
- Tim Wallers (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Childers in Victory of the Daleks)
- David Walliams (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Gibbis in The God Complex)
- Alan Walling (cast as Egyptian Soldier in The Daleks' Master Plan: Escape Switch)
- Alec Wallis (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Ldg. Telegraphist Bowman in The Sea Devils: Episode One)
- Cy Wallis (cast as Resistance Man in The War Games: Episode Five)
- Terry Wallis (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Man at Arms (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Rhod Walls (cast as Passer in Dark Water)
- Ellie Wallwork (cast as Hanne in It Takes You Away)
- Peter Walmsley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. 1st Mutant in Mawdryn Undead: Part Three)
- Bradley Walsh (cast in 25 episodes, e.g. Odd Bob/Elijah Spellman in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Day of the Clown: Episode One)
- Everal A Walsh (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Gabriel in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- James Walsh (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Uncle Bryn in Torchwood: The Devil and Miss Carew)
- Rebecca Walsh (cast as School Child in Kill The Moon)
- Sam Walsh (cast as Neighbour in The Stolen Earth)
- Stephen Walsh (cast as The Doctor in The Time of the Doctor)
- Terry Walsh (cast in 99 episodes, e.g. Stand In in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Tony Walsh (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Slave/Prisoner in mine in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Waking Ally)
- Peter Walshe (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Erak in The Sontaran Experiment: Part One)
- Chris Walter-Evans (cast as The Bordinan's Assistant in Big Finish: Faith Stealer)
- Harriet Walter (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mrs Beatrice Mapp in Big Finish: The Boy That Time Forgot)
- Hugh Walter (cast as Roderick Allingham in Big Finish: The Fearmonger)
- Natalie Walter (cast as Alice Coltrane in Turn Left)
- Octavia Walter (cast as Carmen in Big Finish: The Raincloud Man)
- Ashley Walters (cast as Gregor Van Baalen in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)
- Holly Jackson Walters (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Carla / Maud Hunter in Big Finish: Lady Christina: It Takes a Thief)
- Hugh Walters (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. William Shakespeare in The Chase: The Executioners)
- Jules Walters (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sea Devil in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Justin Walters (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Commuters/Bystanders in Partners in Crime)
- Matthew Walters (cast as Main Gates Prisoner in The Mind of Evil: Episode Three)
- Melanie Walters (cast as Mandy Aibiston in Big Finish: Broken)
- Octavia Walters (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Japrice in Big Finish: The Exterminators)
- Philip Walters (cast as Self in Related Items: Mastermind: 2012/2013 Episode 5)
- Jeanette Walton (cast as Villager in The Awakening: Part Two)
- Lance Walton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Native Guard in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Toby Walton (cast as Thief in Big Finish: Excelis Rising)
- Zoë Wanamaker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cassandra in The End Of The World)
- Jesse Wang (cast as Chinese Worker in Torchwood: The Gathering)
- Lorna Want (cast as Sally Taylor in Big Finish: Brave New Town)
- Albert Ward (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Dr. Who in The Celestial Toymaker: The Dancing Floor)
- Alice Ward (cast as European Business Flight Passenger in The Bells of Saint John)
- Barbara Ward (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Mutant/Ruth Baxter in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Ten)
- Frankie Ward (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Scrub in The Power Of Three)
- Hugh Ward (cast as (extra) in Robot: Part Three)
- Lalla Ward (cast in 142 episodes, e.g. Romana in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Lauren Ward (cast as Jack's Mother in Torchwood: Adam)
- Lyndon Ward (cast as Diner in Rose)
- Nelson Ward (cast as Retainer (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Pat Ward (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in The Empty Child)
- Rhiannon Ward (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Millennium Alien in The Rings of Akhaten)
- Simon Ward (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Doctor Who in The Name of the Doctor)
- Tara Ward (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Preston in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Terence Ward (cast as Technician (Pirate Planet) in The Pirate Planet: Part One)
- Tom Ward (cast as Captain Latimer in The Snowmen)
- Wendy Ward (cast as Diner in Rose)
- Gemma Wardle (cast as Alys in Big Finish: Point of Entry)
- Niky Wardley (cast in 22 episodes, e.g. Self in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot)
- May Wardon (cast as Sara Kingdom in The Daleks' Master Plan: The Destruction of Time)
- Derek Ware (cast in 22 episodes, e.g. Saracen Warrior in The Crusade: The Lion)
- Neville Ware (cast as Masquer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Derek Waring (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Shardovan in Castrovalva: Part Three)
- George Waring (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Arden in The Ice Warriors: One)
- Kirsty Wark (cast as Self in The Poison Sky)
- Tim Warlock (cast as Homeless in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Simon Warlow (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Long Game)
- Wayne Warlow (cast as Villager in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Vincent Warltire (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Faceless Crowd in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Colin Warman (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Yeti in The Web of Fear: Episode 1)
- Gordon Warnecke (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tuza in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Seven)
- Joshua Warner-Campbell (cast as Yashe in The Caretaker)
- Alan Warner (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Resistance Fighter in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- David Warner (cast in 75 episodes, e.g. Lord Azlok in Dreamland)
- Juliet Warner (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Mary in Big Finish: The Chimes of Midnight)
- Lee Warner (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Dale Warren (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part Four)
- Hannah Warren (cast as Hostage in Journey's End)
- Marc Warren (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Elton Pope in Love & Monsters)
- Norman Warren (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. RAF Man (Remberance of the Daleks) in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Paul Warren (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Henchman in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 3)
- Sian Warrilow (cast as Waitress in Blink)
- Dacey Warriner (cast as Peter Summerfield in Big Finish: The Grel Escape)
- Marlow Warrington-Mattei (cast as Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Don Warrington (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. The President in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Spirit Fiya Warrior (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- David Warwick (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Police Commissioner in Army of Ghosts)
- Edmund Warwick (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Darrius in The Keys of Marinus: The Screaming Jungle)
- Gavin Warwick (cast as Dalek in Stageshows: The Ultimate Adventure)
- James Warwick (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Scott in Earthshock: Part One)
- Professor Kevin Warwick (cast as Self in Factual: The Science of Doctor Who)
- Adam Warwicker (cast as Chamberlain Man in The Shakespeare Code)
- Bexx Was (cast as Spectator in The Wedding of River Song)
- Tony Was (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Public in Human Nature)
- Darren Dupree Washington (cast as Swat Leader in Torchwood: Immortal Sins)
- Eugene Washington (cast as Mr Wagner in School Reunion)
- Neville Watchurst (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Argot in Big Finish: Memory Lane)
- Brya Waterford (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Pilgrim in The Crimson Horror)
- Matthew Waterhouse (cast in 67 episodes, e.g. Adric in Full Circle: Part One)
- David Waterman (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Earth Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Six)
- Francesca Waters (cast as Party Guest in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Harry Waters (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Royce in Warriors' Gate: Part One)
- Jack Waters (cast as Thal in Aaru Movies: Dr Who and the Daleks)
- Jane Waters (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Lamorna Waters (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Paige Waters (cast as Peasant in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Alex Watkins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. George in Night Terrors)
- Billy Watkins (cast as (extra) in The Unquiet Dead)
- Garth Watkins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Deadly Assassin: Part One)
- George Watkins (cast in 17 episodes, e.g. Gaal in Big Finish: Enemy Lines)
- Ian H Watkins (cast as Professor Melville Trout in Big Finish: Road Trip: Bad Habits)
- Jason Watkins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mr Webley in Nightmare in Silver)
- Keith Watkins (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Lewys Watkins (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Lizzie Watkins (cast as Refugee Child in Utopia)
- Morgan Watkins (cast as Ruck in Big Finish: The Dispossessed)
- Roger Watkins (cast as Garstang in Big Finish: Graceless I: The End)
- Deborah Watling (cast in 50 episodes, e.g. Victoria in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 2)
- Giles Watling (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Belisarius in Big Finish: The Secret History)
- Jack Watling (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Travers in The Abominable Snowmen: Episode One)
- Bob Watson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guard (Elite) in Genesis of the Daleks: Part One)
- Carl Watson (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. British Soldier in The Sound of Drums)
- Del Watson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Alien Guard in The War Games: Episode Six)
- Gary Watson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Arthur Terrall in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 3)
- Howard Watson (cast as Teacher in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Jonathan Watson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Ritskaw in The Halloween Apocalypse: Flux: Chapter One)
- Julia Watson (cast as Hilda Flockhart in Joy to the World)
- Kenneth Watson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Bill Duggan in The Wheel In Space: Episode 2)
- Malcolm Watson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Council Member in The Dominators: Episode 2)
- Moray Watson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sir Robert Muir in Black Orchid: Part One)
- Neil Watson (cast as Visitor in Smith and Jones)
- Paul Watson (cast as Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Ralph Watson (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Overseer in The Underwater Menace: Episode 4)
- Ryan Watson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Nathan Goss in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Lost Boy: Part One)
- Stephen Watson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Marshman in Full Circle: Part One)
- Timothy Watson (cast as The Z'nai in Big Finish: The Catalyst)
- Tom Watson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Ramo in The Underwater Menace: Episode 1)
- Vernon Keeble Watson (cast as ADR in The Long Game)
- Andy Watts (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Lizzy Watts (cast as Eve Pritchard/Mi’en Kalarash in Big Finish: House of Blue Fire)
- Maria Watts (cast as Panciking/Irate Person in Aliens of London)
- Matthew Watts (cast as Passer By in The Snowmen)
- Simon Watts (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dr Sebastian Lawrence in Big Finish: Thicker Than Water)
- John Waudby (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Shakespeare Code)
- Ashley Way (cast as Self in Factual: After Effects)
- Eileen Way (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Old Mother in An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls)
- Tony Way (cast as Alf in Deep Breath)
- Derek Wayland (cast as Soldier in The Seeds of Doom: Part Six)
- Jeff Wayne (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Visitation: Part Two)
- Tony Wayne (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part Two)
- Dick Weable (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part One)
- John Weaver (cast as Soldier (Smugglers) in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Rachel Weaver (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Inga in Terminus: Part One)
- Robin Weaver (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Edwige Ponzi in Big Finish: New Counter-Measures: Series One: Nothing to See Here)
- Simon Weaver (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Antony Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dr. Henderson in Spearhead From Space: Episode 2)
- Cameron Webb (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Child in The Caretaker)
- Chris Webb (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Monoid in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Colin Webb (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Armed Police in The Sound of Drums)
- Danny Webb (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. John Jefferson in The Impossible Planet)
- David Webb (cast as Leeson in Colony In Space: Episode One)
- Esmond Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Sgt. Major Burns in The War Games: Episode One)
- Franchi Webb (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Eleanor Blake in Big Finish: Seventh Doctor New Adventures: Volume 1: The Trial of a Time Machine)
- Gerald Webb (cast as Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Four)
- Jacki Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Special Voice in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Jeremy Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Ship Ahoy!)
- Judith Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Katie Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Laurie Webb (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mr. Ollis in The Three Doctors: Episode One)
- Nate Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Programmer/Staff in Bad Wolf)
- Philip Webb (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Robert Webb (cast as Robot 2 Voice in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Ruth Webb (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Amy Doll in Night Terrors)
- Troy Webb (cast as Emperor Dalek in Stageshows: The Ultimate Adventure)
- Chris Webber (cast as Harding Wellman in Big Finish: Winter for the Adept)
- Clare Webber (cast as Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Daniel Webber (cast in 26 episodes, e.g. Darius Pike in K-9: Regeneration)
- David Webber (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Melvin Minton in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets: Episode One)
- Derek Webber (cast as BBC Photographer in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Eve Webster (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Valerie Fox in Big Finish: The Dollhouse)
- Maurice Webster (cast as Atlanta Cop in Torchwood: Dead of Night)
- Rachel Webster (cast as Eileen in Army of Ghosts)
- Robbie Webster (cast as Federico Dominicci in Big Finish: Road Trip: Brand Management)
- Tom Webster (cast as Acolyte Farnsworth in Big Finish: The Unbound Universe: The Library In The Body)
- Trevor Wedlock (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Martin Weedon (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Second Guard in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Ten)
- Leslie Weekes (cast in 23 episodes, e.g. Vargas in Mission to the Unknown)
- Gareth Weekley (cast as Doctor Double in Time Heist)
- Honeysuckle Weeks (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Heleyna in Big Finish: Agents of Chaos: The Shadow Vortex)
- Jason Weeks (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Milita in Last of the Time Lords)
- Nicola Weeks (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Andree in Big Finish: The Mind's Eye)
- Travis Weeks (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Derek Van Weenan (cast as Security Man in Silver Nemesis: Part One)
- George Weightman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Grigory Nikulin in Big Finish: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04: Return to Skaro)
- Jon Weinberg (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Wilton in Big Finish: Renaissance of the Daleks)
- Don Weinstein (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Caretaker in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Arabella Weir (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Billis in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Albert Welch (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Paitent (Armagaddon Factor) in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Ellie Welch (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Bay Guard in Big Finish: The Lives of Captain Jack: The Year After I Died)
- Hannah Welch (cast in 25 episodes, e.g. Crowd ADR in Last of the Time Lords)
- Jorja Welch (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Peter Welch (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Sergeant in The Highlanders: Episode 1)
- Stanley Welch (cast as Theatre Audience in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four)
- Tom Welch (cast as Audience in Evolution of the Daleks)
- loro Welch (cast as Journalist in Partners in Crime)
- Lorna Well's (cast as Passer in The End of Time: Part One)
- Muriel Wellesley (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Rezzie in Paradise Towers: Part Two)
- Richard Wellesley (cast as Footman in Tooth and Claw)
- Albert Welling (cast as Adolf Hitler in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Anthony Wellington (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Attendent in Vengeance on Varos: Part One)
- Paul Wellington (cast as Visitor in Smith and Jones)
- Alan Wells (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Joe in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Bruce Wells (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in The Tenth Planet: Episode 4)
- Michaela Wells (cast as Child in Into the Dalek)
- Michaella Wells (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Roberta Wells (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Red Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- James Welsh (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mourner in The Next Doctor)
- Jorja Welsh (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Wedding Guest in The Runaway Bride)
- Joe Wenbourne (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Two)
- Mike Wendell (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Passer By in The Crimson Horror)
- Piers Wenger (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Eleventh Doctor)
- Christopher Wenner (cast as Trooper in The Awakening: Part One)
- Robert Wentworth (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Prof. Horner in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Christina Wess (cast as Elder in The Savages: Episode 1)
- Colin West (cast as Dead Body in The Dominators: Episode 1)
- David West (cast as Hansom Cab Driver in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Elian West (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Louise in Big Finish: God Among Us - Part 3: A Mother's Son)
- Gwynfryn West (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Lydia West (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Vivien in Big Finish: Donna Noble: Kidnapped!: Out of this World)
- Melissa West (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Neil West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Poacher in The Visitation: Part Two)
- Philip West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Russell West (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Raak in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Sam West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cyrian in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Samuel West (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Aristophanes in Big Finish: Mask of Tragedy)
- Sheila West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in Black Orchid: Part One)
- Simon West (cast as Village Worker in Human Nature)
- Stan West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Timothy West (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dr Magnus Soames in Big Finish: House of Blue Fire)
- Timothy West (cast as Resident in Army of Ghosts)
- John Westbrook (cast as The Megron in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Exploration Earth: 3: The Time Machine)
- Andrew Westfiel (cast as Pilot in Big Finish: Davros)
- Andrew Westfield (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Remnex in Big Finish: The Dark Flame)
- David Westhead (cast as Will Kempe in The Shakespeare Code)
- Jolyon Westhorpe (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Older School Boy in Human Nature)
- Conrad Westmaas (cast in 21 episodes, e.g. Tarpov/Rassilon in Big Finish: Omega)
- Conrad Westmass (cast as Raymond Hardyl in Big Finish: The Heart's Desire)
- Bill Weston (cast as Stunt Pirate in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- David Weston (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Nicholas in The Massacre: War of God)
- Graham Weston (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Russell in The War Games: Episode Five)
- Mandy Weston (cast as Kristal/Mistress Na/Velena in Big Finish: Antidote to Oblivion)
- Phillip Weston (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Chateau Guard in The Sea Devils: Episode Three)
- Sue Weston (cast as Hostage in The Stolen Earth)
- Jennie Westos (cast as Rebel (Pluto) in The Sun Makers: Part Four)
- Raymond Westwell (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Prison Governor in The Mind of Evil: Episode One)
- Karen Westwood (cast as Tabetha in The Big Bang)
- Virginia Wetherell (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Dyoni in The Daleks: The Ambush)
- Daniel Weyman (cast as Ragan Crezzen in Big Finish: The Butcher of Brisbane)
- Steve Whaites (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in New Earth)
- Barrie Wharmby (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Wedding Guest (Church) in Father's Day)
- Jonathan Wharton (cast as Refugee Child in Utopia)
- Mark Wharton (cast as Commander Brel in Big Finish: The Sandman)
- Richard Wharton (cast as Dr. Paul Bell in Torchwood: Rendition)
- Chelsea Whately (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Mark Whatley Mole (cast as Passer in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Pauline Whatley (cast as Party Guest in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Alan Wheatley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Temmosus in The Daleks: The Ambush)
- Frank Wheatley (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Firemaker)
- Cerys Wheel (cast as Child in Into the Dalek)
- Andy Wheeler (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Workman (Group A) in The Snowmen)
- Keith Wheeler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guards A in The End of Time: Part One)
- Lionel Wheeler (cast as Elder in The Savages: Episode 1)
- Mary Wheeler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Atlantean Refugee in The Underwater Menace: Episode 3)
- Oliver Wheeler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Rachael Wheeler (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Anethan sacrifices in The Horns of Nimon: Part One)
- Gemma Whelan (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Casta/The Sylph/Khlecht in Big Finish: Persuasion)
- Jim Whelan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part Two)
- Raj Sa Wheny (cast as Programmer/Staff in Bad Wolf)
- Freddie Whiles (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Shelterer in The Enemy of the World: Episode 4)
- Jo Whiley (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor)
- Frances Whilley (cast as Guard in The Massacre: Bell of Doom)
- Ella Whilton-Stroude (cast as Lucy Hayward in The God Complex)
- Mark Whinsup (cast as Cyberman in The Five Doctors)
- Andrew Whipp (cast as Calder in Big Finish: The Specials: The Mists of Time)
- Gemma Whirmore (cast as Programmer/Staff in Bad Wolf)
- Maxine Whitaker (cast as Stunts in Class: Brave-ish Heart)
- Peter Whitaker (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Inspector Gascoigne in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Martyn Whitby (cast as Drayman in The Mark of the Rani: Part One)
- Aidan White (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Waiter in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Alan White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Schultz in The Tenth Planet: Episode 1)
- Alan White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier (WWII) in The Empty Child)
- Betsy White (cast as Villager in The Android Invasion: Part One)
- Ed White (cast as George Martin in The Devil's Chord)
- Elizabeth White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tribe of Gum in An Unearthly Child: The Firemaker)
- Frances White (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Cassandra in The Myth Makers: Small Prophet, Quick Return)
- Freddie White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Harold White (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Ian White (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part One)
- Ivor White (cast as Peasant in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Joe White (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Jordan White (cast as Party Kids in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Josie White (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Zeta in Big Finish: Buried Memories: Pride of the Lampian)
- Kevin White (cast as Sam Rudge in The Mark of the Rani: Part One)
- Klaus White (cast as Geoff in Big Finish: The Juggernauts)
- Liz White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Alice in The Snowmen)
- Luke White (cast as EMT in Torchwood: Rendition)
- Matthew White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Mr Phillips in Human Nature)
- Melissa White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Passer By in The Snowmen)
- Nikki White (cast as Patient in New Earth)
- Patsy White (cast as (extra) in Planet of the Spiders: Part One)
- Sydney White (cast as Bubbleshock Girl in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane)
- Tenisha White (cast as Guests (Beautiful Lady) in Voyage of the Damned)
- Tony White (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Trevor White (cast as James Blake in Rosa)
- Bill Whitehead (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Villager in The Visitation: Part Two)
- Reg Whitehead (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Krail in The Tenth Planet: Episode 2)
- Keith Whitehouse (cast as Wedding Guest [Registry Office] in Father's Day)
- Robert Whitelock (cast in 34 episodes, e.g. Mahler in The Bells of Saint John)
- Dolore Whiteman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Aunt Vanessa in Logopolis: Part One)
- Geoff Whiterick (cast as UNIT Soldier in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part One)
- Geoff Whitestone (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Tigellan in Meglos: Part One)
- Geoffrey Whitestone (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Pangol Army in The Leisure Hive: Part Four)
- Gess Whitfield (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vervoid in The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids): Part Twelve)
- June Whitfield (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Minnie Hooper in The End of Time: Part One)
- Toby Whithouse (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Writer's Tale)
- Eddie Whiting (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mute (ArmagaddonFactor) in The Armageddon Factor: Part Three)
- Dave Whitlam (cast as American Tourist in The Bells of Saint John)
- Steve Whitley (cast as Stunts in The Star Beast)
- Andrew Whitlock (cast as Spike Room Journo in The Long Game)
- Robert Whitman (cast as Factory Worker in Spearhead From Space: Episode 3)
- Nigel Whitmey (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Simmons in Dalek)
- Gemma Whitmore (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Caroline Whitney Smith (cast as Paramedic in Torchwood: The Categories of Life)
- Paul Whitsun-Jones (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Squire in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Peter Whittacker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Jodie Whittaker (cast in 33 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
- Maxine Whittaker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in Torchwood: Day One)
- Nathan Whittaker (cast as Panicked Public in The Stolen Earth)
- Peter Whittaker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Greek Philosopher in Four To Doomsday: Part One)
- Stephen Whittaker (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Craftsman Weams in The Web of Fear: Episode 1)
- Eleanor Whittam (cast as Maestro in The Devil's Chord)
- Glen Whitter (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Egyptian Slave in The Daleks' Master Plan: Escape Switch)
- Peter Whitting (cast as Clawrantular in Stageshows: Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys To Doomsday)
- Christopher Whittingham (cast as Second Crew Member in Earthshock: Part Two)
- Jo Whittington (cast as Guest in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Carwyn Whomsley (cast as School Child in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Dwight Whylie (cast as Radio Announcer in The War Machines: Episode 4)
- Stephen Whyment (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Earthshock: Part One)
- William Whymper (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Shardow/Attendant in Big Finish: The Nightmare Fair)
- Sarah Whyte (cast as Teenage Girl in Torchwood: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)
- Kevin Wickenden (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Cyberman in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Mrs Wickett (cast as (extra) in Robot: Part One)
- Jeffrey Wickham (cast as Webster in The Reign Of Terror: Guests of Madame Guillotine)
- Jenny Wickham (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Rupert Wickham (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Captain Dudgeon in Big Finish: No Man's Land)
- Steven Wickham (cast in 37 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Caves of Androzani: Part Two)
- Victoria Wicks (cast as High Priestess in The Fires of Pompeii)
- Ann Widdecombe (cast as Self in The Sound of Drums)
- Geoff Widdowson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Master-sized Neighbour in The End of Time: Part One)
- Nigel Widner (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Four)
- Bill Wiesener (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Robot in The Mind Robber: Episode 1)
- Paul Wiggins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Crone in The Next Doctor)
- Ezekiel Wigglesworth (cast as Young Rory in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Stephen Wight (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Unsworth in Big Finish: The Flying Dutchman)
- Bruce Wightman (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Dr. Who in The Power of the Daleks: Episode Five)
- Michelle Wignall (cast as Wedding Guest in The Runaway Bride)
- Rohan Wijeratne (cast as Naomi Campbell Assistant in Time Heist)
- James Wilby (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Tenebris in Big Finish: The Acheron Pulse)
- Selena Wilcox (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- David Wild (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Worker (Mysterious PLanet) in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Matt Wild (cast as Forklift Driver in Voyage of the Damned)
- Maureen Wild (cast as Time Lord in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Nigel Wild (cast as Dalek Operators in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part Four)
- Bill Wilde (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Draconian Captain in Frontier In Space: Episode Four)
- David Wilde (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Technician (Armageddon Factor) in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Gabriella Wilde (cast as Vampire Girl in The Vampires of Venice)
- Michael De Wilde (cast as Security Guard in The Hand Of Fear: Part Two)
- William Wilde (cast as Prisoner Zero in The Eleventh Hour)
- Yasmin Wilde (cast as Senior Nurse in Torchwood: From Out of the Rain)
- Michael Wilder (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Trojan Soldier in The Myth Makers: Death of a Spy)
- Jillian Wildgoose (cast as Guest in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Richard Wilding (cast as Galley Slave in The Romans: All Roads Lead to Rome)
- Spencer Wilding (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. The Creature in The God Complex)
- Wallace Wilding (cast as Technician (Fury from the Deep) in Fury From the Deep: Episode 6)
- George Wildor (cast as Kennedy in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Michael Wildre (cast as Greek Soldier in The Myth Makers: Temple of Secrets)
- Tracy Wiles (cast in 56 episodes, e.g. Moira Brody in Big Finish: Masters of Earth)
- Mike Wiley (cast as Passer By in Utopia)
- Helen Wilkes (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Waitress in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Nicholas Wilkes (cast in 27 episodes, e.g. Crowd ADR in Last of the Time Lords)
- Martin Wilkie (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Zog in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part One)
- Jeremy Wilkin (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Kellman in Revenge of the Cybermen: Part One)
- Alistair Wilkins (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Kinda (Child) in Kinda: Part Three)
- Byrd Wilkins (cast as The Preacher in A Town Called Mercy)
- Garth Wilkins (cast as Collinson's Man in The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 1)
- Barney Wilkinson (cast as Policeman in The Church On Ruby Road)
- Barrie Wilkinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Leading Drone in The Happiness Patrol: Part Two)
- Chris Wilkinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Colonel in The Time of the Doctor)
- Ian Wilkinson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Commuters/Bystanders in Partners in Crime)
- Leslie Wilkinson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Citizen of Millennius in The Keys of Marinus: Sentence of Death)
- Matt Wilkinson (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Termiton Jusk in Big Finish: Tales From New Earth: Escape From New New York)
- Nick Wilkinson (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Shrivenzale in The Ribos Operation: Part One)
- Stella Wilkinson (cast as Aztec in The Aztecs: The Temple of Evil)
- Mansel Wilks (cast as Villager in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Jess Willard (cast as Masquer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Toyah Willcox (cast as Self in Factual: The Women of Doctor Who)
- Francis Willey (cast as Visian in The Daleks' Master Plan: Coronas of the Sun)
- Johnson Willi (cast as Damien Pierson in Big Finish: Dust Breeding)
- Jon William (cast as Soldier in Army of Ghosts)
- Alex Williams (cast as Craig Owens in Closing Time)
- Amelia Williams (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Andrew Williams (cast as Driving Double for Cabbie in Deep Breath)
- Angharad Williams (cast as Woman in Torchwood: Combat)
- Annabel Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Child Bridesmaid in The End of Time: Part Two)
- Bethan Williams (cast as Congregation in The Crimson Horror)
- Blanche Williams (cast as Barton's Mother in Spyfall: Part Two)
- Bob Williams (cast as (extra) in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Bryan Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Armed Police in The Sound of Drums)
- Cadence Williams (cast as Sandra in Space Babies)
- Carys Williams (cast as Child in The Stolen Earth)
- Charlotte Williams (cast as Albino Model Customer in Time Heist)
- Chris Rhys Williams (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Claire Williams (cast as Prostitute in The Unquiet Dead)
- Claire Williams (cast as Prostitute in The Unquiet Dead)
- Constance Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dr Cook's Driver in The Time Monster: Episode One)
- Dennis Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Patient in The Empty Child)
- Desmond Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Guard Bearer in The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp): Part Eight)
- Donna Williams (cast as Stunts in The Power of the Doctor)
- Donna Williams (cast as Stunts in Wild Blue Yonder)
- Dylan Williams (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Elaine Williams (cast as Customer in Cafe in City of Death: Part One)
- Emyr Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Base Technician in Dalek)
- Finty Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ada Lovelace in Big Finish: Fourth Doctor - The Syndicate Masterplan: Volume 1: The Sinestran Kill)
- Francis Williams (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Master's chauffeur in The Mind of Evil: Episode Four)
- Gary Williams (cast as Self in Music: Doctor Who: A Celebration)
- Gloria Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Slave Guardian in The Ark: The Return)
- Gordon Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Trooper in The Awakening: Part One)
- Hayley J Williams (cast as Sian in Torchwood: The Devil and Miss Carew)
- Ian Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. ADR in Army of Ghosts)
- Irela Williams (cast as Cryon in Attack of the Cybermen: Part Two)
- Jack Walker Williams (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Jan Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardian in The Ark: The Steel Sky)
- Jared Williams (cast as Sheriff Double in Robot Of Sherwood)
- Jeff Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Shopper in Closing Time)
- Jessie Williams (cast as Factory Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Jessika Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Anita in Silence in the Library)
- John Williams (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Jordan Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Child in The Caretaker)
- Judith Williams (cast as ADR in Tooth and Claw)
- Kay Williams (cast as Citizen in Full Circle: Part One)
- Kris Williams (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Futurekind in Utopia)
- Lana Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Leon Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Tony Reynolds in Big Finish: Fourth Doctor - The Syndicate Masterplan: Volume 1: The Sinestran Kill)
- Llewellyn Williams (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Trial of a Time Lord (The Mysterious Planet): Part One)
- Lloyd Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Man at Arms (Court of King John) in The King's Demons: Part Two)
- Luke Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Hywel in Big Finish: Aliens Among Us - Part 3: Poker Face)
- Maisie Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ashildr in The Girl Who Died)
- Marc Williams (cast as Lad in The Sound of Drums)
- Mark Williams (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Brian Williams in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Marvyn Williams (cast as Alan in The Christmas Invasion)
- Matthew Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Base Guard in Dalek)
- Maya Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Michael Williams (cast as Courier in Smith and Jones)
- Midtael Williams (cast as Panicked Public in The Stolen Earth)
- Mike Williams (cast as Pedestrian in The Runaway Bride)
- Natasha Williams (cast as Pharmacist #2 in Gridlock)
- Nathan Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Nick Williams (cast as Reporter in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Gift: Episode Two)
- Owain Williams (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Pamela Williams (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Phil Williams (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Philip Williams (cast as Soldier (Smugglers) in The Smugglers: Episode 1)
- Rachel Williams (cast as Visitor in New Earth)
- Ramsay Williams (cast as Congressman Brook in Frontier In Space: Episode Six)
- Rhodri Williams (cast as Rock Star Customer in Time Heist)
- Ricky Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Roy Williams (cast as Passenger/Passerby in Boom Town)
- Sam Williams (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Sarah Williams (cast as Guest in New Earth)
- Shelby Williams (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Refugee in Utopia)
- Sian Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in The Wedding of River Song)
- Simon Williams (cast in 46 episodes, e.g. Gilmore in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One)
- Sonnie Williams (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. TV Crew in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Steffan Williams (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Talfina Williams (cast as Child in The Caretaker)
- Tallafina Williams (cast as School Child in Kill The Moon)
- Tallifina Williams (cast as Child in Into the Dalek)
- Tam Williams (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Tom in Big Finish: Point of Entry)
- Tracy Williams (cast as Dinner Lady in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Tyrell Williams (cast as School Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Wendy Williams (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vira in The Ark In Space: Part Two)
- lack Walker Williams (cast as Child in The Next Doctor)
- Howard Williamson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Irongron's Soldier in The Time Warrior: Part Two)
- Martin Williamson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Guest in Voyage of the Damned)
- Ian Willians (cast as Base Guard in Dalek)
- Bob Williman (cast as Auton in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Beth Willis (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Call Me The Doctor)
- Jerome Willis (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Stevens in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Johnson Willis (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Major Philip Kirby in Big Finish: The Longest Night)
- Richard Willis (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Varsh in Full Circle: Part One)
- Sonnie Willis (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Tarn in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Sonny Willis (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Atlantean Guard in The Underwater Menace: Episode 2)
- Sonny Willix (cast as Villager in The Green Death: Episode One)
- Will Willoughby (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. The Doctor in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
- Anneke Wills (cast in 85 episodes, e.g. Polly in The War Machines: Episode 1)
- Ashley Wills (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Youth in Rise of the Cybermen)
- Jan Wills (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Slave/Prisoner in mine in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Waking Ally)
- Bill Willyman (cast as British Soldier in The War Games: Episode Seven)
- Bob Willyman (cast as Alien Student in The War Games: Episode Four)
- Barry Wilsher (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Heslington in The Faceless Ones: Episode 3)
- Chris Wilson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Police Chief Constable in Torchwood: Exit Wounds)
- Daniel Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Eddie in Big Finish: Project: Twilight)
- Freddie Wilson (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Quark in The Dominators: Episode 2)
- Glen Wilson (cast as Taxi Driver in The Runaway Bride)
- Hamish Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Jamie in The Mind Robber: Episode 2)
- Ian Wilson (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Night Terrors)
- Jerry Wilson (cast as Corporate in The Rebel Flesh)
- Jimmy Wilson (cast as Michael Peters in Big Finish: The Skymines of Karthos)
- Jodie Wilson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vocalist in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- John Wilson (cast as Jocondan Guard in The Twin Dilemma: Part Three)
- Laura Wilson (cast as Passer in The Wedding of River Song)
- Lauren Wilson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Lucy Cartwright in Human Nature)
- Marcus Wilson (cast in 11 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: The Fourth Doctor)
- Max Rodziewicz Wilson (cast as Journalists in The End of Time: Part One)
- Michael Wilson (cast as Limousine Driver in Father's Day)
- Mike Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in The Power of Kroll: Part One)
- Neil Wilson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sam Seeley in Spearhead From Space: Episode 3)
- Nicola Wilson (cast as Civillian UNIT Soldier in Death in Heaven)
- Nikki Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Is There Life on Mars?)
- Richard Wilson (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. School Child in An Unearthly Child: Pilot)
- Richard Wilson OBE (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Doctor Constantine in The Empty Child)
- Tracey Wilson (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Vocalist in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One)
- Victoria Wilson (cast as Audience in The Sound of Drums)
- Wendy Wilson (cast as Gond in The Krotons: Episode One)
- lan Wilson (cast as Shopper in Closing Time)
- Nick Wilton (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. PC Sharp/Karimov in Big Finish: Brave New Town)
- Penelope Wilton (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Harriet Jones in Aliens of London)
- Terence Wilton (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Mark in Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Part Three)
- Tom Wilton (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Zygon in The Zygon Inversion)
- Ian Wiltshire (cast as Male Diner in Let's Kill Hitler)
- Bob Wilyman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Customer at Tricolor in The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 1)
- Mary Wimbush (cast as Aunt Lavinia in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Katie Wimpenny (cast as Susan in Big Finish: The Kingmaker)
- Karren Winchester (cast as Fitch in Bad Wolf)
- Andrew Wincott (cast in 14 episodes, e.g. Radio Voice in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): The Paradise Of Death: Episode One)
- Bella Winder (cast as Cloud Worker in The Bells of Saint John)
- Nigel Winder (cast as Roundhead in The Time Monster: Episode Three)
- Victor Winding (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Spencer in The Faceless Ones: Episode 1)
- Andrew Window (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Journalists in The End of Time: Part One)
- Buddy Windrush (cast as Stunt Pirate in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Fred Windrush (cast as Stunt Pirate in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Barbara Windsor (cast as Peggy Mitchell in Army of Ghosts)
- Frank Windsor (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Ranulf in The King's Demons: Part One)
- Gabrielle Windsor (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Village Dancer in Human Nature)
- Joyce Windsor (cast as London extra in Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 6)
- Stacy Winehouse (cast as Miss Foster in Partners in Crime)
- Anna Wing (cast as Anatta in Kinda: Part One)
- Sophie Winkleman (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Kelly Westwood in Big Finish: The Eight Truths)
- Sue Winkler (cast as Tourist in Louve in City of Death: Part One)
- Chloe Winkley (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Civillian Child in The Day of The Doctor)
- Amanda Winn (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Citizen in Full Circle: Part One)
- Mare Winningham (cast as Ellis Hartley Monro in Torchwood: Escape to L.A.)
- Jimmy Winston (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Shura in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Lisa Winston (cast as Mother in Torchwood: From Out of the Rain)
- Professor Robert Winston (cast as Self in Factual: Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor)
- Brian Winstone (cast as Driver in The Idiot's Lantern)
- Lisa Winstone (cast as Guest in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Simon Winstone (cast as Self in Factual: Religion, Myths and Legends)
- Cathy Winter (cast as Tourist in Louve in City of Death: Part One)
- Edward Winter (cast as Submariner in Cold War)
- Lottie Winter (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Red Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Natalie Winter (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Una in Big Finish: Black Thursday)
- Sarah Winter (cast as Delia Derbyshire in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Scott Winter (cast as Guard in The End of Time: Part One)
- Tina Winter (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Snakedance: Part One)
- Jill Winternitz (cast as Lisa in The Zygon Invasion)
- Andre Winterton (cast as Zarak in Time-Flight: Part Three)
- Eileen Winterton (cast as Slave Worker in Day of the Daleks: Episode Three)
- Gail Wintle (cast as Passers-By in Flatline)
- Steve Wintle (cast as Brain Guest [Bar] in The Power Of Three)
- Tommy Winward (cast as Security Man in Time-Flight: Part One)
- Willow Wipp (cast as Visitor (Argolis) in The Leisure Hive: Part One)
- Joel Wirkkunen (cast as Ted in The TV Movie)
- Duncan Wisbey (cast in 44 episodes, e.g. Clerk/Sergeant/Pilot/New Tannoy in Big Finish: Valhalla)
- Duncan Wiseby (cast as Ryan Wareing in Big Finish: LIVE 34)
- Sara Wishart (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Lakertyan in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- Andrew Wisher (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Armstrong in Big Finish: The Nowhere Place)
- Andy Wisher (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Malcolm in Big Finish: Human Resources Part 1)
- Michael Wisher (cast in 39 episodes, e.g. Dalek Voice in Death to the Daleks: Part One)
- Richard Wisker (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. George Woods in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Lost in Time: Episode One)
- Nicholas Witchell (cast as Self in Voyage of the Damned)
- Geoffrey Witherick (cast in 25 episodes, e.g. Earth Guard in Frontier In Space: Episode Six)
- Jeffery Witterick (cast as Guard in The Massacre: Bell of Doom)
- Finn Wittrock (cast as Danny in Torchwood: Rendition)
- Nadia Witts (cast as Stacey Campbell in Partners in Crime)
- John Witty (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Computer Voice in The Seeds of Death: Episode One)
- Ying Wiu (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Servant at Way Inn in Marco Polo: The Wall of Lies)
- Katy Wix (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Rhiannon Davies in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One)
- Tom Wlaschiha (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Koenig in The Sarah Jane Adventures: Lost in Time: Episode One)
- Sir Terry Wogan (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Related Items: Children in Need: 1983 (The Five Doctors))
- Sanne Wohlenberg (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Christmas Special 2010)
- Christopher Wolf (cast as Trooper (Resurrection) in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part Two)
- Michael Wolf (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Nils in The Moonbase: Episode 1)
- Philip Wolf (cast as Hayman in Big Finish: The Nowhere Place)
- Frederick Wolfe (cast as Time Lord in The Five Doctors)
- Jason Wolfe (cast as Guard (Necros) in Revelation of the Daleks: Part Two)
- Paul Wolfe (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Hass in Big Finish: Summer of Love)
- Chris Wolff (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Sea Devil in Warriors of the Deep: Part One)
- Kathy Wolff (cast as Dancer in The Masque of Mandragora: Part Four)
- Philip Wolff (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Murone in Big Finish: Creatures of Beauty)
- But Wong (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in The Sontaran Stratagem)
- Callum Wong (cast as Chinese Child in Last of the Time Lords)
- Darrel Wong (cast as Chinese Child in Last of the Time Lords)
- Dave Wong (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Chinese Dad in Last of the Time Lords)
- Ebony Wong (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Karla in Big Finish: Time War: Celestial Intervention)
- Jun Wong (cast as Child in Closing Time)
- Kee Ming Wong (cast as Neighbour in The Stolen Earth)
- Lusan Wong (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Party Guest (Enlightenmant) in Enlightenment: Part Three)
- Michelle Wong (cast as Nurse in Torchwood: Dead of Night)
- Santos Wong (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Mongol Bandit in Marco Polo: Five Hundred Eyes)
- Vincent Wong (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Ho in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Five)
- Yat Wong (cast as Chinese Dancer in Four To Doomsday: Part One)
- Alastair Wood (cast as Milita in Last of the Time Lords)
- Alistair Wood (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- Clive Wood (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Commander in The Pandorica Opens)
- Dominic Wood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Warren in Big Finish: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 05: Primord)
- Dorothy Wood (cast as Theatre Audience in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four)
- Drew Wood (cast as Tane in Genesis of the Daleks: Part Two)
- Eugene Wood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Haydn Wood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. O'Hara in Planet of Evil: Part Two)
- Helen Atkinson Wood (cast as Ms Tevez in Big Finish: ID / Urgent Calls: I.D.)
- Henry Wood (cast as Arthur in A Good Man Goes to War)
- Hugh Wood (cast as UNIT Soldier in Spearhead From Space: Episode 1)
- Julie Ann Wood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Refreshment Bar Customer in Dragonfire: Part One)
- Liz Wood (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Blue Kang in Paradise Towers: Part One)
- Peter Wood (cast as Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Roger Wood (cast as Theatre Audience in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four)
- Terry John Wood (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Outler in Full Circle: Part One)
- Valerie Wood (cast as Statue in The Dominators: Episode 2)
- Andrew Woodall (cast as Rex Tucker in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): An Adventure In Space And Time)
- Trinny Woodall (cast as Trine-E in Bad Wolf)
- Jo Woodcock (cast in 10 episodes, e.g. Ziv in Big Finish: Starlight Robbery)
- Matthew Woodcock (cast as Robots in Big Finish: New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Volume One: The Revolution)
- Nicholas Woodeson (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. The Clocksmith in Big Finish: Doom Coalition: 3: Absent Friends)
- Terence Woodfield (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Celation in The Daleks' Master Plan: Volcano)
- Joan Woodgate (cast as Dog trainer in The Android Invasion: Part Two)
- Steven Woodhouse (cast as (extra) in Battlefield: Part One)
- Bob Wooding (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. (extra) in Battlefield: Part Three)
- Andrew Woodman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Three)
- John Woodnutt (cast in 15 episodes, e.g. Hibbert in Spearhead From Space: Episode 4)
- Roma Woodnutt (cast as Nola in The Underwater Menace: Episode 3)
- Adam Woodroffe (cast as Sergeant Frith in Big Finish: Project: Lazarus)
- Leonard Woodrow (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Freedom Fighter in The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks)
- Lee Woodruff (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stunts in Heaven Sent)
- Rod Woodruff (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Stuntman in Rose)
- Aubrey Woods (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Controller in Day of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Christopher Woods (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Deadly Assassin: Part One)
- Jane Woods (cast as Villager in The Dæmons: Episode Five)
- Julian Woods (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Slave in Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One)
- Lee Woods (cast as Yeti in The Five Doctors)
- Maddison Woods (cast as Maebh Double in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Reg Woods (cast in 17 episodes, e.g. Krarg in Shada: Part Six)
- Amy Woodsend (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Worker in Last of the Time Lords)
- Peter Woodthorpe (cast as Joey Oxford in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Whatever Happened To... Susan Foreman?)
- John Woodvine (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Marshal in The Armageddon Factor: Part One)
- Emily Woodward (cast in 9 episodes, e.g. Fem/Citizen Arana in Big Finish: Mistfall)
- James Woodward (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Tetrap/Lakertyan/Genii in Time and the Rani: Part Four)
- Ryan Woodward (cast as Marine in The Wedding of River Song)
- Sam Woodward (cast as Charlie / Lord Raffles / Captain Sanderson in Big Finish: Iron Bright)
- Sarah Woodward (cast in 7 episodes, e.g. Theodora in Big Finish: The Secret History)
- Smauel Woodward (cast as Boy playing in Survival: Part One)
- Christopher Woodwood (cast as Choir Voice in Human Nature)
- Adam Woodyatt (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Ian Beale in Doctor Who (Miscellaneous): Dimensions In Time: Part Two)
- Frank Wooles (cast as Shopper in The Christmas Invasion)
- Aimee Wooley (cast as Child in Into the Dalek)
- Carys Wooley (cast as Child in Into the Dalek)
- Ian Wooley (cast as Guest in New Earth)
- Frederick Woolf (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guest in Black Orchid: Part One)
- Gabriel Woolf (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Voice of the Beast in The Impossible Planet)
- Henry Woolf (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Collector in The Sun Makers: Part Two)
- Maya Woolfel (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Hotel Receptionist in Arc of Infinity: Part One)
- Fenella Woolgar (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Agatha Christie in The Unicorn and the Wasp)
- Jack Woolgar (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Staff Sgt. Arnold in The Web of Fear: Episode 1)
- Mark Woolgar (cast as Hyrca in Big Finish: Primeval)
- Annette Woollett (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Adelaide in Horror of Fang Rock: Part Two)
- David Woolliscroft (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Xeron in The Space Museum: The Search)
- Adipose Worker (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Thomas Workman (cast as Child in The Wedding of River Song)
- Jay Worley (cast as Child in Playground in Father's Day)
- Helen Worth (cast in 6 episodes, e.g. Mary Ashe in Colony In Space: Episode One)
- Chris Wortman (cast as Peasant in The Twin Dilemma: Part Three)
- Glenn Wrage (cast as Gardner in Day of the Moon)
- Christopher Wray (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. PC Groom in The Dæmons: Episode One)
- Gordon Wray (cast as (extra) in The Curse of Fenric: Part Four)
- John Wreford (cast as Robber in Aaru Movies: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.)
- Alan Wren (cast as Crowd in The Age of Steel)
- William Wright-Neblett (cast as Little Boy in In The Forest Of The Night)
- Angus Wright (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Mister Dread in The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault of Secrets: Episode One)
- Becky Wright (cast in 13 episodes, e.g. Lizzo in Big Finish: The Rani Elite)
- Brian Wright (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Dassuk in The Ark: The Return)
- David Grant Wright (cast as Male Newscaster in Torchwood: Escape to L.A.)
- Derek Wright (cast as Jorge in Big Finish: Loups-Garoux)
- Gwen Wright (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Shopper in Closing Time)
- Heather Wright (cast as Wembik in Big Finish: The Key 2 Time - Judgement of Isskar)
- JH Wright (cast as Motorcade in Day of the Daleks: Episode Four)
- Letitia Wright (cast as Anahson in Face The Raven)
- Lincoln Wright (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Taran Noble in The Androids of Tara: Part Two)
- Lucinda Wright (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Self in Factual: Bringing Back the Doctor)
- Mark Wright (cast in 8 episodes, e.g. Stephen Keyser in Big Finish: The Fearmonger)
- Michael Wright (cast as Crone in The Next Doctor)
- Sally Ann Wright (cast as Coven Member in K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Sarah Wright (cast as Lab Assistants in The Lazarus Experiment)
- Stephanie Wright (cast as Dancer in The Devil's Chord)
- Stephen Wright (cast as Adipose Worker in Partners in Crime)
- Stewart Wright (cast as Alan in The Lie Of The Land)
- Terry Wright (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Cheerleader in The Macra Terror: Episode 4)
- Tommy Wright (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Guardmaster in The Creature from the Pit: Part Two)
- Constance Wu (cast as Shawnie in Torchwood: End of the Road)
- John Wu (cast as Coolie in The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One)
- Paul Wu (cast as Chinese Gangster in The TV Movie)
- Sophie Wu (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Autumn Tace in Big Finish: The Star Men)
- Gary Wuler (cast as Pirate in The Smugglers: Episode 4)
- Claire Wyatt (cast in 16 episodes, e.g. Weiss in Big Finish: Exotron)
- W Wyatt (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Time Lord in The Invasion of Time: Part One)
- Matt Wycliffe (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Sandy Irvine in Big Finish: Most Wanted: Fast Times)
- Kimberley Wyld (cast as Audience in The Shakespeare Code)
- Gary Wyler (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier (Aincent Earth) in The Myth Makers: Temple of Secrets)
- Frank Wylie (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Ruther in Castrovalva: Part Two)
- Edward Wyman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Soldier (UNIT) in The Green Death: Episode Four)
- Mark Wyman (cast in 2 episodes, e.g. Museum Announcer in Big Finish: Dust Breeding)
- Andrew Wyn Davies (cast as Worker in The Long Game)
- Gareth Wyn Griffiths (cast as Manservant in The Girl in the Fireplace)
- Hazel Wyn Williams (cast as Faith Penn in Torchwood: From Out of the Rain)
- Nigel Wynder (cast as Exxilon in Death to the Daleks: Part One)
- Alex Wyndham (cast in 12 episodes, e.g. Thug in Big Finish: Dark Eyes: 4: A Life in the Day)
- Peter Wyngarde (cast in 4 episodes, e.g. Timanov in Planet of Fire: Part One)
- Meg Wynn-Owen (cast as Isabella in A Christmas Carol)
- Gilbert Wynne (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Thara in The Krotons: Episode One)
- Angela Wynter (cast in 5 episodes, e.g. Cherry Sunday in The Church On Ruby Road)
- John Wyse (cast in 3 episodes, e.g. Dr. Percival in The Time Monster: Episode One)